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  1. maybe he decided to make himself rich rather than wasting his whole life making someone else rich.
  2. in hua hin its 50.. and rigidly enforced too 😂
  3. does anybody know if we have to leave every 90 days on a multi-entry non-o or can extend each entry (so leave every 5 months?) also can we border bounce the entries? or have to stay overnight?
  4. they'll "just pop down to the Winchester until this all blows over"
  5. theres generally an extra box you can tick that states something like: "a tax number is not required in my country"
  6. possible, and the #1 reason i've pulled future projects. until i know for what and for how much i'll be taxed, i'm keeping it all offshore where its safe and snug and will sell assets here to fund my continued (now temporary) stay.
  7. paying taxes isn't a problem, most on here i suppose do or are prepared to pay somewhere. but getting double taxed, withheld on remittances, buried under piles of paperwork or blackmailed on exit certainly are. all are currently in the air until shrodingers (srettas?) tax box is opened.
  8. well those who said it will curb investments in this country.. i can confirm, at least in my case, even the uncertainty will. after a long talk with my wife we've just shelved 2 property projects worth 15M baht until things are (much) clearer. i know its small beans to some but if we're doing this others are certainly considering it. now looking at european property instead.
  9. wouldn't they just roll the unpaid tax to the following year? nothing states it restarts each year only that it can be collected any year " you bring 1M baht farang but owe 2M. pay 1M now or no visa.. "
  10. google "thai gift tax" loads of resources but its basically up to 20M per year to spouse children or parents - of which i have the full set here.. nice! wife mentioned unlikely to change for 3 reasons: 1 dowry 2 buy property for spouse (money gift) 3 for thais to send money home to parents while working abroad now the only question here is: will they only tax income remitted or demand the full amount payable (to extend visa etc) will wait for those answers. in the meantime our property projects are on hold. as is her new car!
  11. i wonder what would happen if in your case you transferred 845K under the proposed rule or 100K for that matter. 100% claimed as tax or 30% ? and if in the latter would the balance rollover to the following year? devil will be in the details.
  12. think it applies to all tax residents, thai or foreign but not sure it was only my take. here's the link you can try read yourself f you want: https://www.rd.go.th/english/37749.html
  13. its "up to" not 20M only send your wife her housekeeping + beer money every week if you want!
  14. that would solve many problems - do you have a link for infomation about this?
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