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Posts posted by chonabot

  1. Thanks guys

    I started my degree 7 years ago at a normal university in pursuit of a different career.

    I have experience of teaching in Asia having worked for a couple semesters in the past, and realised I could carry my credits across from my degree to the Open University.

    I assume the degree will just say BA degree once completed

    Hey smile.png

    I have a BA (Open) Degree from the OU and it is fine for getting a work permit.

    Took me 5 years and now I'm doing a Masters in Education, 3 year course.

    A few jokers in the school that I worked at were more concerned about the name of the Uni.

    They tried to cast aspersions on the validity of the OU, I was glad to point out that it was in the top 500 in the world, whereas no Thai University was to be seen at the time.

    You can add the honours at a later date also smile.png

    I really can't imagine that even "at that time" no Thai university was included in the list of the best universities in the world. Nowadays 2 Thai universities are included in the list of the 100 best universities in the world!!!

    This was 2012 and I can assure you that there were none, in fact you can check if you like smile.png

    There are even a few threads on TV that discuss this issue.

    Ask yourself, why would I come out with such a statement if it wasn't true?

    The highest Thai University in the latest list is at 300...where do you get this top 100 twaddle from?


    This is one of the reasons why, after 11 years, I don't post here any more.

    I've answered the OP's question from my personal experience, and I'm being called out on an irrelevant part of my posting.

    • Like 1
  2. Thanks guys

    I started my degree 7 years ago at a normal university in pursuit of a different career.

    I have experience of teaching in Asia having worked for a couple semesters in the past, and realised I could carry my credits across from my degree to the Open University.

    I assume the degree will just say BA degree once completed

    Hey smile.png

    I have a BA (Open) Degree from the OU and it is fine for getting a work permit.

    Took me 5 years and now I'm doing a Masters in Education, 3 year course.

    A few jokers in the school that I worked at were more concerned about the name of the Uni.

    They tried to cast aspersions on the validity of the OU, I was glad to point out that it was in the top 500 in the world, whereas no Thai University was to be seen at the time.

    You can add the honours at a later date also :)

  3. Seems like you have it all worked out - Well done smile.png

    LOL. Now the suitable job. I had found some jobs in my region, but the salary wasn't enough to pay for a daily travel and to close to home for setting up a decent place to stay. Infact it all make no sense to me, the Thai government is desperate to find farang teachers (about 50.000 short), but there's no money to fund it all. The schools located in the rural areas are the ones who are really in need, but receive less or nothing to hire good teachers. In 2 years ASEAN will be lauched......


    Do you teach?

    Yes, or rather I did teach for one year smile.png

    I had a great experience in an Isaan government school, and I will probably return to the same place in 3 or 4 years time when my son has finished his schooling over here in the UK.

    Where are you presently?

  4. Can we have an eviction order on this one mrboj?

    Christ! That would open the flood gates. Give it a month and MrB will be the only poster!

    Reminds me of when I was once admin/mod and after one drunken night I had banned pretty much every Arsenal fan on TV, I miss those days :)

    • Like 1
  5. at OP (brother, yo-bro, nigga! ;-))

    racism everywhere, here and there, enjoy your stay!

    Oh look; another big-mouthed white guy.

    Be a real cracker and go say that shit to a black man's face instead of indulging your racist impulses from behind a computer screen.

    Oh, I'm sorry, what's that??

    You've soiled yourself at the prospect of having a blade rammed into the roof of your mouth ??!! ohmy.png.pagespeed.ce.shABmucp9T.png

    HS, I generally love your posts and rapier-like wit, but this one.. was a little like playing into the arse breathed racist's hands.

    No doubt the <deleted> who spouts such <deleted> deserves a beating, and a good one at that, but to suggest a new <deleted> be carved out of their palate could be a tad harsh...


    ............................actually I get it smile.png

  6. Yea I will be off to Lewis and Harris for my annual vacation all in pound sterling, rubbish food and weather, no bikinis or I will pay a third of that in tropical paradise in SE Asia with beaut food and all the trimmings.

    Hebrideans everywhere breathe a sigh of relief...

    But seriously, as someone who has been to both places and has lived in Thailand for a considerable time, I'm thinking that if you spend a third of 'that' to visit Thailand, you must stay in some 'lovely' lodgings...bless Ya smile.png

    • Like 2
  7. I started article writing whilst teaching last year, the money varies but there is a steady flow of work.

    It's also possible to start your own little business where you can sub-contract the work to other writers and make money from an almost passive activity.

    pm me if you'd like details.

