Hakuna Matata
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Everything posted by Hakuna Matata
Russian Man Arrested in Phuket for Illegal Motorcycle Lessons
Hakuna Matata replied to webfact's topic in Phuket News
Oh, yeah... Kharkiv is definitely a Russian city already! -
Russian Man Arrested in Phuket for Illegal Motorcycle Lessons
Hakuna Matata replied to webfact's topic in Phuket News
Oh my God, deport him back to Russia ASAP! Way too many Russians now in Thailand, especially in Phuket and Pattaya! And 90% of them are not law-obedient people, mostly involved in all kinds of illegal activities, staying in Thailand for months and even years, buying illegal ED visas. Stricter visa rules are required! -
Richard Burrows, Phuket's 'Peter Smith', faces 30 more charges
Hakuna Matata replied to webfact's topic in Phuket News
Oh, my God! What a disgrace for Thailand as it remains a safe heaven for fugitives and criminals from all over the world including United States and United Kingdom! Stricter visa rules are required! -
French 'Cult Leader' Held for 3-Month Visa Overstay in Thailand
Hakuna Matata replied to webfact's topic in Koh Samui News
Oh my God, those boastful French are violating the Immigration Law in Thailand once again? -
Horrific Rape & Killing of 12-year-old Texas girl: Men Charged
Hakuna Matata replied to Social Media's topic in World News
This is an inevitable consequence of Biden's immigration policy and failure to build the Wall at the border with Mexico!- 93 replies
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US Bans Kaspersky Software Citing Alleged Russian Links
Hakuna Matata replied to Social Media's topic in World News
The Witch Hunt is going on? OK, let us use Dr. Web antivirus instead! At the same time, Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and possibly Vietnam and Laos as well as Cambodia and Myanmar may ban Windows operating system because it has possible links to CIA and FBI intelligence with backdoors incorporated in Windows operating system. CIA and FBI may be able to spy for everyone using Windows operating system, reading all your secret files, viewing your private pictures, switching on the web camera and microphone without you ever knowing that you are being actively spied upon. -
Thailand mulls allowing foreigners to buy 75% of condo units
Hakuna Matata replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
OMG, the Chinese and Russian mafia will be very happy! -
British Couple Arrested for Running Xanax Scam in Thailand
Hakuna Matata replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
Oh, my God! Those perky Brits once again are hitting the news headlines in Thailand! What a disgrace for the nation. Stricter visa rules are required, including police and criminal record screening. What do you think? -
Russian Man Steals 15,000 Baht and Phone in Phuket Bar Heist
Hakuna Matata replied to webfact's topic in Phuket News
There are tons of software on the net that allows anyone to alter the IMEI number which is equivalent of ESN number in CDMA and TDMA phones. -
https://gilbertdoctorow.com/2024/06/19/russia-will-consider-dispatch-of-f16s-to-ukraine-as-aggression-that-activates-its-mutual-defense-agreement-with-north-korea/ Russia will consider dispatch of F16s to Ukraine as aggression that activates its mutual defense agreement with North Korea gilbertdoctorow Uncategorized June 19, 2024 4 Minutes There are many elements in the agreements signed today by the Russian and North Korean leaders following their 5 hours of one-on-one talks and 90 minutes of talks with the participation of their government delegations. Needless to say, these consequential agreements on an ‘All-encompassing Strategic Partnership’ were not the product of this one day, but of the intense work of both sides at various administrative and executive levels since the visit of Kim Jong Un to the Russian Far East nine months ago. Allow me to cut to the quick, and set out here the most surprising development which emerged in Vladimir Putin’s speech following the signing ceremonies as stated in the title above that I give to this essay. Vladimir Putin remarked that the Partnership has a military component which affirms that each side will come to the aid of the other if it is under attack. Then, gratuitously, one might say, he mentioned the impending dispatch of F-16s by NATO countries that are to use Ukrainian territory to strike deep into the Russian Federation heartland. The juxtaposition of these two points in his speech leaves little doubt to those of us trained as Sovietologists that Putin considers what NATO is about to do at its Western borders as the very act of aggression that will trigger Russia’s Strategic Partnership with North Korea and present the United States with a live threat to its military bases in Korea, in Japan and in the broader region. Whether we choose to consider this scenario as ‘symmetric’ or ‘asymmetric’ response is beside the point. The net result will surely be as effective in waking up the dullards in Washington, D.C., in Brussels, London and Berlin to the fact that Russia means business, is not bluffing, and can wreak massive destruction on