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Hakuna Matata

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Everything posted by Hakuna Matata

  1. Oh, my God! Too many bad Russians now in Thailand. By the way, I am a good Russian 😇
  2. Bravo! This is a move in the right direction.
  3. Oh, those reckless Russians in Thailand are hitting the news headlines almost every day!
  4. Unfortunately, Thailand has long become a safe heaven for criminals and fugitives from all over the world due to Visa Free and Visa on Arrival for 60 or more countries of the world. What a disgrace for Thailand. Enough is enough! Stricter visa rules are required!
  5. More details here. https://dzen.ru/b/ZoYoQW-ZOxFMGawQ?ysclid=ly6tv64bdd982221980 https://www.dv.kp.ru/daily/27602/4953436/?ysclid=ly6tyi9ng625262536 https://www.dv.kp.ru/daily/27603/4954007/
  6. Oh my God! Stop marijuana in Thailand now! Enough is enough.
  7. https://www.politico.eu/article/fake-vladimir-putin-announces-russia-under-attack-ukraine-war/ ‘Fake Putin’ announces Russia under attack as Ukraine goes on offensive
  8. This is a specific behavior towards women in Phuket as the majority of the local population is Muslim. Many individuals are very arrogant and self assured, to say the least. This incident would probably never happen in the North or North East of Thailand. What do you think? Phuket is a very snobbish place. Many locals have been corrupted by the big money they can easily extract from foreign tourists. What a shame. I would certainly avoid Phuket by all means. Sorry for my bad English, this is not my first language.
  9. Oh my God, those speedboat propellers should be banned! What about jet stream engines? Are they more safe? https://www.boatdesign.net/threads/raising-speed-efficiency-in-jet-boats.48419/
  10. Yes, absolutely! Including nationals of Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Moldova as well as United Kingdom, United States, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, Nigeria, Ghana, Colombia, Mexico, Canada, etc.
  11. Yes, absolutely! Including nationals of Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Moldova as well as United Kingdom, United States, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, Nigeria, Ghana, Colombia, Mexico, Canada, etc.
  12. Oh my God, those wicked Russians once again are violating the law in Thailand? They are buying illegal ED visas to stay in Thailand for months and years. Enough is enough! Stricter visa rules are a must.
  13. Biden's days are counted. Biden must go. He is a disgrace for America. Trump is going to make America great again! Long live the MAGA movement in America.
  14. Well done. Also need to dismantle one dozen of hi-tech Chinese call centers in the North of Myanmar! That is the main source of those telephone calls we are receiving every day now in Thailand. Is Myanmar government prepared to cooperate?
  15. Oh, my God! Those Japanese nationals linked to organized crime are finding a safe heaven in Thailand? Thailand has become a refuge for criminals and fugitives from all over the world. What a disgrace for the Kingdom! No more Visa Free! No more Visa on Arrival! Enough is enough.
  16. This is a good question, isn't it? After all, alcohol is also a narcotic, isn't it? Thailand and Germany have already legalized cannabis. The next step will probably be legalizing cocaine and crystal meth in Thailand. What do you think? Just being sarcastic, 555
  17. Did he do anything wrong? And why is he an idiot?
  18. I've never heard of Qilin gang. The name Qilin is a Chinese word, not Russian. Hackers from China and North Korea are capable of conducting highly sophisticated attacks.
  19. Russian bank credit cards are useless in Thailand, they don't work outside Russia.
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