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Posts posted by chonabot

  1. The problem with these 2 classes - I should have included this - As I teach them 4 times per week additionally - I get an extra 6-7k per month.

    I guess I am keen not to piss them off too much as the extra money is nice - they are not compulsory classes.

    I try to make the extra lessons easy going but find now that the attitude has spilt over into the regular lessons - hope that makes sense :)

  2. After the mid-term last Semester, I tried to devise a lesson whereby I would reveal each student's results from my tests and try to motivate them to improve on their score.

    I used the students with high scores to display what was possible with hard work, I also suggested they would be the ones who would go to Uni and most likely secure a good job.

    I then tried to explain the material and non material advantages of a good job.

    I also explained that speaking English would be a big advantage in the workplace after 2015 ( ASEAN )

    Likewise I tried to show that lower grades resulted in a lower GPA and a smaller chance of a good job.

    I didn't highlight the lower grade students as I didn't want to embarrass them.

    Well the final results still show a lot of poor grades, I can only do so much rolleyes.gif

    I would like to repeat this lesson next Semester but with a better result.

    I have drawn up a chart of each class's GPA and a ladder showing the weakest to the strongest - but I am trying to find a more effective way to get the message across.

    I understand now that no students fails - I was asked to mark a '2' as a minimum, and fell that this safety net stops the lazier students from bothering.

    It's a real shame because some of them have the ability to get a '3' or even a '4' IMO.

    Has anyone planned a lesson with this kind of objective/goal in mind - please help if you can :)

    I'll probably be told to forget it and just teach what is in the book, but I'm trying to help some of the lesser motivated ones here.

  3. Ok. my second semester is looming and I am starting to plan for my M3 and M4 lessons.

    Most of my classes have about 50 - 60 kids, I have two classes where there are 35 and 36 kids respectively.

    In the larger classes I have had issues where groups of boys, usually, tend to talk and muck about.

    Over the last semester I have built up a rapport with these chaps and can usually get them in line with a few gestures.

    In the 2 smaller classes I teach what is classed as TSM ( Talented students ).

    In both classes I seem to have a few difficulties in controlling some of the students ( boys and girls )

    Both classes are strong in Maths and Science, but they are also smart and mainly interested in English.

    I teach both classes 3 times a week ( once the syllabus and twice I teach them extra reading )

    Sometimes I think they are bored of me, I try and vary the content - activities plus competitions etc.

    Other teachers, Thai, have said that both classes are stubborn and not easy to teach.

    Sorry for the pre-amble :)

    What I would like to hear is your opinions and experience in trying to stop the small pockets of kids from talking whilst I am trying to teach.

    I have tried asking them, I have tried telling them. I have even tried refusing to teach the whole class until they stop - this ends in the whole class plus

    me sitting in silence for the whole lesson.

    One of the lessons is a double period, and they all of the lessons are towards the end of the day.

    Energy and attention levels are diminished and I guess I have to factor this into the whole scenario.

    Thanks in advance :)

  4. Not trying to turn this into a "Brit bash"...but, man you guys made some really really crappy awful cars.

    British Leyland

    The XJS and XJ6 of 1970's and 80's.

    MG's, Jensen's, ...the Range Rover's of the 80's and 90's.

    Austin princess, Austin Allegro

    Morris Marina

    lest not forget Lucas electrical systems.

    AKA The Prince of Darkness.

    The inventor of the first intermittent wiper.

    The inventor of the first intermittent headlight.

    Q: Why do Brits drink warm beer? A:Lucas refrigerators.

    The Top Ten Worst British Cars as Chosen by the British themselves:



    I say quality not quantity.....has Thailand ever designed a car let alone one to compete with the Aston Martin...the TVR...the Lotus......?

    Unless I am wrong people design cars not countries. Check out the photo above.

    Ok...Thailand make/sell more cars than the Brits - I am happy for them - seriously :)

    But the UK has never been a powerhouse car producer..well at least for the last 30 years...so British Marque quality..and these are pure British Marques, is something I am proud of.

