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Everything posted by aussienam

  1. They are allowed to work construction. There are agreements with neighboring countries in relation to this.
  2. It doesn't send a good message to other nations all over the world that have imposed sanctions against Russia and banned flights. Thailand prefers neutrality of course. I've seen enough images and footage of the carnage in Ukraine with deaths of men, women and children and many living in sheer terror, whilst Russians are enjoying a holiday in Thailand. Doesn't sit right for me. Poor taste. Fails the pub test.
  3. Whatever you want to define my comments, I know I've taken the red pill! You can choose to wear the dress in the relationship ????
  4. I am sorry to say, but women around the world have proven to be increasingly fickle. A man should never take it for granted that things are always rosy and the woman of their life will be forever devoted to him. It is a definite sign of the times. Women have never been so unfaithful as current modern times it seems. The old time of couples wed for life is history. Men should self insure themselves against financial losses. Never, ever take women for granted. Men have become the victim of 'wokeness', have become SIMPS and chest beating 'White Knights', trying to outdo each other as the feminist movement gains hold worldwide. Men are falling for the scam IMHO. Men have historically been the promiscuous ones, but women have caught up and possibly overtook men (women have the advantage of being able to be more promiscuous as men typically chase down women of all shapes and sizes). Women easily manipulate most men, who unfortunately too often place women on a pedestal to worship. Modern social media and global internet access to other cultures has ensured the downfall of traditional cultures. Thai women are just the same/worse than the West. I came here with the naïve idea that Thai women were more trustworthy than the West. Definitely not the case. And it has just worsened over the near 20 years I have visited here. Just look at the women glued to their phones, taking selfies all the time, totally self absorbed in vanity and narcissism. Individual stories of "oh but my wife and I have been together for xx years" are exceptions to the trend and therefore do not classify as the norm. If you have money, for sure you have a better chance of retaining a woman here. That dries up and they will walk away in a flash. And in this case, this poor Thai guy foolishly entrusted the money into his partner's account. Morals, dignity and ethics are predominantly no longer present in this terribly fickle society. And it is not exclusive to Thailand. it has been replaced by selfishness, greed and narcissism worldwide.
  5. I don't have sympathy for the ex-drug dealers and other organised crime figures who have made probably millions/billions of Baht of tax free income over decades, who had a head-start over others, to quickly set up shops all over Thailand upon legalisation - and continue to make bumper profits off the back of already established weed crops. I do however sympathise on those who entered the market post-legalisation and have invested significant money into this new emerging cannabis market. I think it unfair for government to pullback on hazy legislation that will disadvantage a lot of decent investors. But, there is probably a level of responsibility on those who jumped into the cannabis business, knowing that the laws were vague and the real possibility of legal clarifications to tweak the usage laws. Like a lot of things done in Thailand, business owners push the envelope when it comes to laws (such as breaching closing hours in alcohol/entertainment outlets). The government definitely could have done a much better job with a working committee to draft numerous laws and clarifications of laws, best practice and procedures, etc. beforehand. Not only Thailand, but other countries as well rush legislation, leading to all sorts of issues. One only needed to attend one of the Cannabis expos that popped up around the country to see how much has already been invested into businesses, new products, etc. I personally am not a big user of cannabis, but have dabbled. I like cannabis use for anxiety relief and there are definite medical benefits for other medical conditions well documented. I don't like the hallucinogenic effects of higher THC, but if a user wants to experience that then that's their choice and the THC content is revealed. I think the 'cat is out of the bag' now and the only thing I think is a good thing is to ensure cannabis smokers follow the same rules as tobacco smokers (don't annoy others in public who don't want to inhale it - I hate cigarette smoke). Also, the term for 'medical use', for example, does a user technically need to present to a cannabis café, a doctor's certificate to prove one's need for cannabis? Or is the law vague on how much one needs to prove they need it for medical use? I have not read over the legislation as it stands. But would be interesting in how that section is worded.
  6. You are right. Sad reality is that many expats burn their bridges coming here, selling up beforehand meaning they have priced themselves out of the property market in Oz and not able to afford rent back there either. Health issues that are not covered by insurance and prohibitively expensive in Thailand means being put into a terrible situation. I know of two Aussies who suicided over same scenario, insufficient money to return to a life in Oz - facing destitution, homelessness and years long waiting list for public housing there. I'd suicide as well in this scenario unfortunately too. Channel 9 story massively devoid of details as well.
