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  1. I recall a few years back people saying the British Embassy staff were not doing much to help people out with getting help Just recently the British Embassy staff are certainly earning their money With the number of Brits involved in Drugs fighting overstay going broke hospital bills ect Plus being jailed Will still have some people saying they are useless
  2. I am surprised the British public is putting up with this expenditure Especially the state of the economy Labour don't care about the man in the street Until people take to the streets to protest things will not change
  3. I was quoted 40000baht plus a month Plus any existing pre-conditions would be looked at cost wise Looking at the cost per year I was 74 years old at the time I decided to pay cash My first kidney stone operation was 165000 baht 3 day stay in a International hospital Plus follow up was 60000baht Still cheaper than having insurance cover
  4. The UK wanted Brexit so can't complain when the EU look only after themselves Makes Sir Keith Starmer look a clown trying to get the UK to lead the party of the willing in the fight for Ukraine v the Russians Looks like Macron is calling the shots here
  5. Don't go near areas where they throw water Personally I stay away Pattaya must be the worst area I hear quite a few expats go away for the week
  6. This looks like a profitable Business product money wise πŸ’° πŸ€‘ for criminals to come to Thailand and send to the UK No doubt will be reading about more arrests in the future
  7. The shop owners response is pathetic calls the police to take action Then says if they return or pay for the goods he wil not take action against them They should both be jailed and deported A message needs to be sent out Stealing does not pay
  8. The Thai police and authories seem more interested in fines money πŸ’° Than actual deterrents Tourists carrying out these acts should be jailed and deported End of
  9. Out every afternoon 1700hrs walk for a hour I don't do weight training Then look forward to a few cold Chang beers in the evening πŸ‘Œ
  10. Not surprised their workload has increased Reading the newspapers Brits usually involved in drugs driving accidents no insurance cover getting ripped off the list goes on .
  11. Looks like the UK is a failed state refugees immigrants all sorts of people claiming benefits including this woman here in Thailand Yet every year I get a annual proof of life statement I have to return to the UK saying I am alive
  12. Obviously this guy was greedy πŸ€‘ thinking of how much money he would make selling in the UK There will be more cases like him as Thailand is encouraging people to come And buy the Cannabis here when it's ready available and cheap
  13. This was a Prince Mohammed prestige project Which is now becoming a white elephant 🐘 due to costs But they will not want to lose face so more money will continue to fund this project 😱
  14. These quality Russian tourists Thailand welcomed with open arms πŸ’° πŸ€‘ Are certainly settling in well πŸ€”
  15. Well if they have sold their home in Hua Hin to fund their court costs Not looking good for their future stay in Thailand And there's me thinking Hua Hin was the place to retire πŸ€”
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