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Posts posted by hiromj

  1. Tax increased in both of domestic and international flights

    He said that the increase in fares will create more revenues to the airport by 20 percent or approximately 1,300 million baht per year.

    He said that the measures will give generate an additional 450 million baht of the revenue to the airport, adding that the partial revenue will be spent to renovate some areas of Suvarnabhumi Airport.

    Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 01 February 2007

    And what will they do with the rest of the revenue? :o

  2. Just drive to Eastern Seaboard and count the lots full of trucks that can't be sold.

    I'll pass, thank you. Didn't someone mention that Ford sales contracted 18% in Thailand last year? It was the only company that had new products in all key market segments - pickups, small family cars, and pickup based SUVs.

    Marvelous flop that was.

    I still want to see the confirmation that they withdrew their investment plan. If it was in eco-cars, they have a chance to get their foot in the door before the Japs who don't have the capacity at the moment.

    I would like to say more but as I work in Mazda Headquarters in Hiroshima, and my current program is the truck that is built in Thailand, I think I better not. But, Plus, as I said before, you seem well informed.

  3. Ford has invested heavily in Thailand already, it was the first car-maker that targeted primarily exports.

    Their domestic sales have been disastrous and they've burned on Thai government a few times already - first over the taxes on their pickups, then on their ethanol 20 engines. Doubts about Ford's future investments were expressed last year, before capital controls and FBA.

    What were they going to do with their billion anyway? Thailand doesn't need more Ford trucks, and they can't build another pickups for export plant somewhere in India, split away from Mazda (they use the same plant and same designs), it won't be competitive with Thai made trucks from Mitsubishi and Toyota, and even Ford itself.

    Maybe it's a payback time. Ford certainly doesn't have a lot of sympathy left.

    Maybe Ford simply admits losing another market to Japanese.

    You are well informed Plus. Just drive to Eastern Seaboard and count the lots full of trucks that can't be sold.

  4. George Carlin said somethimg like this;

    If you are walking down a hallway picking your nose and someone comes along and want to shake your hand, what do you do with the bugger? You can always put it back and go get it later. :o

  5. ok it had to happen sooner or later. The rapist sympathizers are coming out of the closet.

    Anyone else? Safety in numbers, boys.

    I think you may be missing the point, I do NOT advocate rape. I do have issues with government getting involved is all aspects of people's private lives. Your comments seem to insinuate that I/we think it's O.K. to go around raping anyone that someone see fit. Rape (apparantly) can go both ways and all they did was a sorry attempt to level the playing field (as the OP's says) but just got it 180° wrong. What's O.K. for one should be O.K. for the other, that's all.

  6. Bangkok Post of today 25.01.2007 : Draft law legalises rape by both spouses.

    Any comments please

    And at the risk of mega flame let me say, so it should be. The police have enough to do without getting involved with bedroom marital disputes.

    Also, at the risk of mega flame, I have to say that I agree with this. I was actually thinking the same thing but just have not posted it yet.

  7. Thanks, about the only place i found that was ok in walking street was an irish bar cant remember the name now,


    Shinanagins (sic) is also a very good place (one of my favorites). Second road under the Marriot.

    Yeh Shinanagins is a good place to eat... especially there Sunday carvery! :o yum!

    Actually, I was there last night but didn't eat. I'm thinking about eating there tonight though. Good food.

  8. Thanks, about the only place i found that was ok in walking street was an irish bar cant remember the name now,


    Shinanagins (sic) is also a very good place (one of my favorites). Second road under the Marriot.

  9. My advice would be to wait until the political situation and the immigration changes settle down a bit. May be a risky time to buy right now. Also, may be cheaper next year but who knows?

    600,000 Baht? Are you missing a zero?

    Mods, I know the new rules about posting political references so if I've gone too far, please feel free to delete it.

  10. Hey this is great feedback !

    I have been considering 2 options right now to get me out of this 'extortion' (if it is the bank) ...

    1. Send money via Western Union and pay $35 transfer fee.

    2. Open an account here in Oz and send her the ATM card which only attracts a $5 per transaction fee and I can manage my account on-line and make sure I know what is coming in and out and a weekly transaction will bring the fee to what I now pay to send from here once a month without the bank grabbing a commission at the Thailand end.

    I have still yet to hear from The Siam Commercial Bank as to what explanation they might give for the excessive charges and hope that it is not a 'Bunk' from what my lady tells me as I would like to believe she is telling me the truth and I am believing her at this point as she, I believe , is an honest person.


    I think option 2 would be your best bet.

    I have heard that there is credit card that you can give her and you transfer the money to it from another credit card. Sorry but I forgot what the name is. A friend used this method a lot. An internet search may be able to locate it.

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