  7. It will never be proven other than the SARS Coronavirus (COVID) is likely to have originated from bats in China. They carry various SARS Coronaviruses. Whether COVID was from an infected bat at the Wuhan wet markets, or from a zoonotic transference of the virus from a bat to another species to human, or from a leaked sample at Wuhan laboratory (where gain of function tests on bat derived SARS COVID viruses were being carried out) - we will probably never find out as data was removed from the lab. China, not wanting to own up for the pandemic, did a good job on causing enough of a smokescreen on information with blameshifting strategies. Then of course conspiracy theories on steroids erupted and finger pointing everywhere else was attempted from both within the CCP and elsewhere from paranoid tin foil hat wearers around the world. Got to the point that people forgot about China and bickering and new conspiracy theories morphed, with wild beliefs over the virus being fake, masks being a from of government control, vaccinations killing more than the virus (some claimed as a form of population control by culling, big pharma conspiracy theories as well etc etc etc). Interesting times and a lot of psychological studies into human behavior. I'll be glad to never have to talk about or hear about COVID ever again in the near future.
  8. I <deleted> hate these call centre scammers. Been pestered by the criminal <deleted> for years on and off both in Oz and here in Thailand. Indians mainly. The types you wish you could identify and meet in a dark alley with a baseball bat ...... I would not feel any sympathy if one day they cross the wrong guy and their call centres are blown up or burnt down as well. Usually they succeed with elderly and other vulnerable members of the community. They can ruin someone's life in a day and not bat an eyelid. Pure evil.
  9. Perhaps this would also affect digital nomads and expats here running online businesses whilst in Thailand and having their payments for transactions sent to a Thai account. A way to avoid tax as most probably don't declare their income sources here as not registered Thai businesses. That's the risk those run and Thai government knows there's tax evasion. Like so many other governments around the world doing the same with reigning in tax evasion. For those affected, it may mean opening a bank account in another country PayPal accepts, with lax tax laws and law enforcement, then using WISE or similar FOREX to shift funds. PayPal is a huge drawcard for online businesses. Others of course use crypto exchanges if clients agree to pay this way. Money laundering into Thailand is massive. Those crooks using PayPal as an option will just change tactics.
  10. I hope the lowlife scum are apprehended and face the courts. And that justice is done. We'll see. Too many mum & dad investors, pensioners, and others who lose their life savings becoming financially ruined off the backs of these narcissistic sociopathic con artists, who squander the illegally obtained funds to finance their lavish gluttonous lifestyles. They don't care about ruined lives. Pure and evil greed off suffering.
  11. It is what I describe as an adult tantrum. In denial and just delaying the inevitable. His own doing unfortunately. Thai immigration doing their job.
  12. In relation to pedestrian crossings, they are just severe death traps. Mentality of Thai drivers is to not stop for anyone on a crossing. If you are brave enough to stop at a crossing then look out because there is a good chance you will be hit from behind. Anyone crossing with blind faith of driver's doing the right thing may well end up in a body bag. Another thing I have noticed is the relatively new traffic lights at zebra pedestrian crossings (in Pattaya). Typically, driver's usually don't stop, albeit it causes some to stop (I did the other day and an irate Thai driver behind me blasted his horn at me and then raced through). Also, the design of the pedestrian traffic lights at crossings is terribly thought out. The lights are way too high up so motorists lilely do not usually notice the light phase change (who was contracted to make these? No idea. Obviously no proper working committee to use best practice models). The stop line is too close to the crossing so if you are at the line you cannot see the lights change. When the pedestrian light has turned red and countdown timer for a green light is due it takes several seconds later for the green light to activate (one over 10 seconds). This causes impatience and drivers will just drive through. Other countries, when approaching a pedestrian crossing there are warning signs and also may be flashing lights too upon approach (at non-traffic light crossings).
  13. Halloween is always going to attract fringe 'bad taste' costumes. Most stick to ghouls, monsters and other classic horror characters, especially kids. Just hope this guy isn't part fulfilling a hidden fantasy! Parents and friends keep tads on him to see if he likes dissecting animals and keeping manikins in his bed! On an aside, the Pattayanews website - geeze they need to tidy it up as the reader is just totally bombarded with pop-up ads and need to keep closing them just to read the story. Over the top monetizing. I don't use that site in general for that reason.
