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Posts posted by chonabot


    Sorry, but they dont kill anyone.

    Neither do snakes..but malaria and venom do smile.png

    The dumbest thing that I've read so far is the chap who says all baby snakes must die.

    How did that one beat the other slow swimmers.......*sigh*

    • Like 2
  2. I pick up my car or bike keys and embark upon the road I know what awaits me.

    Before leaving home I use and in the side pocket of that car is a anti-mosquito DEET spray.

    We teach kids and pets that roads are dangerous things.

    Also snakes, scorpions and centipedes are dangerous.

    Kids don't always look before putting a hand or foot where a snake happens to be, neither is the eye sight of many old folk perfect.

    A snake accidentally cornered or stepped on will care NOTHING about how much good karma you have built up by doing good deeds for snake kind, if it can it will bite you.

    You might enjoy the thrill of living next to a open snake farm or rabid dogs with guns but sane people endeavor to reduce risk in their immediate enviroment. If the snake you let go bites and causes the death of a child you will sleep well at night knowing that you karma was not affected?

    Take some responsibility for the people around you and remove threats when found - or find a real man to help you !

    Hmmm so a real man will kill any snake, and someone who relocates it is not a real man?I'm confused here..help me out :)

    • Like 1
  3. they both claim that the UK is the most bigoted and racist country they could imagine and are now far happier living back in Thailand.

    NONSENSE, thailand is more racist

    You have to be a foriegner in a country to see the racist aspect which is probably why you think Thailand is more so. From experience of having toured the UK on holiday a couple of times with my wife, I can easily agree with what my friends told me in this respect, it's for that reason mainly that we decided not to execute the Settlement Visa we obtained for my wife a few years ago.

    I'm not so sure but at least a Thai spouse can own her own house and become a UK citizen without any major issues.

    Plus if she encounters any form of racism in the UK, the police will arrest the person who made the comments.

    I know this because it has happened to my wife about 6 years ago.

    If you encounter racism in Thailand and went to the police, what do you think they would/could do?

    My son (half Thai half Caucasian) attended school in both Thailand and UK.

    He encountered racism in both places.

    In the UK he was called a paki (I know...lol) and complained to the head teacher.

    The kid was warned, but he continued and was removed from the school and the police visited his parents to explain the whole thing.

    They had to move because it was the only school in the area,

    In Thailand he was called bok see dar, falang suber, and many more names by one nasty little kid.

    I taught at the same school and we spoke to the director who just smiled and said 'But your son is a foreigner and that is what he should expect'

    In your opinion, which place is more racist and which place is dealing with this issue correctly?

    This is based on living in both places, not a few holidays smile.png

    Since we've moved back to Scotland, my son has not been called any racist names, in and out of school.

    • Like 1
  4. Both of them tried their best to keep their wives away from the small group of Thais in the town, but to no avail.

    You can't restrict their movements unless you aim to chain her to the sink or bedroom.

    Plenty of villages and hamlets 50Km from the nearest town.

    No other Thais, no other foreigners.

    Choose where you live wisely.

    Reading your misery-soaked posts on pretty much any subject leads me to believe that whatever you lost financially pales into insignificance against the morose, cynical attitude you bring to any discussion on relationships.

    Compared to your lonely posts you mean.

    I consider my attitude towards sexual relationships as practical rather than cynical.

    Better than your being too scared to have any relationship at all, apart from the occasional ride on the local bike.

    Whilst I appreciate your intentions, the very fact of suggesting that you need to shun any larger towns in order to keep your wife faithful really hits home.

    No matter where you choose to live, if the lady is going to go looking for something different to what you can offer, this method will merely delay the whole issue. And with the recent introduction of social media and dating sites, they can easily do that from any part of the UK without leaving the house.

    When we moved to a smallish town in Oxfordshire in 1997, there were a bunch of Thai ladies already established there.

    It didn't take long for my wife to meet them all.

    Funnily enough, I also met their respective husbands and they all had a kind of desperate look and never seemed to be happy.

    I wouldn't have dreamed of telling her not to mix with these people because I trusted her to be enough of a grown up to make up her own mind.

    She did make her choice and I was happy.