    I will be more interested when Thailand produce a bespoke luxury/sports car that can be mentioned in the same building as a Nobel.

    But kudos for an entertaining thread clap2.gif

  5. Not trying to turn this into a "Brit bash"...but, man you guys made some really really crappy awful cars.

    British Leyland

    The XJS and XJ6 of 1970's and 80's.

    MG's, Jensen's, ...the Range Rover's of the 80's and 90's.

    Austin princess, Austin Allegro

    Morris Marina

    lest not forget Lucas electrical systems.

    AKA The Prince of Darkness.

    The inventor of the first intermittent wiper.

    The inventor of the first intermittent headlight.

    Q: Why do Brits drink warm beer? A:Lucas refrigerators.

    The Top Ten Worst British Cars as Chosen by the British themselves:



    I say quality not quantity.....has Thailand ever designed a car let alone one to compete with the Aston Martin...the TVR...the Lotus......?

  6. 1988 - Used to hang out in the Cheers Bar and Sugar Shack. The Billion bar and Blue Light bar were places you could also 'hang out' in ;)

    Stayed at the Jenny Bar on Soi Pattayaland 1 - before it was a Gay area and the Bar had cheap rooms where you could rent by the month.

    Just revisited Patts last week with my 14 year old son - not the same but still a bloody good laugh.

    I would not have brought him here in 1988 that's for sure.....

  7. Go to Thepprasit soi 9. Best karts in town and they also have a kiddie track that my 9 year old nephew enjoyed big times.

    sent from my Android phone

    Thanks Raro - did not make it t o Leo's as my son insisted on a poolathon elsewhere :(

    Just got back from the banana boat - 800 for the boat - would have been cheaper if we could have shared but lots of fun - if a little painful

    being chucked off 5 times :)

  8. Bearing in mind the thread and existence of Jet ski scams I was wondering about the humble banana boat rides in the same location.

    My son is bugging me to let him go on a Banana boat ride today - daft question I guess but as these are run by the same people who do the jet ski's - is there any issue with us using this service?

    I'm pretty sure it's impossible to be scammed for 'damaging' an inflatable tube - but you never know - especially as you would not be controlling it.

    But TIT and you never know.

    Also has anyone tried the go karting in Jomtien ( Teppasit road ) ?

    We looked at the place near Bali Hai pier and the prices were fairly steep - 1300 baht pp.

    The other place is a lot cheaper - has anyone been there recently?

    Thanks in advance :)

  9. You could start by asking your HOD what the assistants' job is before dropping conclusions.

    I have - how many HOD/Thai Teachers answer our questions directly?

    They hate any kind of detailed required response.

    A smile is all I usually get, on a good day.

    So I concluded that I would ask on here....

    At a previous English program we had assistents with B.Ed.s major English. They were designated to be the interface between the Thai homeroom teachers/ students and the foreign teachers. This often led to conflicts as the assistants told us on behalf of the homeroom teachers what we should do. They were even ordered to conduct the exams without our presence.

    At my current English Program we have assistants who are designated to the foreign teachers. We tell them en discuss with them what their activities in the classroom are. We have training sessions with them to teach them more. This works for us very well.

    Thanks Adenai - Seems to be different depending on the School's attitude approach.

    I hope my own experience will be similar to your current set up and will try to steer it in that direction :)

  10. Sorry to resurrect this thread - just posted here about decent Family bars/restaurants - no replies yet, and I'm not a troll.

    I teach M3 and M4 kids in Isaan,

    I recently taught a few lessons about holidays and leisure - I asked them the most popular places for

    holidays in Thailand, and places they wanted to go - Pattaya was first by a mile - and some of these are MEP kids whose families are fairly wealthy.

  11. Myself and my 14 year old son will be staying in Pattaya for a week.

    I am there on some light business - 2-3 hours per day and the rest of the time some much deserved R&R.

    My wife is staying back in Isaan as her mother is not well.

    We've booked a decent hotel but would like to frequent some pubs/restaurants in the evening as well as bowling/movies etc.

