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Posts posted by Nilapat

  1. britmaveric, Thailand does have a vote of no confidence, but the opposition didn't have enough seats to call one. To call a vote of no confidence in the PM, the opposition has to have 200 seats, to call one in a minister it's 125, which they just about had.

    Taksin onced promised to allow TRT MPs to sign a vote of no confidence against him if the opposition was short, but when push came to shove he went back on his word. Something of a habit of his... :o

  2. I believe it's only in the next election - not for the rest of your life. I don't know how strictly they enforce this though. My friend's mother has never voted in her life, but still they register her to vote every time!

    Although there is currently a Thai Rak Thai candidate who has been disqualified because the EC say he didn't vote in the general election last year.

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