  8. Comparing the actions of the British Empire back in the day and any kind of national behaviour these days is an utterley flawed finger pointing exercise.

    Why not bring the Romans and Greeks into the mix, you may as well?

    Accountability is the only reason why modern day nationalistic behaviour has changed in the last 100 or so years.

    That, and the world wide web.

  9. Considering that we are still one of your most important allies, that is some amusing diatribe that you are spewing, sir... smile.png


    I agree that there are some intellectually challenged Brits that have an imaginary problem with the USA.

    And a few are on this thread, but falling to their subterranean level is playing into their somewhat pondlife-esque hands. ( 'knowable' lmfao take note)

    Well, from your link:

    "GB is Americas puppy ... thats why you guys are ranked place 1."

    That's strange as my link shows us at number 2, nevermind Neversure :)

    I came with an olive branch and left with a doggy bag :)

  10. I don't. It's not important enough to take notice of.

    It's important enough for our troops to fight alongside you in Iraq and Afghanistan. No wonder the world isn't too keen on Americans cheesy.gif

    Oh, but so many Brits blame the US for Iraq and Afghanistan and other places where the Brits were in it up to their eyeballs. So many Brits bash the US for these foreign wars.

    With all of the US bashing that appears on this forum and usually off topic, and most of it by Brits who have a long, long history of nasty foreign endeavors, who cares about a tiny little spot who's language has been rendered obsolete by American world trade and American web sites, and which is so tiny that no one can find it on a map?

    Considering that we are still one of your most important allies, that is some amusing diatribe that you are spewing, sir... smile.png


    I agree that there are some intellectually challenged Brits that have an imaginary problem with the USA.

    And a few are on this thread, but falling to their subterranean level is playing into their somewhat pondlife-esque hands. ( 'knowable' lmfao take note)

  11. GCSE's are still going, check out the link regarding City and Guilds NVQ's, they go up to level 8.

    I did a course a few years back and got Level4 for C++.


    I'm not having a go but be realstic regardin your qulaifications and you'll have a better chance of gettin a teaching position.

    I recently taight for a year in a government school and it was great.

  12. NVQ level one is about the same as 3 or 4 GCSE's grade D or E.

    A diploma equivalent would need to be level 4 or 5, depending on the overning body.

    Please let me know how you go as I still beleive that NES with life experience such as yourself can still

    offer more than most Thai English teachers :)

    And you could also teach them how to tart up the classrooms nicely!

  13. I find this to be a strange comment, I am embarking on the teaching profession, I have not started yet, but I am having a look around at what everyone is talking about.

    The reason I find this strange is because, if for example a chinese person came to teach me chinese and only spoke chinese with no translation, I think the chances of picking the language up would be about 0%.

    Gosh........I wonder how on earth very young children learn their mother tomgue.

    Thai babies are born with a full vocabulary...

  14. I mean, you claim to be an English teacher but lack a basic knowledge of English grammar, spelling, syntax and the proper use of punctuation. As an English teacher, you, sir, are a fraud.

    and you sir are becoming a bore, why dont you save the English lessons for your students....stop being an English Nazi

    Why dont you go an play on the teaching forum and let the adults talk

    edit..correct spelling before the English nazi jumps in and corrects me

    I concur, rather tedious and not invigorating whatsoever.....

    • Like 1
  15. Why are so many wasting time giving advice and asking questions about teaching?????

    The Op wants advice about working online.

    That's all.

    Stay on topic.

    It's not about you.

    This could be a valuable thread to some who do not want to teach.

    Whilst I tend to agree that the thread has gone awry, myself to blame partially, the OP did state and ask for opinions about teaching in his opening gambit.

    I've offered advice on both and now I can sleep soundly as a result.

    I don't understand how my colleges are so happy in these teaching roles? Can someone explain? - One rests one's case m'lud...

    • Like 1
  16. Anyone any ideas on working online from Thailand?




    I am working online, I get money from google adsense around 40$ per month for 2 website,if i could have 10 website ,probably i can have 100$+ perper month du you belive me?

    So you make $40 per month with 2 websites, but only $10 per month average if you had 10? Why is that and why aren't you building more sites anyway? $40 or 1300 baht doesn't go very far...

    Adsense works pretty well with the 'pay per click' methodology it employs.

    The trick is to get a high volume of traffic in the first place, thereafter the links will be clicked more often.

    You can earn thousands, but I'm hoping this chap has another form of income :)

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