    If your wife is not the right one for you, she'll make the decision to stray, and nothing that you do can stop her.

    It's a little like your wife telling you to avoid Farangs in Thailand.

    I've lived in big cities and tiny villages and have seen some pretty crappy examples in both places.

    If my wife felt the need to explain that I shouldn't mix with this detritus, I would be very disappointed in her lack of trust and apparent misjudgement of my own character.

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  5. OP sounds pretty balanced, thoughtful and he's been married to his wife for a fair old while. It could be worth taking the risk.

    Respondents who've suggested imposing restrictions on whom she interacts with back in the UK are the type of men who are deeply insecure about a woman's reasons for being with them. The love these suckas feel for their women resembles that which one might feel for a prized possession they've had to shell out to acquire and maintain - like a car.

    For men like these, bringing the wife back to the West is a very idea because within weeks, she'll likely realise that the small pool of farang men she may have been exposed to in Thailand is in no way representative of the majority of men in the UK, US etc.

    Sadly, HS has hit the nail on the head with this synopsis.

    As per my previous post, you can shield your wife from the more nefarious Thai ladies and try to keep her in most nights with a cup of cocoa etc.

    But the bottom line is that the most important aspect of the whole shebang is your relationship strength.

    And this cannot be strengthened if you don't really have a proper one in the first place,

    Providing Thai food and access to Thai media, family etc will all be appreciated, but if she is not the one for you, they'll simply be window dressing

    I know 4 friends who have taking their wives back and 2 of them are still happy over 10 years later, the other 2 were divorced after a few years. During those 2 years, the poor buggers were living a life of misery as their girls were out and about with all sorts.

    Both of them tried their best to keep their wives away from the small group of Thais in the town, but to no avail.

    You can't restrict their movements unless you aim to chain her to the sink or bedroom.

    But if you are sure that you have a great soulmate who truly loves you, it will all be fine.

    When we moved over here in 1997, I was fairly sure I had 'the one' but moving back here was the acid test.

    Thankfully, almost 17 years later and one lovely 15 year old son, we're happier than ever.

    My brother and sister have been through 5 marriages between them in this time.

    Good luck.

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  6. I've been happily married to a lovely lady for 17 years now.

    We settled here in the UK and a few years ago we moved to India and then back to Thailand.

    Sadly we had to move back to UK earlier this year to care for my parents.

    And no problems between us in the whole of these 17 wonderful years.

    I have read the posts here and feel bad for the guys who lost their wives after moving back here, considering that some of them have put a lot of effort and research into making the transition.

    I have no real advice to offer except that - if she is the right one for you, things will be fine.

    Of course there will be teething problems and some adjustment will be required - that's common sense.

    You can control her friends, ensure all of the Isaan food is available and even crank up the sun so the UK is nice and warm.

    But the bottom line is that if she's not right for you, she will walk...

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  7. How things change eh boys......just a couple of weeks ago you was saying take a look at the table biggrin.png Moyse is crap and United are in decline blah blah blah ....

    The truth is you are crap and AVB will be lucky to last the season laugh.png

    Hang on, is it May already...?...Oh no it's November and we've got another dreamer on our/my thread.....jog on lad wink.png

  8. Tottenham are proving they are not very good. their present position is down to dubious penalties, and the manger ain't got a clue.

    Bring back ardiles. At least he sent out teams worth watching.

    Concntrate on the UEFA league, coz u will not get near UCL

    AVB woz kicked out from Chelsea for good reason. Maybe now you are beginning to understand why.

    Yes, Chelsea are doing so much better...oh hang on what was that about dubious penalties....................?

    Let's get to Xmas and see where we all are......

    ps That's what grown up supporters base their predictions on..

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  9. I've actually complete a 1 year online TEFL course.

    I did this about 4 years ago in the UK with a company called BSY.

    It did teach/remind me a lot about grammar and various teaching methodolgies were covered :

    • The Silent Way
    • The Communicative Way
    • Grammar Translation
    • Total Physical Response.

    Whilst these were useful and I still refer to the notes, none of them really prepared me for that 60 plus classroom full of kids and two fans that look like they'll soon drop and decapitate a few poor souls.

