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Posts posted by chonabot

  1. Hey there football forum fans ????


    Not sure why my long standing thread was terminated but in the name of continuity, I've opened an unofficial one for true Spurs fans...


    Predictions for tonight, why 5-0 of course!










    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  2. Writing jobs are everywhere, only people who do not want to work don't do it...

    Where are all these writing jobs please? I'd be grateful if you could post a few addresses. Thanks for your assistance.



    Or use your noggin and Google = article + writers + wanted

    Alternatively send me a pm and I can send some copy writing work your way smile.png

    Assuming that your written English and creative skills are at least par for the course.

  3. sounds like looking for handouts and a sucker to give money

    at 30 prime of life should be working not on drugs here

    Thanks a lot for your amazing advice.

    If I may, I would like to give you some advice as well:

    - You may want to thoroughly read a thread before commenting on it. I'm not on drugs and I'm not 30.

    - I hope nothing will ever happen to you, be it an accident, an illness, the death of a loved one or any other thing life sometimes likes to throw at people. Because then you would know how bad it makes you feel when you are down and people use it to throw one final little jab at you. Yes, like you just did here.

    I like to let you know, you are not the only one in same situation.

    I lost my entire family 2 years ago and am alone just like yourself, strangely enough i am 39.

    I know exactly where you coming from and what you mean.

    But you have to keep in mind, life MUST go on and you MUST take care yourself, because there is no one else out there who would.

    When my mother died, i did not have access to immediate money, and in my home country funeral was going to cost over $15 000

    None of my friends or my mothers friends were willing to help, being well aware they would be repaid in less than 3 months, after sale of the property.

    My millionaire friends all over sudden had no money.

    The reason why i am telling you all these is because you MUST get yourself together and get on with your life.

    I am not taking a jab at you, but hoping to motivate you from experience,

    I will add, after i lost entire family, i hit the bottle on regular basis and even now, 2 years later have days, sometimes weeks when i hit it again, because when i think about what has happened and disappointment over friends and everything else related, drinking becomes the only solution for the day.

    Do not do what i did and still doing. Does not help with reality.

    I found my peace with rescuing animals, i now have quite a few, do NOT do that either, its expansive and really hard work, but if you can have 1, do it.

    Read my previous post about work sites, and get on it ASAP, and as many have suggested, get a teaching job in the middle of nowhere, i doubt they would be checking for anything.

    Once you save up some money, do a visa run, and pay off your landlord in installments. I know it sounds BIG, but baby steps and i am certain you would be back on your feet in less than a year with teaching and internet work

    If you want to talk or more detail, just PM me.

    Great advice from someone who has been there :)

    On another point, ODesk is now Upwork


    I use this site for graphic designers and also get paid writing work now and then - if you can write and have access to a computer/internet cafe - do it!

  4. I never saw a single one all of last year. This year, I've seen a few in a month or two.

    I've also noticed dead geckos out on the street, with tail front legs and thorax eaten away but the rear legs, spine, and head still in place.

    I assume it's the scorpions.

    Any input?

    Scorpions are too slow and cannot climb well enough to prey on geckos, I've kept and bred both.

    More than likely a dead gecko that has been eaten by ants.

  5. After spending over 5 years working in African deserts, the only good insect is a dead one.

    Black scorpions not venomous. Yellow ones venomous.

    Snakes, scorpions get either a machette or a hammer.

    All scorpions are venomous smile.png

    I have bred Laos and Thai forest scorpions in the UK, the venom is not particularly strong but it will sting for 4 or 5 hours - I have experienced this smile.png

    The rules are - small claws - more potent, large claw - less so because they have evolved to have larger claws to make up for the weaker venom.

    We often get these in our garden in Kalasin and they are fine going about their own business, compared to the Red Ants who are complete nut jobs!

    The only invertebrate with venom strong enough to ruin your day in Thailand is the Scolopendra / De Kaap...

