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dick dasterdly

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Posts posted by dick dasterdly

  1. 31 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:


    Whether the posters numbers are wrong or right is pretty much irrelevant?


    "The UK currently pays about £9 billion (net) to the EU for membership costs"


    So why on earth would the uk pay 39bn for BRINO?


    20 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

    C'mon DD. Think about it.  May's deal for leaving the EU (and not paying the £9b membership cost) included a £39bn payment to cover existing committments that don't just fizzle out if Brexshit happens.

    So why do we not know these 'commitments' that equate to more than 4 years of membership costs?

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  2. 12 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    If Boris isn't hardline Brexit, do you think anyone who is will stand for the Tory leadership? Rees-Mogg?

    Sent from my SM-A500F using Tapatalk

    A good point that is making me think harder than I would like ????.


    You're quite right of course - I don't trust any politician further than I can throw them!

    • Like 1
  3. 21 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    It will be interesting to see what a hardline Brexit PM like Boris will do, if he wins the Tory leadership. Will he be brave enough to call a GE and force Labour to adopt a Remain/2nd referendum manifesto?

    Sent from my SM-A500F using Tapatalk

    I don't believe for one second that boris is a "hardline Brexit PM" - but agree if this happens, he is unlikely to call another immediate GE.


    Things are likely to become a touch clearer (as to how MPs will behave) after today's elections.

    • Like 2
  4. 18 hours ago, xtrnuno41 said:

    Concluding then, on how the world is running for thousands of years, god is a sadist.

    To the story in the bible, it shows it is a chest game between him and an fallen angel, the devil. IF he cant win then wipes the board (did once) and start over, as the story goes with Noah. I cant give it any other name, its a game and he is a sadist.

    Seems he likes the game now running as it is.

    Of course a believer tells , we have our own free mind to do what ever we want.god gave us free will.

    WIth all free wills running, we see domination and cruelty all over the world for thousands of years and as with more people on earth, we see lots of Napoleons, hitlers or whatever and thats ok with god.

    OUr so called leaders are with god, so also sadistic. They swear god almighty to help them. SO suppression and domination is gods will.

    We had the crusaders and with the believe, help, support in/of god, they were the power and slashed the infidelities in Israel to regain the holy land. Yha right, slashing people who had other religion with also a god. 

    I will not mention any more situations in which millions of people were killed in name of god? No , personal gain of leaders, who are with god.

    In the name of god, we conquered America and killed its people, we had slaves from Africa, Asia. Robbed everything they had and left them out to die.

    Oh no, of course it was our own free will !! But every time , they are screaming : In the name of god !

    The scrolls are stories from the past, maybe a fiction writer. The writers might think , thats nice material for later to make movies. We created religions by that and movies. 

    There are  lot of scrolls not implemented in the bible, those are secret. Probably would disturb god religions. The bible is just a story from one particular species, the jews.

    However they have their own bible and jesus is not the son of god. 

    We humans get clever more and more, but we will never evolve to something else as thinking me me and me. And otherwise i kill you, in the name of ....god. 

    Couldn't agree more!


    Thank you for articulating my similar views far more clearly.

  5. 2 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    You may be right. But MPs will definitely not vote for "No deal". Revoke may be the only other choice unless the new PM (Gove or Boris...or Hunt?) can get the EU to agree to another extension.

    Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

    "You may be right. But MPs will definitely not vote for "No deal"."


    Which is precisely why we are left 'in limbo'.....


    "Revoke may be the only other choice"


    Which brings me back to my original argument as to why politicians are extremely worried about revoking article 50!  They know there is a good chance for many of them that it may result in them losing their seats.


    "unless the new PM (Gove or Boris...or Hunt?) can get the EU to agree to another extension."


    'In limbo' for even longer, hoping that they can find a way to bypass brexit without losing their seats.....

  6. 14 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    Too late now to compromise and offer a People's Vote. It's now No Deal or Revoke & Re-think. There's no majority for the former, so easy to see what will happen.

    Sent from my SM-G930F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    It depends on the result of the MEP elections today IMO.


    If it shows a huge amount of support for brexit candidates/parties - MPs are unlikely to support revoking article 50 as they know it would be suicidal come the next GE.

    • Like 2
  7. 19 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

    I'm missing something here.


    So France did not agree to the extension?  How did it pass within the eu?  Presumably it was a majority vote?


    15 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Assuming France did not agree subject to France’s conditions on the extension being accepted.

    So I can assume that none of us know how the eu agreed to the extension - bearing in mind that french politicians made it very clear that they would not support an extension???

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, JonnyF said:

    It was amazing the way the likes of Channel 4 went after Farage yesterday. I guess when you can't attack the message you have to attack the messenger.


    The same as this slob that threw the milkshake. Completely incapable of a serious debate so he resorts to throwing his drink like some kid in infant school. Turns out he works for Sky, one of the more obvious Remain pushing broadcasters. 


    What is it with these Remainers that they cannot accept losing a Democratic vote? 


    Do you have a link to the Channel 4 broadcast?

  9. Also bearing in mind the post below, which is entirely accurate as far as I can see:-


    18 hours ago, Proboscis said:

    Just so that everyone understands, the charge of rape in this instance does not mean that Assange had sex with the woman against her will or that he forced her to have sex with him. The charge instead relates to them having sex consensually but while she believed he was wearing a confom while he knew he was not wearing a condom but understood that she believed he was.


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