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Everything posted by aussienam

  1. Dregs of Thai society - yes there are low life criminal scum that come to Pattaya - more than usual in this red light town. But you need to include dregs of society brought in from around the world as well. Plenty of weirdo farangs as well. Scammers, swindlers galore, thieves, organized criminals, money launderers, traffickers, fraudsters, sexual predators, druggies, plenty and plenty of crooks who never got busted by the law for really serious crimes and legitimize themselves in Pattaya. Cesspool of scum both sides. Intermingled with normal Thai and farang expats and tourists as well.
  2. Sad story. Balcony rails are way too low here. I've been drunk before and felt very uneasy and unsafe. I can see how easy it is to fall. Thai safety standards are woefully inadequate/non-existent. Death traps everywhere. Compounding the issue is yes there are obvious unfortunate accidents, but homicides seem to be under/improperly investigated and written off far too often. Murders do occur here of course and frequently it seems. Foreigners are easy targets and relatives have little to no influence on pushing investigations further. Then, there is corruption as an additional layer of issue where there are cover-ups, altered autopsy/ cause of death reporting, money exchanging hands and apathy. We can speculate on cause of death. Hopefully there was no foul play and we can accept the police reported version. Sad and tragic ending for a young guy on vacation. Poor parents now dealing with grieving of their dead son. Thailand can be awesome and it is for most. But it can be incredibly dangerous too. No second chances when you are dead.
  3. Plenty would have gotten away with it over the years here. Severely substandard/non-existent homicide investigations mixed with corruption to tinker with coronial reports to comply with 'cause of death' clauses in insurance policies. Killing foreigners for insurance money a welcome topic over a som tum meal in the villages!!
  4. Rinse and repeat stories from LOS. I ran into a black widow here in Thailand. Her ex partner revealed how her ex-boyfriend in Korat wanted to leave her. Unfortunately for him, he had life insurance with her as a beneficiary. Lo and behold he suddenly died of poisoning in his food, with her claiming he tried to 'kill her as well as himself, with her miraculously surviving! Insurance won't cover suicides so police must have written report as a misadventure with her with her cleaning up on a fraudulent insurance claim, probable murder and distraught parents in Europe to deal with yet another dead foreigner likely murdered in the LOS. The lady in question - she hoodwinks everyone into believing how sweet she is. A true narcissist and sociopath and still scamming and swindling unsuspecting males of money.
  5. "the villagers denied cooperation because John often acted as a donor who regularly provided financial assistance to them." Wow. So money overrides stopping a dirty pedophile raping kids. Disgraceful mindsets.
  6. I wonder how much extra costs this incurred to be forcefully quarantined in the 'Hospitel'? No insurance will cover this. The husband departing would have saved additional costs as extra meals, tests, observations etc charged by them. Plus if the husband tested positive a few extra days after his wife then I am guessing a possible restart the quarantine clock for the wife?
  7. Murder you need to prove intent. Throwing a knife at someone with a reckless indifference as to where the knife lands and if in fact even intended to penetrate the skin, in a drunken rage would be a difficult one to prove. A single penetrating wound from a knife thrown from a distance. A hard one. You would need admissions of intent or witnesses, technical evidence hearing his intent. The action may have been a spontaneous outburst. The negligent homicide charge is basically negligent manslaughter (I would be saying reckless manslaughter). He may well have had intent but good luck proving that.
  8. So dribbling water over someone in close contact is less contagious than squirting with a water gun from a few meters!! Well, that's the message the authorities are conveying. Yes crowds together spread airborne germs. We get it. Traveling in packed minivans, busses and trains during Songkran also spreads airborne germs. Drinking in bars and clubs before 11pm also spreads airborne germs! The damned virus is ready everywhere. Drop the ridiculous restrictions. It is only delaying the inevitable future waves of COVID and right now it's a mild variant. Herd immunity is right up there now. It's now become a sad joke.