  14. Sad outcome for a clearly very mentally distressed man. Settting fire to a vehicle I can only imagine may be due to him ensuring his partner did not get it. Maybe a separation scenario? Hence why I truly am terrified of getting too involved with women in a country where you have no ownership rights in many cases and poor legal protection elsewhere. I never married in the West because of the financial risks that can send you virtually destitute and suicidal.
  15. The prevalence of 'hitmen for hire' here in Thailand is astounding. It is not uncommon as well for drunken Thai women and men to announce their ability to arrange somebody to kill you (often a mention of the 'taxi mafia'). Has happened to me and others (the threat only thankfully!!). I once was introduced to a drunk Thai man at a bar who announced his services - don't know why he wanted to tell me! He brandished a huge knife under his shirt and mentioned his ability to acquire firearms and carry out other illegal matters. I politely left. If you have the right money, it seems you can have anyone knocked off here. We are in a developing country with a lot of third world mentality and huge corruption and crime. Doing business here and dealing with undesirables is asking for trouble. Good to see BIB homicide have rounded up the last known suspect. Let's see how the court process pans out.
  16. Oxford dictionary: junk·ie /ˈjəNGkē/ Learn to pronounce noun INFORMAL a drug addict. a person with a compulsive habit or obsessive dependency on something. "power junkies"
  17. 555. A modern, developed Western liberal democratic society with a robust legal system would have made this headline news. Politicians would be demanding a Royal Commission into corruption and organised crime. But in Thailand it's just, "lift up that rug and just sweep it under there"!! Unbelievable stuff! So amazingly bad and just the tip of the iceberg. I'll stick to my 100 baht lottery tickets (probably fake tickets 555)
  18. The driver hopefully will be appropriately prosecuted and sentenced with DUI, culpable driving causing death and GBH or similar. I hope the deceased's family and surviving victim are sufficiently compensated as well (doubt it). Driving drunk is culturally condoned in Thailand, albeit illegal. The flow-on effect of this even affects foreigners holidaying and living here. I see plenty of bars and clubs around Pattaya with cars and motorbikes lined up outside. We can easily fall into a trap of having convenient transport by bringing our own transport and running the gauntlet home until something terrible happens. Australia where I am from and other countries went through this decades ago until culture changed. Thailand really needs to work hard on changing that. Adding a layer of complexity now is trying to change a culture of drink driving during legalization of cannabis, that also causes impaired driving.
  19. So, he's taken a rifle and bullet proof vest. He's ready for a showdown with his fellow officers. Or maybe he's going to go on a murderous shooting spree somewhere. Great. Another nutcase.
  20. Common knowledge drugs like methamphetamine are sold in and out of clubs. Obviously this club and others with late night club revelers are going to attract elements of the population who are into all of that. Police around the world raid clubs based on intell (and corrupt for bribes). I don't like drug dealers as they ruin lives and make tons of money off greed. Users - they know the risk of being caught. They run the gauntlet. If they are busted bad luck, they know it's llillegal. I am sure some forum readers here probably endorse amphetamines as they are users themselves. Up to you if you are a junkie or casual user, but no sympathy if caught. The big downside is amphetamines can cause psychosis and serious violent crimes, which puts others at risk (like recent massacre possibly as a result of prolonged use). Another problem here is the very bad reputation of the BIB, the widespread serious corruption, the fear of being arrested for some fictitious offence and being extorted for money. Fleeing a raid therefore is potentially dual reasoned.
  21. I found this article quite difficult to understand. Confusing sentence structure and grammar errors all over the place. Are these articles proof read?
  22. Ah, the wonderful scourge of methamphetamine use by the Thai population. Never a good start or ending with this gutter drug. Death penalty for the dealers IMO. Need a leader like in the Philippines former president Duterte to have execution squads for drug dealers. Drug dealers are the lowest of the low and it is their greed that ruins lives.
  23. Avoid new construction projects like the plague. It's all about maximizing space at the cost of sound insulation. Avoid big complexes. Go for boutique low-rises with good juristic. You want management that are strict on rules and tenants./occupants. Stay clear of any condo facing swimming pools (kids screaming). Busy main roads and alleyways with lots of traffic. Avoid being next to lifts. Preferable to be on the end of a block. Double brick style construction are ideal. Or ditch condo living and rent a house. No guarantee of course.
  24. A police response like that is just more and more and more reinforcing of negative opinions against them. Definitely very unprofessional and disappointing. If police cannot be bothered to help then what hope do Thai people have?
  25. It's just another regurgitated theme of a prostitute on a boat. Plenty of it going on anyway if that 'floats your boat'!!
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