    Mind you, I also finished an Open University Degree in English Language a few years earlier, also not much help in the classroom.

    The best thing that I did prior to taking up a teaching position in Kalasin was to find a foreign English teacher in the area who allowed me to sit in for a few weeks of lessons. Invaluable, insightful and absolutely brilliant.

    I would recommend the same to any novice teachers in the same position.

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  10. You may be teaching music BUT you Will be teaching English. Remember you need to tell them how to do it and what to read.

    ONLINE is useless it would be the same as learning to play an instrument and never having to use a real one.

    TEFL is 1 month and a good school will be able to also set you up with good locations to teach at that will treat you better. There are good schools and then there are really good schools.

    You might research the schools and see if there are any looking for new teachers. There will not be a need for teachers though until May next year as all schools will have their teachers already.

    This would be true in a perfect world, but I can assure the OP that many schools will not have a complete 'set' of foreign teachers already.

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  11. When myself and family left LOS this April we had about 100k worth of furnishings ( cost 100k a year earlier )

    40 inch Tv, Sound surround, beds, 2 sofas, kitchen and laundry stuff, PC, and a few other bits and bobs.

    All mid range makes ( Samsung/Sony etc)

    We asked around and we got 35k for the lot from a middle aged fruit seller.

    She arrived on the day of our departure in a brand new 4x4 :)

    Not a great deal but more than I thought we'd get.

    It definitely helps if you have a wife/partner who knows the locals

    The 35k paid for our first meal back in UK.....

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  12. Not that I'm suggesting that the 'will he stay on/will he go off' drama with Lloris was by any means a tactical diversion, but it certainly took the sting out of the Everton onslaught. Hence the booing and general pissiness from the Everton fans for the rest of the match.

    And he made some sweet saves thereafter with a nice chunk of possesion from our lot to boot.

    I just wish Soldado was a little more awake yesterday...

    ps I'll probably regret posting this biggrin.png

  13. When you see how many chances we've created this season in the league, 133 i think. it tells me theres little wrong with the tactics. Its just poor finishing and our striker getting isolated and ineffective. It'll happen but as i have said from the off, judge us after christmas. Well thats those of you that have a clue and not the clowns that think we should have been a settled unit by the end of october. Absolute muppets. Were doing well, so far so very good.

    I'm with you, but I also think that finding out who the best finishers are and switching the formation to negate isolated striking scenarios comes under the tactical umbrella.

    And you're also correct to say that this will come with time and not over 10 games.

    I firmly believe that the 2014-15 season is going to be very interesting indeed, and this one could well surprise a lot of people.

  14. Smokie, are you still excited by Soldado? I hear his youtube clips are fantastic......hehehe.

    Dodgy decision by AVB to let Lloris continue.

    Be fair, he needs the ball before he can have a pop at goal, how many games did Torres have before he started to come good? wink.png

    So is it time to question AVB's tactics??

    Torres was broken before we got him............

    Yes, at least the tactics for the creative/attacking part of the game should be questioned, otherwise we'd have 30 points smile.png

    To be honest I prefer this style to the one of years gone by ( Scoring a bunch but conceding heavily, especially in the last quarter of the game)

    And an away draw to Everton is not to be sniffed at...

  15. Smokie, are you still excited by Soldado? I hear his youtube clips are fantastic......hehehe.

    Dodgy decision by AVB to let Lloris continue.

    Be fair, he needs the ball before he can have a pop at goal, how many games did Torres have before he started to come good? ;)

  16. Top 4 once more...

    Some achievement that chon at this stage of the season,i have a feeling with the invisible man up front you wil not be in the top 4 when father xmas calls wink.png

    AVB seemed lost for ideas tactically didn't he?

    We certainly need something extra in the last third, but those clean sheets are something I suppose :)

  17. Thanks for your good post Big Guns.

    Do the international school students do the iGCSE's at the end of Year 12, as their final exams?

    However to get into a European/UK/US/Australian University students need A Levels or the International Baccalaureate.

    Are people able to study and sit the exams for either of these here?

    Good question, I asked a similar question last year as my son was in school in Thailand and we looked into this.

    This link has a few possibilities - hope it helps :)


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