  9. "He said that since April 1st when RT-PCR tests before coming to Thailand were scrapped the daily passenger numbers have risen from 6,000 - 7000 to 9,000 - 10,000." For a large airport the increase is minimal. People are still not coming because of this test on arrival debacle. If they wanted to keep one of the tests, then a pre-departure PCR/RAT test makes more sense. Anyone with sense would do an ATK test anyway before departure to Thailand. That way, if someone is positive then they cancel their flight and stay in country of departure until they are negative. Canceling a flight may be non-refundable or you may be entitled to reschedule to flight. But arriving in Thailand, being tested on arrival and being positive, or being next to someone on the plane who is positive? BANG! Off to hospital and probably quarantine hotel and be charged a high amount that you cannot claim on insurance. Ludicrous. A massive disincentive to travel to Thailand and risk quarantine detention and charged $$$$$$. An awful and expensive experience. Meanwhile in Australia, they have previously had a mandatory pre-departure PCR or ATK test requirement. No test on arrival for most States (Perth is the backwards State). And from 18th April that is no longer the case and now people can fly to Oz with no need for any tests at all. You only need vaccination proof. Moving in line with other countries. Thailand can do so much better than this craziness. You want big arrival numbers? Get rid of all this rubbish. COVID is already here. A few positive passengers will make zero difference now.
  10. With such low quality staff like this, no wonder I had several things stolen from my luggage a few years back. 'Rival groups'? Wow. Like a gangland in an airport!
  11. Yes you know your definitions. We are not in a court of law. My friends didn't request proof of bank deposits and other evidence of sponsorship from the people they talked with. But, I have no reason to doubt this, particularly when I am told from people who are referring to separate individuals they have 'allegedly' spoken to (perhaps I should ask these to video record the conversation as well LOL). There is a pattern of similar stories that collectively appear to show a significant increase in sponsorship payments. Everything on this forum is hearsay. Take it or leave it.
  12. Sounds like a quote from "Yes Minister". A lot of waffle words that mean absolute tripe.
  13. I've heard from quite a few expats of guys they know now forking out 100k+ per month to these bargirls. Absolutely mind-boggling stupidity and the ultimate 'cuckoldery'. We are talking the same and higher amounts than a decent middle income salary - that would be very acceptable in a western country for a university educated person working a 38 hour week. Why would you hand over so much cash to a skilless, village borne prostitute who really does not care about you at all and will move onto the next guy faster than you can blink? There is a new generation of totally 'SIMPed', ignorant, gullible fools who have raised the benchmark for these mostly Issan ladies to strive for. It means the old days of 15k sponsor money per month seem to be rapidly disappearing. Maybe an overweight middle aged mother of four Thai lady may accept that LOL. Prostitution in Thailand becoming a middle income job! Working in a bar to jag wealthy sponsors is the main goal. So many guys from Europe and the UK flashing all their Euros and pounds (seems to be overwhelmingly from this area) in a pathetic desperation to impress the ladies and be the 'alpha' males of Pattaya against their expat counterparts and get the prettiest women (which they do). So many showoffs here.
  14. These situations are usually very fluid and random. The offender appears to have moved about in pursuit of the victim through the store. Where bystanders were situated, what was around them at the time, distance from the offender, what they saw from the angles of view towards the offender, whether they understood the verbal communications, etc. are all factors that determine whether people truly understand what is happening and deny or present an opportunity for anyone brave enough to intervene. A person brandishing a knife in a highly excited state also presents an instant threat to safety. Most people would react with a fight/flight instinct - leaning towards flight unless cornered. Adrenaline kicks in, tunnel vision, extreme fear, shock, self preservation. The brain's amygdala takes over and the prefrontal cortex (logic and reasoning) takes a back seat. It is easy in hindsight to be critical of people in these types of incidents. It is rare that people intervene immediately and one would have to be lucky in that respect to have someone risk their life for a stranger. That person would usually be more in control (either by nature and/or nurture) and see opportunities to disarm/disable the threat. Throwing a bottle of cooking oil or any other object, would have to be enough to disarm or disable that person. And if you missed or were not powerful enough, you could then become a target as well. A very sad outcome yes. It is a pity he wasn't stopped in time.
  15. Pattaya over the last few months has definitely seen a significant increase in women returning to the bars. A lot of women admittedly appear to have acquired a few pounds (sitting at home during COVID lockdowns for 2 years does that). It won't be too long before restrictions are removed, and the hordes of cuckold 'white knight' tourists will return to become one of the multiple sponsors for many ladies. The 'dumb money' will start pouring out of wallets and bank accounts with new horror stories of being fleeced LOL.
