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Posts posted by evilebxxx

  1. I am with you on that one.

    Indeed I am I dont need interaction with the village in any way I have no plans to assimilate with their way of thinking.

    Can I ask please why then you live in Thailand you not like village you not like most Thai people I not understand has a thai upset you or just grumpy ????

    I have explained before, my "attitude" is based on my 10 years experience of not only "working" with Thais but living amongst them also.

    I do not "love" Thailand its culture and some of its people, the odd few are decent but many are just idle gossipers with nothing better to do all day, unreliable and shoddy work at best, happy sitting on their idle <deleted> around here in many cases and if u think I complain you should hear them.

    I stay here as my Wife works here, she earns good money there is no need for me to work again, I like not working, we live on 15 rai OUTSIDE of the village by about 500 metres, I have no direct neighbours and i am perfectly happy if they stay away from me.

    I have done a few things to help the village initially ( see water pump) but now I stay well away, got asked some favours by one neighbour which involved my lawyer and half a day of time for him cutting a neighbours trees down including an hour at the police station ( he asked for help) about 6 months later we asked if he could water our trees for one day............nahhhhh he couldnt do it too " busy" which was crap as we found out he was NOT busy at all.

    Do you think you can only live in Thailand by "becoming Thai"?

    I could live in Spain, Madeira or the UK , none suit my Wife's work.

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