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Posts posted by sujoop

  1. 5 minutes ago, webfact said:

    “I did not do anything wrong,” the ex-premier said on her Facebook.

    More poor, poor Pou (Yingluck)... Meanwhile, the poorest farmers weren't even part of the rice scheme... The program was a fraud from the outset. Here's a sample from rice scheme corruption cases - a fictional China deal which links a red-shirt leader,  a Yingluck/Pheu Thai party MP and a Thaksin insider:

    Dummy firm tied to govt figures
    *Guangzhou-based GSSG Import and Export Corporation, was actually represented by a Thai man called Rathanit Sojirakul, who later authorised Phichit-based Nimon Rakdi to (sign) a contract to purchase 5 million tonnes of rice on the company’s behalf. ...Rathanit was a close aide to Pheu Thai MP Rapeephan Phongruangrong, who is the wife of red-shirt leader Arisman Phongruangrong. ...Rathanit, who claimed to be the authorised representative of the Chinese firm, only has Bt64.63 in his bank account...

    Notable comment from Yingluck's (Thaksin's) Commerce minister:
    (After buying the rice) I won’t be investigating what buyers do with it,” he said.

    So, Yingluck + Commerce Minister obviously were not interested in investigating their corruption laden program but some may ask, what happened to the rice in this supposedly innocent 'normal subsidy' deal?

    *The G-to-G deal was a fake because no rice was exported to the Chinese firm. Instead, the huge amount of milled rice was sold locally at below market price by the Foreign Trade Department to a ghost buyer who then sold the rice at market price to the two Thai firms which have their own rice mills and later on the same amount of rice were pledged with the government at pledging prices which are about 40 percent above market price. The gang, it was alleged, made double profits from the same amount of rice.

    'Nimon previously worked at President Agri Trading, a company that was found to have been involved in shady dealings under a rice price-pledging scheme launched in 2003-2004 during Thaksin Shinawatra’s administration.  President Agri is connected to Apichart’s Siam Indica, which was also involved in the scam in 2004'.

    Floods and Rice scheme, connect the dots:

    Besides 'losing' multi-billions in the rice scheme, there was also another significant loss event caused by the very same Thaksin program re-launch under Yingluck in 2011. The Democrat Govt advised against planting a 3rd rice crop in the basin but Yingluck's Govt encouraged it to kick off the new rice scheme program (and ordered dams NOT to release water so those same farmers could harvest rice in the basin and plain areas:

    November 11, 2011

    “Decision to delay the release of water from the country's major dams had been made by the government”
    ('so that farmers could harvest their crops first')

    And finally this chestnut, the 1st of many attempts to free Thaksin came amidst those same floods:

    As floods wreak havoc on Thailand, government sneaks in a plan to bring Thaksin Shinawatra home?
    Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung, who chaired Tuesday's Cabinet meeting, from which Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra was conspicuously absence, waved off reporters, saying he would address the issue when he is at Parliament Wednesday afternoon. Media reports said that during a high-confidential Cabinet forum Tuesday limited to only a handful numbers of ministers and officials, it was decided that people convicted of corruption would be entitled to receive this year amnesty.

    Back to the current matter - there's a civil liability law which is designed to protect state officials against liability , 'unless they were found to have deliberately violated the laws',  or *to be  found in gross negligence of duty*. Unfortunately Yingluck went along with 'Thaksin speaks - Puea Thai does'. The result was turning a blind eye to multi-billion $$ plunder, therefore guilty of 'gross negligence of duty' as charged, which is NOT excused under the civil liability law.

    Yet despite obvious malfeasance, massive losses in a rice program which poorest farmers had NO stake in,  plus acerbated floods directly by closing dams to get ill advised rice crops in (to kick off rice scheme)  and then under the cloak of floods, try to sneak in an amnesty for Thaksin, many on this forum still go on saying 'Way to go Yingluck,'....

