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Everything posted by mstevens

  1. Agreed. TheThaiger is known for copying other people's work and passing it off as their own.
  2. So what's the plan? Will the server get an overhaul? It really is very slow. Will there be a rebranding? ThaiVisa was generally well-regarded while I think the rebranding to ASEANNow didn't work out so well and has been fraught with technical issues. What about moderation? Will this be a place where jokers are encouraged? Will the moderation be heavy-handed? Will it be a place for freedom of speech? Or will it just be more of the same....?
  3. The announcement was ridiculous puffery and yes, the real story would be much more interesting.
  4. It sounds like all of that stuff might fit in a taxi / private car. That might be a cheaper way to go than hiring a moving service.
  5. With regards to diabetes, carbs and fruit are most certainly a problem. Diabetes is essentially carbohydrate toxicity. Eat enough high-sugar fruit and you will become diabetic! The problem with fruit is that some varieties are very high in sugar. A little fruit is fine. A lot of fruit most certainly is not, especially if you are already consuming a high-carb diet.
  6. I take Stinging Nettle Root Extract when I suffer from allergies. Coincidentally, my prostate health is all good. Is it related to my use of Stinging Nettle Root? I honestly don't know - but one of the things it says on the bottle is "For Prostate Health". It's a good supplement and very cheap so it's certainly worth trying!
  7. There's a protocol to treat H Pylori which is usually Omeprazole + two antibiotics (commonly, but not always, Amoxicillin & Metronidazole). Follow the protocol exactly as per your doc's instructions otherwise this pesky bacteria will stick around. H Pylori often becomes an issue with dysbiosis (where the mix of bacteria and fungi in your gut is out of balance). This can happen for many reasons but is commonly due to excessive past use of antibiotics. Good luck dealing with this and for sure, it is worth getting tested once you have completed the protocol to make sure the treatment has been successful.
  8. Once again, you're wrong. New Zealanders get a 30 day visa waiver.
  9. Really? That is the information currently posted on the Thai embassy website. Do you know better than they do?
  10. This is the visa fees schedule at the website of the Thai Embassy in Wellington. Pages 1 and 2 are in Thai. Pages 3 and 4 in English. Compare them with the prices any other nationality pays for a visa. https://image.mfa.go.th/mfa/0/Ty8J7f4hKr/Consular_service_fee_2024.pdf
  11. Possibly the reason is because more Thais did physical labour in the past.
  12. It's slow for sure, so it can be an idea to open multiple pages at once and then when you've finished reading one, go to another that is already open. As for the ads, there are many different ad-blockers and browser configurations that can reduce the "psychedelic look" that ASEANNow favours.
  13. A lot of people have managed to reverse their type 2 diabetes by adopting a keto or carnivore diet. There's a lot online about this so anyone can do their own research and make up their own mind about whether it's something they'd like to try.
  14. Time for Christopher Luxon to raise the issue of visa prices for New Zealanders who go to Thailand. New Zealanders pay 5 - 7 times the price of anyone else.
  15. Phuket, again. Foreigner, again. There really must be something in the air down there. There's been so many reports of foreigners going bonkers on Phuket!
  16. Too little, too late, the horse has already bolted. New Zealand has let in way too many low-skilled or no-skilled migrants and the infrastructure, particularly in Auckland, is really creaking under the strain. I'm all for a multicultural society but Auckland these days is nothing like the city I grew up in. Some neighbourhoods could be downtown Delhi or suburban Shanghai.
  17. I always understood the diagnosis of diabetes was easy with an A1C test. An A1C below 5.7 is normal. 5.7 - 6.4 is pre-diabetes. 6.5 or higher is diabetes.
  18. And what happens when you have a dispute with your tenant and he visits the Revenue Department with his girlfriend and shows all the transfers he has made in to the account of the landlord who just happens to be your wife. I guess your accountant would say mai pen rai!
  19. My understanding is that what you say here is wrong. I was always of the belief that rental income is taxed at a fixed 15% tax rate.
  20. I also enjoyed Sisu very much, more than the last couple of John Wick flicks, to be honest!
  21. Digestive system issues are becoming more of an issues as diets get worse and worse. We're murdering our gut and many of us have (complicated) gut / digestive issues that go well beyond what your average gastroenterologist is trained in. For years I had gut issues. I went to the doctor and was tested for all sorts of things. I was sent to a specialist and they did all sorts of advanced tests and they could not find anything wrong with me at all. I wasted over a year before I realised that this is an area where the mainstream medical industry is simply not up to speed on gut issues. You really need to look at naturopaths or, preferably, functional medicine practitioners - who look primarily at, and deal with, issues in the gut. In my case, I had all sorts of issues including Candida and SIBO which in turn caused leaky gut, histamine intolerance, malnutrition and oxalate degradation issues. Ideally, you need to work with a practitioner to resolve this as the most important part of getting better is an accurate diagnosis. Once you have that, there are many steps to resolve it and it's not an easy road. Essentially, you have to adjust your diet - and this is the hard part as it really depends what the problem is to determine what your diet should be. If you have SIBO, you need to avoid a lot of healthy foods like broccoli, cauliflower, onions, garlic etc. If you have Candida you need to avoid all sugars and most carbs. If you have fatty liver (and many with gut issues do) you should eat lots of broccoli and cauliflower - but that clashes with the advice for SIBO! If you have oxalate issues, you need to avoid many spices, some vegetables, chocolate and more. If you have histamine issues you need to avoid all aged foods. It's a bit of a nightmare, to be honest! You really need to get professionally diagnosed which, unfortunately, requires one of the expensive tests which are sent to the USA. I don't know which providers in Bangkok offer this service. One diagnosed, you need to adjust your diet accordingly. There might also be a protocol such as antimicrobials or antibiotics or antifungals. If your wife is looking at simply rebuilding her gut, she might want to look at one of the really good probiotics. This one is probably the best I have seen as it's pure and a high dose: https://www.customprobiotics.com/d-lactate-free-probiotics.html Most probiotics will barely shift the needle. I hope this helps and if you have any questions, fire away.
  22. Yes, that is an option in some countries....but this is abo Oh, ok, so you don't live in Thailand. The way your post read it was like you live in Thailand, went back to New Zealand and weren't happy that you couldn't get a free operation.
  23. You don't live in New Zealand but want New Zealand taxpayers to pay for your operation?
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