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Posts posted by Rc2702

  1. 1 minute ago, 473geo said:

    Nice try lead me in, but you failed,  because oneupmanship is not the same as holding up your corner against attempts at unwarranted criticism


    My laptop is 15" my TV is screen is not much bigger not into the home cinema stuff

    Give it a bloody rest. You are boring the living daylights out of me.you misquoted me. For clarity. You quoted the wrong persons content and made it look like my post. So give it a blinking rest mr perfect life!

  2. 4 minutes ago, 473geo said:

    Imagine away because I am not 'people' and as long as I feel good about myself, and my life, I sure have no reason or need to relate my life experiences to 'people' I meet. Of course where applicable such as the farming forum there is perhaps a requirement to qualify advice or comment with a little 'experience'


    All this because you misquoted me. Really interesting this. No oneupmanship here at all. No way.


    If you like I can send you a PM.


    Do you have a 32 inch or bigger screen for viewing purposes? 

  3. 3 minutes ago, 473geo said:

    I've been fortunate to have a varied and interesting life, I don't even start to relate my story to strangers, first they are better company and comfortable talking about themselves, so this I encourage, second, most could be a little envious of my lifestyle and achievements, probably accuse me of fabrication, embellishment, and heaven forbid 'oneupmanship'!

    Fabrication seems to be your style. You have used someone else's content to quote me.

  4. 5 hours ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    On the odd occasions I converse with a farang it is usually a casual “ watcha” or “ hey “ or just a nod of the head, which is fine.
    I have had longer conversations than this emoji51.png, but any conversation that turns into a list of things they’ve done or places they’ve been then I usually cut short the conversation with an excuse and go on my way. If they perceive that I am not interested in their “ oneupmanship “ no problem !

    A few months ago I encountered a farang ( we were both on bicycles in the local soi, I was with my gf ) and we exchanged names, hometowns in the uk and length of time in LOS. It was a short but pleasant conversation with a fellow Brit and as I stated that I knew the house he lived in he invited me to call in for a beer sometime to which I accepted although I had no intention of doing so.
    A couple of weeks later he passed me on the back of his wife’s mc and blanked me ( turned his head to the other side as he passed ).
    A couple of weeks later as I was in my car waiting for the gf in the 7/11 I saw him approaching on foot, I gave him the benefit of doubt and as he drew level I dropped the window and gave him a friendly “ watcha “ ! He seemed surprised and just said “hey” but carried on, but then tried to engage my gf in conversation as she walked back to the car .

    Made me wonder what was the guys motive for trying to appear friendly on the first meeting !!

    Very awkward situation. What did the chap try to talk to Mrs Dwyer about?


    I forgot to mention a 5th farang in my post. Quiet Irish chap with a 8 year old thai/Irish son who spoke very good English with an Irish accent (son) was a top bloke.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Kinnock said:

    But your list of examples suggests I was right on the money (Big C)?


    You wouldn't be lying to save face would you?


    Perhaps you need to learn Thai?

    This guy is seriously thinking in 1 dimension. Because no one accompanies me that speaks thai 100% when we go shopping do they. 

  6. 36 minutes ago, Kinnock said:

    Let me guess ..... you asked a Thai shop assistant for something in a foreign language, and out of politeness and embarrassment she said "don't have" and you felt all hurt and lied to?

    Bad guess, very bad.



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