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  1. If this was in late 2022/early 2023, then I had the exact same experience. It scared me away from using "Planet Mail" ever again.
  2. Medconsult Clinic. The price will be far, far less than the 15,000 - 20,000 figures quoted in the OP.
  3. You ought to be able to leave feedback for cancelled transactions. Ebay will not automatically prompt you to do so, but if you search Google for "Ebay leave feedback for cancelled," you ought to be able to find instructions.
  4. This one is terrific -- the best I have seen in central Bangkok.
  5. I'm not sure what you think you're refuting, but this is what II actually wrote: "Just to appease the moderators, let me acknowledge that N95 and similar masks absolutely can work, but the recent real-world data on the effectiveness of mask mandates (which usually prompt people to wear paper or cloth masks) are fairly unimpressive. I will post some links below, but the example of Hong Kong is illustrative -- terrible outbreak despite near 100% mask compliance." Are you imagining some inconsistency where none actually exists? But that Reuters article is from late 2021, before omicron. The data here are post-omicron: https://www.sfgate.com/coronavirus/article/bay-area-mask-mandate-results-17271294.php Hong Kong's experience is also post-omicron.
  6. I think you have the burden of proof backward here (that is, I think the burden lies with those making the affirmative claim -- namely, those arguing in favor of masking), but I'll bite anyway. Here are some of the harms: 1. Discomfort in terms of temperature. It is hot outside. I sweat heavily, and the mask only makes the situation worse. In fact, the mask often makes it just gross. 2. Discomfort in terms of breathing. Yes, this is a real issue, especially when the paper (surgical) masks get wet from sweat. 3. Occasional allergies or other bad reactions to masks. From time to time, I have developed coughs or other symptoms from talking, walking, exercising extensively while wearing masks. 4. Communication. I find I communicate better -- and am often actually treated better -- when people can see my face. 5. No need. I was always at low risk, but I'm at lower risk now that I have had five vaccine shots (two Chinese plus three American). Even if masks did help (and again, I don't think the paper ones I wear to meet mandate requirements do much at all), why would I need them? I'm vaccinated. 6. Promoting false solutions and yielding to a climate of fear and ignorance. Just to appease the moderators, let me acknowledge that N95 and similar masks absolutely can work, but the recent real-world data on the effectiveness of mask mandates (which usually prompt people to wear paper or cloth masks) are fairly unimpressive. I will post some links below, but the example of Hong Kong is illustrative -- terrible outbreak despite near 100% mask compliance. Some links related to point 6, so that the moderators do not accuse me of spreading "misinformation": https://www.sfgate.com/coronavirus/article/bay-area-mask-mandate-results-17271294.php (sfgate.com is the San Francisco Chronicle, a major newspaper) https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/31/briefing/masks-mandates-us-covid.html
  7. I cannot comment on what you would do, but no one gives me a "wide berth" when I ride the BTS without a mask. No one pays me any attention at all. I have also traveled with Air Asia a couple of times in the last week, and numerous people were unmasked on both flights.
  8. Not true about the "evil-eye." I've been going maskless on the BTS for a few weeks, and I always see some others (mainly foreigners) doing the same. I haven't gotten any "evil-eye" yet or any indication at all that anyone is even paying attention to me.
  9. www.samhober.com Ties made to order. They are based in Chiang Mai, but they are world-famous.
  10. I don't think I need your permission to reply, and I don't think it makes any difference whether I'm on your "ignore list." I'm posting here for the benefit of anyone who may be reading, whether now or in the future. You came onto this thread parroting a well-known sales lie as if it were established fact. I am doing my small part to correct the record: no, world leaders like Barack Obama and David Cameron are not all secretly flying to Thailand to have suits made at the same tourist trap shop, and no, they are not all leaving genuine autographed photos behind for that shop to put on their walls. Common sense should be enough here, but if it isn't, then ask yourself why there is no evidence for these claims beyond the testimony of the shop itself.
  11. How exactly is a photo of Obama with Yingluck supposed to prove that Obama had a suit made at the shop in question? Here is what the actual Obama White House says about his visit: "Though his stop to the country lasted for less than one full day, the President visited a Buddhist temple at the Wat Pho monastery, met with Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej, held a joint press conference with Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, and enjoyed a dinner hosted by the prime minister at the Government House in Bangkok." Source: https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/blog/2012/11/18/president-obamas-first-stop-asia-thailand That's right: he was in the country for less than a day and had a very busy schedule. But you're claiming that in between meeting with the king and dining with the prime minister, he somehow snuck out to a tailor shop without a single person noticing?
  12. My post, which is literally directly above yours, says this: "George H.W. Bush really did pay a visit some decades back, but everything else is a lie -- and again, a pretty obvious one. " Now your "rebuttal" is that ... George H.W. Bush really did pay a visit? And then a change of subject? No evidence for your earlier claim that "various US Presidents had their suits done at that shop [and] their security detail aka Secret Service men have their suits made there as well"? You wrote that Bush's visit "made all the news papers here and US. Was even on US tv." So how did visits by Barack Obama, John Kerry, David Cameron, etc. go unnoticed in the internet/smart phone age? And how come George H.W. Bush is the only one of these supposed high-profile customers the shop actually managed to get a picture of?
  13. Not only is this BS, but it is also very obvious BS, as others have already mentioned above. Sorry to disillusion you, but these shops rely on an unethical sales practice known as "lying." They lie about pretty much everything. Those shirts they told you were "Egyptian cotton"? They're actually Chinese poly-cotton blend. Those mother of pearl buttons they gave you as a free add-on, because you're special? They're plastic. And the US Presidents? The US Secretaries of State? The UK Prime Ministers? Well, George H.W. Bush really did pay a visit some decades back, but everything else is a lie -- and again, a pretty obvious one. Seriously, which of the following do you think is more likely: 1. Multiple leaders of multiple G7 countries are all descending on Thailand's red light district to buy suits from the same mediocre tourist-trap shop, but somehow no one has actually noticed this amazing phenomenon except for the owners of that shop themselves -- and they somehow cannot provide any evidence at all, beyond a wall covered with supposedly "autographed photographs" (because everyone knows US presidents carry around autographed photos to hand out to the stores they visit?). 2. The owners of the shop are lying. All the autographed photographs that line the walls -- Barack Obama, David Cameron, and the others? The shop owners printed out pictures from the internet and signed the pictures themselves. It's a pretty low-risk scam, actually: Barack Obama and David Cameron can hardly call them on the lie, given that Barack Obama and David Cameron have never even heard of (much less visited) the shop in the first place.

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