    Does anyone have any recommendations of decent places I can have a game of pool with my son - not too sterile but not too raunchy - as we are both keen musicians also would like

    to hear about some decent music venues with no age restrictions.

    Thanks in advance :)

  12. Well done for doing so well in teaching so many kids! However, having an assistant is an opportunity to enhance student learning, and it's your responsibility to make a success out of it by managing them effectively. Problems in these sorts of working relationships usually stem from teachers not making their expectations explicit; it's far rarer for an assistant to be negligent, incompetent or disobedient. Once you realise this you'll see that any concerns you may have about the assistant being a hindrance or distraction are solely your responsibility to address; you have to train your assistant to work and behave however you want. Make sure you get help communicating your expectations if language is an issue, just a quick run through of what you want them to do and when at the start of the semester may not see the working relationship off to a good start.

    You should type up a list of what you want her to do and get it translated in Thai; then discuss your expectations and both sign it. Really think through every little step, for example '1) During whole-class teaching I would like you to ....' for each point you could have multiple options such as 'help with resources/observe/assist students/translate/manage behavior'.

    Thanks for this - I will definitely get started on that list :)

  13. You could start by asking your HOD what the assistants' job is before dropping conclusions.

    I have - how many HOD/Thai Teachers answer our questions directly?

    They hate any kind of detailed required response.

    A smile is all I usually get, on a good day.

    So I concluded that I would ask on here....

  14. I will be in Pattaya for about 5/6 days later this month.

    My 14 year old son will be coming with me - wife is staying at home in Isaan as her mother is not well.

    I have been here many times but either as a single or as a couple - this is the first time as a would be single parent.

    Does anyone have any tips regarding suitable hotels - within the 2-4000 baht per night range.

    I know some might think it's not an ideal place to bring a youngster but there's plenty to do in the day, evening wise also.

    I'm looking for a hotel that has a decent selection of daily activities and a large pool or several pools, not too far from the main town.

    Thanks in advance :)

  15. I agree Scott - I was hoping to involve the lesser musical students as part of each group's entourage - producers/designers or just roadies lol.

    Each class has a number of ladyboys whom I'm guessing will be happy to do the choreography/dancing.

    I'm going to ask the Head of Department to perhaps come up with a decent prize for the overall winner - maybe they can even let the best groups perform at the morning flag ceremony.

  16. I'm starting to plan lessons for next semester, we follow a book ( Access 3/Upstream 4) for the content but are allowed some license.

    The Thai English teacher uses this book 3 times per week so most items are covered.

    Last semester I discovered that it was more productive to introduce an element of fun and surprise to keep the students happy and interested.

    I'm going to dedicate at least 2 or 3 weeks to using songs and English lyrics as a medium for learning.

    I play the guitar and sing pretty well ( been in bands for over 25 years ) so I will use these skills to hopefully assist my teaching.

    I have chosen 4 recent Western pop songs that the students know and like : -

    1. Price Tag - Jessi J.

    2. Baby - Justin Bieber.

    3. What makes you beautiful - One direction.

    4. Call me maybe - Carly Rae Jepsen.

    I'm thinking of asking the kids to form a band and choose one of these songs - study the words and perform the songs together - with or without my help.

    Each class has at least 4 or 5 guitarists and I'm guessing most of them can sing these songs.

    The group could be as large as 8 or 9 kids with dancers singers and a director etc

    Does anyone have experience of such an exercise, and do you have any useful comments/tips I could possibly utilise?

    I realise it will be lots of work ( I have 14 x 60 M3 kids and 4 x 60 M4's ) but hopefully will be worthwhile.

    I need to think of a prize for the winning group and maybe even have a playoff between the classes to get an overall champion.

    The chosen songs are not my own taste but I can't visualise them singing a Zeppelin or Hendrix classic laugh.gif

  17. . A lot of my British friends/colleagues like to claim Americans don't speak properly...yet they seem to ignore that the people who brought English to America were from England. Did those people cease to speak English properly when they arrived in America?

    Apparently the English used at that time was pretty much the same both sides of the pond. However it continued to develop/evolve in the UK and did not change much in the USA.

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