Strange how many lives ruined by alcohol but no debate on banning it or limiting its use to 2 % 4% 6% . And to stop selling it for a few hours a day is kinda strange too .
It's been shown in the UK and elsewhere deaths from covid are flawed and not accurate as anyone admitted to hospital during this madness was classed as a covid case even if it was a RTA or anything for that matter . Undertakers contacted by government agencies were told to mark down deaths as covid even though they were never tested for covid . Numerous undertakers have clarified this . But you won't see this on MSM . Anyone highlighting this was called a conspiracy theorist. ????
During the application you can not procede unless putting the Rt-PCR test results in the field supplied as I see it . How did you bypass this field ? Genuinely confused ????
Yeah not much time for delays or errors , seems it needs to be added while applying for the pass no sooner than 72 hours before departure. Would be easier & much less stressful your way though .