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Posts posted by Odysseus123

  1. 15 minutes ago, TKDfella said:

    Ha, actually mine was a snide remark at our society and the greed etc. within in it. What would we do if the inhabitants of Nibiru descended upon us and pinched all our gold to alleviate Nibiru's atmospheric problems, Ha! (just a joke)

    Well....once we found that the Land of Everlasting Life (Epic of Gilgamesh) was kinda unattainable we decided that wealth was a perfectly acceptable substitute until something different comes along...

    The Niburians would not stand a chance-meeting the most feral species in the galaxy would be a most unpleasant encounter...especially if they were after our gold.

    • Like 1
  2. 20 minutes ago, youngster30uk said:

    My Mum died of it on December 18th. It's her funeral in the UK today. 

    count yourself lucky!


    My condolences...


    I know two who have suffered from it..and the physical impact was most severe even tho' neither was over 50..


    Curiously enough it seemed (in those two cases) to leave the more elderly in the families alone.

    • Thanks 2
  3. 10 minutes ago, NorthernRyland said:

    t's their own fault for claiming they "did a good job" and had "good numbers" etc

    Actually..they did do a good job with the initial wave and now (no surprise) it is catching up with them.


    Laos and Cambodia (and Myanmar) may as well be on the dark side of the moon for reporting or comparison purposes.They always were there and there they remain. 

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  4. 18 hours ago, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

    Because they are followers of a doomsday cult. It is really the only way I can thin to explain it. The dear leader can never do or be wrong. The rest of the world is wrong DT must always be right. They truly believe he is the only one that can save them from the doom scenarios that he has created for them.

    Intriguing suggestion...


    To expand it further I would suggest that embracing the full "package" (not just ex-pres Trump)confers on the possessor feelings of grandiosity and superiority as they are way above the common herd or the "sheep" as they like to say and are in proud possession of alternative "facts" as purveyed by paleo-conservative internet sites.


    But this is not an original phenomenon as right wing Christians AND American "libertarians" have been doing it for years and whilst it is something of an American phenomenon I have met plenty of Australians who espouse this form of alternate intellectual universe.

    • Thanks 1
  5. It is really difficult for these tired old eyes to make out...however I shall take your word for it.

    Real jackals or wild dogs-and I do not mean to question you in any way..?


    Wild dogs are a real pest up on the escarpment here-they are continually using 1080 baits to control them.


    Hunters take their mastiff/bulldog/bull terriers up into the bush and then (for one reason or another) leave them where they become the terrors of the wild....

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