  6. All those that live in Isaan, you should feel proud that you picked a beautiful place. The people there are gold.

    Just because you seem to have been lumbered with a couple of winners in your current role doesn't mean that the 20 odd million other locals are equally <deleted> like ;)

    I taught in a government school in Kalasin and most of the staff were pretty cool, must have got lucky ;)

  7. My last English camp was fairly successful, the most popular activity was called 1 baht and half baht.

    More of a maths style game but very enjoyable.

    All of the boys are half baht and the girls are 1 baht.

    Ask them to walk around the room in a circle and then call out a random number - 7 baht for example.

    They then need to make a group that equates to that total.

    The kids who are left out of the groups are out, and so on, it sounds crap, but really works as an ice breaker smile.png

  8. It will be as easy as pie IF you can speak Thai.If you don't how the bloody hell are you going to explain anything to the students if they can't understand you ????

    By showing them...

    Encourage them to undertake an action that will allow them to remember the word/phrase.

    It's called teaching, old boy smile.png

    Translating will not help the students, this is why Thai English 'teachers' fall at the first hurdle, as they don't understand the words themselves most of the time.

    • Like 2
  9. I see your point :)

    I suppose it is impossible to avoid becoming tarred with the same brush as the plethora of unqualified 'teachers' currently in action in Thailand.

    For myself, I taught for a year at a Government High School with only a BA and a 4 week TEFL course under my belt.

    During this time I was annoyed by the general lack of respect afforded to myself and similar 'teachers', both in and out of the school.

    By posting sloppily here, I imagine it is simply 'pearls to swine', and as such will result in yet more evidence that we are incompetent numbskulls :)

    May I ask if you teach here, or overseas?

  10. But seriously, I suppose it would depend on whether the badly written post was the result of sloppy mistakes, or fundamental errors.

    You could also argue that this is a forum, and not a lesson plan/demonstration.

    And would removing all of the sloppy English 'teachers' from the Thai schools actually improve their students' chances of learning the language?

    If they were replaced by BEd wielding educators with excellent classroomskills, of course this would be a great idea.

    But I would suggest that the OP check out the Thai English teachers first and compare those particular skillsets.

  11. Jones...

    Whilst I agree that it is down to the individual to deal with his own lack of hair, and no one else's business, I find it interesting that you seem to be comparing baldness to unpopularity, being skint, and..heaven's forbid...a club foot!

    I'm pleased that your hair transplant has given you richness and popularity smile.png

    I lost my hair and have an oddly shaped head, but I have money and enough friends and even a wife, however, the club foot...I am working on that one smile.png

    obviously you have a slight problem with reading - because with regards to being bald, unpoular and skint - i was quoting a previous poster.

    not to worry as we all do it smile.png

    sorry about your head and best of luck with the foot smile.png

    PS having a mane of luscious hair isnt all it is cracked up to be as i now have no friends due to hair envy and my wife left me for using all of her hair products

    I can read pretty well, in fact I'm a writer and also offer proofreading as one of my services, hair not required for either skill set smile.png

    No worries, the head is not an issue smile.png

    As you have so much pride in your (new) hair, care to grace us with a little snap of this amazing mane? I may well start saving for one of my very own :)

  12. Jones...

    Whilst I agree that it is down to the individual to deal with his own lack of hair, and no one else's business, I find it interesting that you seem to be comparing baldness to unpopularity, being skint, and..heaven's forbid...a club foot!

    I'm pleased that your hair transplant has given you richness and popularity smile.png

    I lost my hair and have an oddly shaped head, but I have money and enough friends and even a wife, however, the club foot...I am working on that one smile.png

  13. Honors don't matter - we are discussing teaching TEFL in Thailand. Get a degtee fron a solid university and you ate gold.

    Better a well known school than honors, better a solid major than honors.

    Dodgy school, dubious major...

    Agreed, and the Open University is a solid one :)

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