  2. 51 minutes ago, colinneil said:

    The PM is sh+t++g himself, terrified of what could happen.

    Mr PM the peasants are ready to revolt, so what you gonna do???

    Get your pals with the m16s to shoot a few thousand of them, just to keep the others in line.

    Interesting times ahead.

    Or, get the other side's blackshirt sniper 'pals' or bomb makers/RPG throwers  to take out some in the crowd  to try to kick things off (again...)

    Note in the 'other' paper Red Shirt leader Weng is making familiar threats again (paraphrasing)  that on Aug 1 and 25 the turnout will be bigger and the 'handling of people'  coming to the court on those days 'will be difficult'  and finally stating that  'If mistakes happen',  the Govt will cause damage to themselves'..... (sounds like a veiled threat or the outline of a plan to do something and blame the Govt/Army?)

    One wonders what the Red Shirt leader is either party to, or has prior knowledge of? (seen this movie before, usually really kicks off following seizure of 'family' funds, or losing a court case that didn't get swayed by a pastry bag full of cash  delivered via Thaksin's lawyer ). One also wonders if Thaksin will once again take to the the airwaves to plead for supporters to 'Come to protest and bring YOUR kids'  (while his kids all jetted off on sudden overseas shopping junkets in 1st class... and Chalerm to Singapore)  just before all heck broke out after confiscation of Shinawtra 'family' assets last time.



  3. For those who didn't come to Thailand to take economic advantage of young farm girls in bars (and then got 'taken advantage' by same LOL!) and aren't angry at the world for their own mistakes,   this is a feel good story and the cabbie did great. Also had a wallet returned similarly and have had exactly 1 bad driver out of thousands of trips. To the rest, have a nice day being angry at the world  :-)

  4. 5 minutes ago, Pridilives said:

    Deceive yourself however you want. Thaksin wants to win at election not in street. Nobody need die if election. So election is good thing


    Succintly corrected by SheungWan:

    4 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

    Thaksin wants everything for his family business: the police force, the judiciary, the army, the State.

    But okay then, let's just go back to 'democracy' as we had with consecutive Thaksin-backed Govt's. A 'democracy' which all but ends abruptly following a successful 'by hook or crook'  vote (which is apparently the SOLE threshold of achieving 'democracy' to some).

    Let's go back to passing amnesty's in the middle of the night to help the real 'dear leader' Thaksin, or illegaly passing historic borrowing bills also in the middle of the night (and brazenly adding a 'no-oversight' / no-inspection or monitoring on spending clause...) this is how arrogant and fear-LESS they were, blatantly subverting checks and balances.

    Or attempting to change the law to prevent citizens from lodging court complaints against the Govt without approval from the Govt's own appointed Attorney General first. Or attempts to change the Senate to allow family members of MP's to also be Senators (all in the family, zero checks or balances, just blank cheques to approve any bill you wish). Let's just go straight back to the '97 constitution much preferred and beloved by red-shirt leaders and their boss as he easily subverted or neutered checks and balances, Govt watch-dog agencies, and loaded others with cronies, including appointing family members to head both the police and military...

    Yes let's go back to Thaksin's 'democracy' some seem to miss so dearly, let's return to Deputy Prime Minister 'Who's your daddy' Chalerm, and other supposedly non-elite 'fresh thinkers' like Chavalit, Plodprasop et al... Let's return to nightly bombs and murdering of children to more red-shirt applause...

    Let's go straight back to adding to the dead and maimed count since 2006, all sacrificed for the desires of one self-enriching, criminal, megalomoniacal autocrat. 'But we came from election'... as Yingluck and other low-threshold defenders doth protest (which is sadly the SOLE and TOTAL qualification of 'democracy' some would have us 'aspire' to...)

    As one who would also love to see Thailand evolve to 'real' democracy, one must first be honest, there never really was any true democracy in spirit, intent, nor follow-on action by Thaksin's Govt's. Rather a systematic watchdog dismantling, self-enriching, autocratic dynasty, similar to a Hun Sen,  Marcos, Suharto, (also add Chavez/Putin etc to the list)  which many on here are naively or recklessly pining away to return to.

