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Posts posted by hiromj

  1. Really? :D

    I was under the impression that those ordered to be deported would be held in custody until such time as they could come up with the cash for an air ticket out.

    The Police will pay?

    I think not... :o

    I think their embassy will pay, and then collect from those guys or their family once they get back home.

    They are probably getting off lucky. A few days in jail and then deported, as opposed to being tried and sentenced in court, and then spending a few months or more in jail, before being deported.

    If they re-imburse their government for the plane tickets, they probably won't face any prosecution.

    Unless they are convicted by a court, they will not be guilty of any crime so on what grounds would they be deported?

    If they are convicted, they will doubtless be fined and/or given a custodial sentence.

    I very much doubt that their embassy will front the money for their fines and air tickets...

    They confessed to the crime. I believe that's all that is needed for deportion.

  2. I know the recently there were posting about laser whiting but, if I recall ceorrectly, they were complaints. Can anyone recommend a good place to have it done in Pattaya? Also some details (cost, pain, and how much time it takes) would be very helpful. Thank you.

  3. I'm one of the lucky people that gets to spend 50% of my time in Pattaya for business. All expenses paid vacation. I have a love / hate relationship with the place. When I'm at work, I hate it but after work and weekends, I love it. Golf is great and the resturants on the beach in Jomtien and Sri Racha make for great drunken lunches. Ahhh, the good life.

  4. I've never been diving but I'm thinking about learning. Can someone give be a rough idea how much it costs and how much time it will take to get certified to dive? Also, is the certification good anywhere in the world or only in certain places?

  5. Thanks for the suggestions. The two books, "Private Dancer" and "Money Number One", are on my "books to read" list. When I was in Pattaya, laundry was expensive. I was paying 20 - 40 Baht per item. I'm sure I was getting "takin' to the cleaners". My new and improved budget allows a lot more money for nightlife/entertainment/miscellaneous = 45000 Baht per month and my overall monthly budget will be about 75,000 Baht. That's about the same as my budget here in America. The girls and the alcohol will eat up over half my monthly budget. Money well spent.

    I looked up Money Number One on the internet and it appears that he has another out called Money Still Number One. I will try to find them here and read them. Looks good - Thanks.

  6. Geez Guys, thanks for the help and the jokes - although there is a TV joke section for all you comedians in case you haven't noticed (:-)). This post was actually intended for the person in question, sorry for the confusion. But, please keep the jokes coming, Pattaya has some really funny people. Makes sitting at this desk all day much more tolerable.


  7. Looking for someone that I met two years ago in Bangkok. He was there to attand a Linkin Park concert with his wife. American. He told me about this website and I'm sure his on here a lot. I'll be coming back to Pattaya a lot and I wanted to get together for a beer.

  8. Is it manditory that you quit your job? Could you just take an unpaid leave of absents? Maybe you could keep your seniority.

    Actually, I'm considering the same thing so this thread has been very useful - and I'm not a troll.

  9. The health care costs in the states is definately out of control. Ten years ago, it cost me $100 USD just to take a whiz quiz. That's one main reason that I choose not to live in the states. I voted with my feet.

  10. I had a jet boat once - basically a four passenger jetski. One time at full speed, the engine quit. Because I was on the right side of the boat, it turned straight left and beached. It's true, no power - no steering. That being said and since she was on a jetski, she must have been heading straight for shore (assuming it was a mechanical failure).

  11. Hello Everyone,

    I'm new to the site - although I've been watching for a while - I've finally registered. I live in Japan (hence the name) and I come to Pattaya 4 or 5 times a year for business so I'll be looking forward to meeting you. I'm in Thailand now so, if I'm finished playing golf early enough, I'll try to get to Dave's Saturday night.


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