U.S. and Western military assets at any moment of its choosing if there is further escalation in the Ukraine war. At the recently held St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Putin went up against the political scientist Sergei Karaganov who for more than a year has called for Russia to stage a tactical nuclear strike in Europe to shake the hubristic West from its foolish belief in its invulnerability and exceptionalism. It would appear that with the stroke of a pen today, Vladimir Vladimirovich has accomplished the same with no loss of life and without opening the Pandora’s box of nuclear arms. Mr. Putin’s travels in East Asia do not end today. On the contrary, he is headed next for Vietnam, where we may expect additional agreements that amount to check-mate to the Aukus and So.Korea-Japan gambit of Messrs. Biden, Sullivan and Blinken. They thought they had done so well to ‘contain’ China and Russia during their first term in office. It would appear now that these vast efforts at cajoling, black-mailing and otherwise dominating America’s ‘allies’ in the Pacific created just an updated version of the Maginot Line that did not survive a German end-run. And so, ladies and gentlemen, let us all thank our lucky stars that in this day and age of pygmies and cowards at the helm of states in Europe and North America, there is at least one rational and courageous leader to save the day. ©Gilbert Doctorow, 2024 Translation below into German (Andreas Mylaeus) Russland wird die Entsendung von F16-Kampfflugzeugen in die Ukraine als Aggression betrachten, die sein gegenseitiges Verteidigungsabkommen mit Nordkorea auslöst Die Vereinbarungen, die die russische und die nordkoreanische Führung heute nach ihren fünfstündigen Einzelgesprächen und 90-minütigen Gesprächen unter Beteiligung ihrer Regierungsdelegationen unterzeichnet haben, enthalten zahlreiche Elemente. Natürlich sind diese folgenreichen Vereinbarungen über eine “allumfassende strategische Partnerschaft” nicht das Ergebnis dieses einen Tages, sondern der intensiven Arbeit beider Seiten auf verschiedenen Verwaltungs- und Führungsebenen seit dem Besuch von Kim Jong Un im russischen Fernen Osten vor neun Monaten. Gestatten Sie mir, dass ich mich kurz fasse und die überraschendste Entwicklung aus der Rede Wladimir Putins im Anschluss an die Unterzeichnungszeremonien darlege, wie sie im obigen Titel, den ich diesem Aufsatz gebe, zum Ausdruck kommt. Wladimir Putin wies darauf hin, dass die Partnerschaft eine militärische Komponente hat, die besagt, dass jede Seite der anderen zu Hilfe kommen wird, wenn sie angegriffen wird. Dann erwähnte er sozusagen grundlos die bevorstehende Entsendung von F-16-Kampfflugzeugen durch NATO-Länder, die über ukrainisches Gebiet tief in das Kernland der Russischen Föderation eindringen sollen. Die Gegenüberstellung dieser beiden Punkte in seiner Rede lässt für diejenigen unter uns, die als Sowjetologen ausgebildet sind, wenig Zweifel daran, dass Putin das, was die NATO an ihren westlichen Grenzen zu tun gedenkt, als genau den Akt der Aggression betrachtet, der Russlands strategische Partnerschaft mit Nordkorea auslösen und die Vereinigten Staaten vor eine reale Bedrohung ihrer Militärstützpunkte in Korea, Japan und in der gesamten Region stellen wird. Ob wir dieses Szenario nun als “symmetrische” oder “asymmetrische” Reaktion betrachten, ist nebensächlich. Das Endergebnis wird sicherlich ebenso wirksam sein, um die Dummköpfe in Washington, D.C., Brüssel, London und Berlin wachzurütteln und ihnen klar zu machen, dass Russland es ernst meint, nicht blufft und jederzeit massive Zerstörungen an den militärischen Einrichtungen der USA und des Westens anrichten kann, wenn es zu einer weiteren Eskalation des Ukraine-Krieges kommt. Auf dem kürzlich abgehaltenen Internationalen Wirtschaftsforum in St. Petersburg trat Putin gegen den Politikwissenschaftler Sergej Karaganow an, der seit mehr als einem Jahr einen taktischen Atomschlag Russlands in Europa fordert, um den überheblichen Westen in seinem törichten Glauben an seine Unverwundbarkeit und seinen Exzeptionalismus zu erschüttern. Es scheint, dass Wladimir Wladimirowitsch heute mit einem Federstrich dasselbe erreicht hat, ohne Menschenleben zu verlieren und ohne die Büchse der Pandora zu öffnen. Herrn Putins Reisen in Ostasien sind heute noch nicht zu Ende. Im Gegenteil, als Nächstes reist er nach Vietnam, wo wir mit weiteren Vereinbarungen rechnen können, die das Aukus- und Südkorea-Japan-Gambit der Herren Biden, Sullivan und Blinken schachmatt setzen werden. Sie dachten, sie hätten es in ihrer ersten Amtszeit geschafft, China und Russland “einzudämmen”. Jetzt stellt sich heraus, dass diese gewaltigen Anstrengungen, Amerikas “Verbündete” im Pazifik zu umgarnen, zu erpressen und anderweitig zu dominieren, nur eine aktualisierte Version der Maginot-Linie geschaffen haben, die einen deutschen Ansturm nicht überlebt hat. Und so, meine Damen und Herren, sollten wir alle unseren Glückssternen danken, dass es in der heutigen Zeit der Pygmäen und Feiglinge an der Spitze der Staaten in Europa und Nordamerika wenigstens einen vernünftigen und mutigen Führer gibt, der den Tag rettet.
