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Posts posted by Nilapat

  1. My boyfriend's (Thai) mother is deaf, and my sign language is rather pathetic. She manages to lipread a significant amount of what I say, but not all. Her friend on the other hand is an excellent lipreader, and can also speak, despite the fact that she was born deaf. Sometimes her tones are a little off, but she is understood by all.

    Thai sign language, by the way, is based on American sign language.

  2. Where in Thailand do you live?

    Treatment for yaba addiction is usually detox on an out-patient basis, with the prescription of sedatives. There are various state hospitals and private clinics that offer this service. It is often called the Matrix program.

    Something to think about: state hospitals and clinics are required to inform the police of anyone coming for drug treatment. If your friend starts she must be determined, because if she continues using she could have problems with the police. Private clinics are not obliged to pass on any information.

  3. This is the card for labourers from Burmma, Laos and Cambodia. Everyone's card is up at the end of June. Renewing it is quite simple, but usually involves a whole day. First of all you must find out where the Labour Dept, have set up an office to deal with applications. In Chiang Mai, for example, this year it is at the 700 year stadium. You, as the employer, have to apply for a quota to hire migrant labour. For this you need your ID card, house registration and a map of where your house is. You also need to inform tham that your prospective employee is leaving their last employer. This is done at the same place, but I'm afraid I don't know what's involved.

    Then you must make an application for renewal of the pink card. For this you need photocopies of your quota, ID card, house registraion, map of your house, the pink card, a document that accompanies the pink card and an application form. Your future nanny must pay 1,900 THB. Once this is processed (all of the above should take only one long, hot day) your employee must go to an appointed hospital (in Chiang Mai, Nakorn Ping) within the next two months to have a health check for her health insurance, which costs another 1,900 THB and then take the certificate to the labour debt.

    I hope this helps. You need to hurry, as the application must be completed by 30 June.

  4. Yes, in the past it was unclear what Thaksin's conditions were.

    Today, after TRT saw the results coming from the constituency poll, they said that it all depended on whether TRT got over 50% in the party list ballot.

    Typical. It's hard to keep track of those goalposts when they're moving all the time!

  5. I find it really sad that I have to follow the unfolding election results on a farang website! All I can find is the figures in 'panels' at the bottom of the screen - no analysis etc. Even ASTV isn't constantly updating its viewers. (I gave up on ch. 3, 5, 7, 9 & 11 a long time ago!)

    Thanks to you guys for keeping me informed!

  6. Most of the Thais I know are very scared of the tookay - both men and women. They have also told me that when the tookay bites it doesn't let go.

    An old friend had a specially-crafted stick with a blade on the end with which he would kill the things. They would then be eaten. Apparently tookay tastes very good. :o

  7. As far as I know constituency MPs can become ministers but usually don't. They are generally taken from the party list. Those headed for cabinet positions are placed nice and high on the party list so as to ensure their seat. Also, once MPs become cabinet members they are no longer MPs and those further down on the party list will take their seats.

    Does what I write make any sense?

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