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Posts posted by chonabot

  1. A South African person isn't a native English speaker,the native tongue could be,Africanse, Dutch, German, or native African language,of which there are many.

    On the contrary - there are at least 2 million 'South Africans' who moved there in the 1970/80's from the UK.

    I was one of them - they still speak English at home and at school for all subjects except Afrikaans.

    If you want correct information speak to someone who has actually been brought up there smile.png

    So in fact they are native English speaker's from the UK currently residing in South Africa. Probably still on UK passports.

    But the South Africans born and brought up in SA tend to all have an Africans accent. Personally I don't see a problem with accents as long as they are not strong.

    sent from my Q6

    After 10 years you are supposed to become a South African citizen , and the children born there thereafter will be citizens.

    We left in 1979 when the troubles kicked off, but there are still hundreds of Schools that teach all subjects in English.

    After 2 or 3 years living there it's normal for a British born child to develop the South African accent, had loads of issues when we returned to Bristol.....an even worse accent IMO :)

  2. A South African person isn't a native English speaker,the native tongue could be,Africanse, Dutch, German, or native African language,of which there are many.

    On the contrary - there are at least 2 million 'South Africans' who moved there in the 1970/80's from the UK.

    I was one of them - they still speak English at home and at school for all subjects except Afrikaans.

    If you want correct information speak to someone who has actually been brought up there :)

  3. Im sorry to hear that about your son. My first is also a Thai/caucasian. Im not from the UK, but is it possible the racism is because the history of the UK is one of a caste system?

    The racism comes from small minded idiots in a small country town near Oxford.

    He gets treated brilliantly over here by comparison...but there is the small matter of education.

    In terms of a caste system the racists are probably at the bottom of the gene pool and need someone to feel superior over :(

    • Like 1
  4. I find the racism back home far worse.

    My son ( Half Thai / Half Caucasian ) endured more than 10 incidents during our last year in the UK.

    These were sometimes violent and always very unpleasant.

    On another note, I also teach over here and agree about the schooling scenario ( my son is 14 )

    For this reason we will probably move back next year :)

  5. I dont like guns outside a shooting range and firefights will often hit innocent people. So i prefer that not many people own them.

    Of course you'd prefer. Now just tell that to the criminals. It's the criminals who hit innocent people. If someone comes up with a gun and starts shooting at you, I'm so happy to learn that you'd rather be defenseless and stand there and die for "the cause."

    "Firefights" don't often happen. The presence of a gun changes the perps attitude real fast. After all, he didn't plan to die when he pulled his gun. And I'd like some statistics on "often hit innocent people" as opposed to good people being saved. Actually both are extremely rare.

    I carry credit cards, a spare tire, and a gun in case I need them. Who am I, some wild eyed guy who would hit every bystander in sight instead of my target?

    Go ahead and die for your cause. Someday you may need to.

    I'm so glad I don't live in the USA :)

    ( Grammar ok ? )

    • Like 2
  6. tutsi is humbled by the nomination by the worthy...however, I am now on holiday and back on the booze and emboldened:

    thaivisa is a jungle right outta the Wizard of Oz...

    a benign jungle with benign inhabitants...with fake turbaned wizards, tin men and lethal appearing foemen/women but benign, nonetheless...

    Benign in that it's an informative forum, occasional posts that motivate me to research subjects that previously I had no knowledge and sometimes funny responses. Getting to the point there also some members who post poisonous bigoted comments. Smokie36 has responded to bigoted posts in a calm and rational manner. For this reason my vote will now go to Smokie36; aside from his history of posts & content.

    * sigh *

    History and irony

    Hand in hand

    But Smokie is also very good smile.png

    ps he was already nominated ...hehe

  7. useage using smile.png

    Thanks for confirming my original suspicion..trollage (sic) of the first order.

    Apologies for my off topic pedantic antics earlier.

    I just get ticked off when English teachers get slated.

    I responded to a post that seemed to tar all of us with the same 'Garbage' brush.

    Back on topic...you should have paid 200 baht and not a satang more smile.png

    ps definition of a gutless troll..someone who starts an argument and then puts you on ignore after you respond.

  8. Can you expand on this post?

    I'm an English teacher and my Thai is pretty good, your English level ( based on this post ) on the other hand is laughable smile.png

    ps I'm not a grammar nazi by any means, but if you wish to big yourself up, ensure your own standard is at least intermediate before hitting the send button.

    Of course he "can." "Would you expand on this post?" "I'm an English teacher and my Thai is pretty good." (End of sentence; not a place for a comma.) I'm not an English teacher but I might "speak" Thai fairly well. I'm happy to hear that your Thai is good. bah.gif

    "...on the other hand is laughable" is the end of a sentence and calls for a period.

    I could go on, but your "English" is laughable.

    NOW BEFORE anyone deletes or criticizes my corrections or calls me the English Nazi, JUST REMEMBER, YOU STARTED IT AS A HI-SO ENGLISH TEACHER.

    I am merely sticking up for the one you criticized regarding his English.

    For others, I couldn't care less how they write, and never mention it. For you, I could teach you English if you'd like for me to do that. You need it.

    Pm me your number - looking forward to your input smile.png

    When I asked if he could expand - I was being sarcastic as to his ability to expand - are you a mind reader?

    I'm anything but Hi-So ( punctuation removed )

    'My Thai is pretty good' - I'm not sure how that is worse than 'My Thai is better than them from learning off a phrasebook and listening to folk out here'.

    Thai, in this case, refers to a language, my overall Thai language skills are good ( reading/listening/conversation/writing).

    If I meant to highlight my Thai speaking skills I would have stated as much.

    Regards sticking up for this other chap...good luck with that, I'm sure he can fight his own battles.

  9. I actually lament the garbage standards of english teachers.

    My Thai is better than them from learning off a phrasebook and listening to folk out here.

    Can you expand on this post?

    I'm an English teacher and my Thai is pretty good, your English level ( based on this post ) on the other hand is laughable smile.png

    ps I'm not a grammar nazi by any means, but if you wish to big yourself up, ensure your own standard is at least intermediate before hitting the send button.

    • Like 2
  10. We are talking about Colemans English Mustard, not some kind of US enhanced gravy, which is the reason none of the English guys would put flour anywhere near it.

    Yes, the English are widely renowned for their fine cuisine.

    Our Mustard would kick your Mustards arse/ass.......clap2.gif

    • Like 2
  11. Tattoos are for louts and hoodlums.

    They are like a puppy...forever.

    Just think what that tattoo will look like everywhere when 80yo and still trying to look tough.

    Puppies live forever....?

    And everyone with a tattoo is a lout?

    You world must be very small and fluffy thumbsup.gif


    And just to balance my loutness out...


  12. I agree with you to some extent as there is a lot of high sugar food available for eating in Thailand but I've come to the realisation that it's because the children have a long day.

    I teach some kids who are in school from 7am and their last lesson ends at 6:45pm - no wonder they're fed so much sugary food as its the only thing keeping them going!

    But yes, adults should not inflict such lifestyles on their children if they want them to grow up and be healthy.

    Which school has classes that end 6.45 PM ?

    All schools I know in Thailand finish their classes 3 Pm at the latest.

    Many schools - I teach at a Government school, my latest lessons end in period 9 - 17:20.

    Plus there are many after school clubs that students stay at until after 1900.

    AFAIK no secondary school in Thailand finishes at 15:00.

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