Russian Man Steals 15,000 Baht and Phone in Phuket Bar Heist
Hakuna Matata replied to webfact's topic in Phuket News
Oh my God! Way too many Russians now in Thailand, especially in Phuket and Pattaya. Unfortunately, 90% of them are not tourists. They are staying in Thailand for months and years, buying illegal ED visas. They are not good people. Many of them are involved in all kinds of illegal activities in Thailand.- 91 replies
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Belgian Tourist Dies After Brutal Attack in Hua Hin
Hakuna Matata replied to webfact's topic in Hua Hin and Cha-Am News
R.I.P. Conclusion: don't smoke a cigarette on the pavement. Those brutal Germans in Huahin should be avoided. -
Engaging with Russians during wartime in Thailand?
Hakuna Matata replied to Jingthing's topic in ASEAN NOW Community Pub
Please don't worry! Trump is on the way. The war will finish in May, 2025. -
Thailand Prepares for Casino Boom Amid Economic Hopes
Hakuna Matata replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
Oh, my God! This is definitely a move in the wrong direction! Are you crazy? Do you want Thailand to became a second Cambodia? -
Labour Suspends Candidate Over 'Pro-Russian' Post
Hakuna Matata replied to Social Media's topic in World News
https://www.rt.com/news/424149-skripal-poisoning-bz-lavrov/ The Russian foreign minister said that London refused to answer dozens of “very specific” questions asked by Moscow about the Salisbury case, as well as to provide any substantial evidence that could shed light on the incident. Instead, the UK accused Russia of failing to answer its own questions, he said, adding that, in fact, London did not ask any questions but wanted Moscow to admit that it was responsible for the delivery of the chemical agent to the UK. https://www.unz.com/article/tracing-the-rush-to-war/ The technical ability of Porton Down to identify a chemical has never been in doubt, and the only “finding of the United Kingdom”the OPCW has confirmed is the identity of the chemical. There are scores of countries that chemical could have come from. For the BBC and other mainstream media outlets to pretend that the OPCW has in any sense endorsed Boris Johnson’s claims about Russia is to spread deliberate lies as propaganda. In fact what they have confirmed is simply the finding of Porton Down – and that finding was that it is a chemical which cannot be confirmed as made in Russia. -
Italian Man Arrested on Samui Island for Allegedly Selling Cocaine
Hakuna Matata replied to webfact's topic in Koh Samui News
OMG, those Italian Mafiosi are hitting the headlines in Thailand once again? -
Russian Tourist Drowns Ignoring Warnings at Surin Beach, Phuket
Hakuna Matata replied to webfact's topic in Phuket News
R.I.P. Having said this, way too many Russians now in Thailand, especially in Phuket and Pattaya. And 90% of them are not tourists! Mostly rogue people! Buying illegal ED visas to stay in Thailand for years and being involved in all kinds of illegal activities.. -
Filipina Woman Overstays in Thailand for Over 4 Years
Hakuna Matata replied to webfact's topic in Bangkok News
OMG, those suspicious Filipinas are violating the immigration law of Thailand once again? -
Italian PM Meloni's 'death stare' at Macron
Hakuna Matata replied to Social Media's topic in World News
Probably, she doesn't like gay people? What do you think? ❓ -
Russian Man Arrested in Phuket Over 50 Stolen Coral Rocks
Hakuna Matata replied to webfact's topic in Phuket News
OMG, they like to lay down their eggs in electric appliances and electronic equipment. Those pesky Thai ants have damaged my favorite short-wave receiver in Thailand, the SONY ICF-7600D
Just use a mesh to filter them out. They are not poisonous.
Majority Oppose Re-Criminalising Cannabis in Thailand
Hakuna Matata replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
Who is this "majority"? Mostly Chinese owned businesses in Thailand? Farang owned businesses in Thailand? Let's hold a referendum in Thailand! Stop cannabis in Thailand!- 85 replies
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