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Everything posted by mstevens

  1. If you're waking up every night between 2:00 and 3:00 AM with a dry mouth and it's not related to the air-conditioning, it would be worth going to see a doctor and getting checked out for the following: - Diabetes insipidus (which is not the "regular" diabetes melitus) - Cortisol levels. If they spike during the night due to blood sugar or other issues, you can wake with a jolt, and it can be very hard to get back to sleep. - Adrenal fatigue (can cause you to wake around that time and again, really struggle to get back to sleep) - Liver function issues (your liver works hard when you're asleep and any problems can cause you to wake between 1:00 and 3:00 AM) I had exactly the problem you describe of waking up at that hour and it took a year to get to the bottom of it. It was a combination of adrenal fatigue and gut issues. Of course, it might just be an issue with the air-conditioning and the humidity in the room. I hope that's what it is as that is an easy fix.
  2. Hate to say it, Barry, but in the real world prices are going up by a similar 30%. Inflation is running rampant all over the globe. In my part of the world many locally grown food items are up by 30% over the past year. Not imported food items but locally grown. It's not just Thailand.
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