  16. As previously relayed by my now deceased German father, that when he lived in Berlin: as a small child, he witnessed Russian soldiers at the end of WWII raping his young sister, who was only a little girl, leaving an imprint that caused him lifelong trauma, a broken marriage, alcoholism and a tragic ending. Pedophile soldiers using war as an excuse to rape little children. Disgusting and evil. I feel sorry for the children suffering in the Ukraine. Horrors beyond what most of us will ever experience.
  17. It reads typical of any major event. Operational orders with a clear mission and objectives that are left to commanding officers of jurisdictions to choose. Post operational debriefs are then made to the chiefs and officers will need to show successful results - whether that be reduced road tolls, traffic enforcement, reductuon in injuries, alcohol related crime and other peculiar additions such as prostitution! A blitz operation. Rinse and repeat with police forces around the world.
  18. I will be having to face the Thai entry requirements in a couple of months in a return flight here. I will still test myself with an ATK prior to departure so I can postpone the flight if positive (I will try to get a booking where I can change the flight within 24/48 hour notice and if not then will have to accept losing several hundred dollars). I will do this despite no need now because it is cheaper than being found positive upon arrival and being forced into expensive hospital and hotel quarantine. But - if I am seated close to another passenger who tests positive, will I be forced into a hospital and then hotel quarantine too? My insurance will not cover me for hospitalization unless I am ill enough and definitely not hotel quarantine (I have already asked). Last year I contracted COVID after being infected from a local Thai person I know. I self quarantined in my home.
  19. Here I stand with my knee length socks stuffed into my sandals and salute to the government officials for preventing such implorable and dastardly water-fights, immoral flashing of water soaked tops and deplorable excessive consumption of alcohol. Yes, only designated event venues that basically will become an ... ahhh ... non-event. Let's make this a permanent ban so my day isn't ruined from disgraceful water splashing ... tongue planted firmly in cheek.
  20. I cannot understand why a serious crime like this isn't promptly investigated. The offender at large has more opportunities to commit further serious crimes as well as flee the country (if able to). This is a major crime. I have heard of acid attacks being a disturbing trend in the UK. I hope it isn't the same here.
  21. No alcohol in these venues? From what I have seen over the years in Songkran in Pattaya, that goes hand-in-hand as part of the merriment. If the designated water splashing zones (let's face it, it is always just a mad water fight) are too sanitized with registration, ATK tests to enter, alcohol free, rules about conduct, intimidating security guards, etc., then I cannot see too many people bothering to attend. The fun and atmosphere just won't be there IMO.
  22. This report is lacking the obvious detail that nearly every reader here would be asking about - DNA. It's a slam dunk case that only requires a match or a non-match. The case thrown out relating to cause of death, but no mention of any rape charges. So acquitted of murder/manslaughter due to a likely autopsy finding of death concerning brain cancer, not pregnancy complications. But the rape matter is a separate offence. I think this report is missing a lot of details and hopefully the full details reveal exactly what's gone on here. Otherwise we can only speculate on what we read here.
  23. Just imagine being involved in a Songkran water fight/dousing whilst wearing a mask. The mask will rapidly turn into a soggy cloth unable to receive oxygen - instant water boarding!
  24. I am talking about full strength fully legalized cannabis, with hydro heads that contain a potent THC content. Not what currently is being sold without THC. And the argument of cannabis being a gateway drug to harder narcotics is polarized by medical professionals - valid arguments for and against. I have no bias and accept it is a drug with some risks and also some benefits. My comments did not include the gateway drug argument. And there is evidence of permanent psychosis from cannabis use for some unfortunate people.
  25. Certain people can be predisposed to mental illness and susceptible to serious conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, who have not had a trigger event. Cannabis as well as other hallucinogenic drugs can trigger the onset of a serious mental illness to someone who could otherwise have lived life without the condition. One session can be all it needs. Others are lucky and never suffer. It is luck of the draw. Have a visit to a psych hospital and see how many patients have ended up there with permanent conditions, not just the temporary drug induced psychosis that can occur as well.
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