    Or, *try* get as many reforms as/or IF possible done to prevent subversion of checks and balances (including an unfortunately proven to be needed military 'baby-sat' Senate majority for 5 years) and then try, try again.

  5. note in the 'other' paper Red Shirt leader Weng is making familiar threats again (paraphrasing)  that on Aug 1 and 25 the turnout will be bigger (if the Govt tries to prevent them) and then the 'handling of people'  coming to the court on those days 'will be difficult'  and finally stating that  'If mistakes happen'the Govt will cause damage to themselves'..... (sounds like a veiled threat or the outline of a plan to do something and blame the Govt/Army?)


    One wonders what the Red Shirt leader is either party to, or has prior knowledge of? (seen this movie before, usually really kicks off following seizure of 'family' funds, or losing a court case that didn't get swayed by a pastry bag full of cash  delivered via Thaksin's lawyer ). One also wonders if Thaksin will once again take to the the airwaves and beseech supporters to 'Come to protest and bring YOUR kids'  (while his kids all jetted off on sudden overseas shopping junkets in 1st class... and Chalerm to Singapore) last time just before all heck broke out after confiscation of Shinawtra 'family' assets.

  6. 2 hours ago, sweatalot said:

    "The UDD was first formed in 2006 to oppose the military coup"


    The UDD was created in 2006 by Thaksin  as his army to bring his money back and bring him back to power so he could  continue robbing the country


    "The red shirts took to the streets once again in March 2010 – just over a week after the Supreme Court’s Criminal Division for Political Office Holders ordered that Bt46 billion in Thaksin’s assets be seized"


    Clear democratic action: bring back stolen money to the robber - was that intended to help the people?

    Also, note in the 'other' paper Red Shirt leader Weng is making familiar threats again (paraphrasing)  that on Aug 1 and 25 the turnout will be bigger (if the Govt tries to prevent them) and then the 'handling of people'  coming to the court on those days 'will be difficult'  and finally stating that  'If mistakes happen',  the Govt will cause damage to themselves'..... (sounds like a veiled threat or the outline of a plan to do something and blame the Govt/Army?) One wonders what the Red Shirt leader is either party to, or has prior knowledge of? (seen this movie before).



  7. More poor, poor Pou (Yingluck)... Meanwhile, the poorest farmers weren't even part of the rice scheme... The program was a fraud from the outset. Here's a sample from rice scheme corruption cases - a fictional China deal which links a red-shirt leader,  a Yingluck/Pheu Thai party MP and a Thaksin insider:

    Dummy firm tied to govt figures
    *Guangzhou-based GSSG Import and Export Corporation, was actually represented by a Thai man called Rathanit Sojirakul, who later authorised Phichit-based Nimon Rakdi to (sign) a contract to purchase 5 million tonnes of rice on the company’s behalf. ...Rathanit was a close aide to Pheu Thai MP Rapeephan Phongruangrong, who is the wife of red-shirt leader Arisman Phongruangrong. ...Rathanit, who claimed to be the authorised representative of the Chinese firm, only has Bt64.63 in his bank account...

    Notable comment from Yingluck's (Thaksin's) Commerce minister:
    “(After buying the rice) I won’t be investigating what buyers do with it,” he said.

    So, Yingluck + Commerce Minister obviously were not interested in investigating their corruption laden program but some may ask, what happened to the rice in this supposedly innocent 'normal subsidy' deal?

    *The G-to-G deal was a fake because no rice was exported to the Chinese firm. Instead, the huge amount of milled rice was sold locally at below market price by the Foreign Trade Department to a ghost buyer who then sold the rice at market price to the two Thai firms which have their own rice mills and later on the same amount of rice were pledged with the government at pledging prices which are about 40 percent above market price. The gang, it was alleged, made double profits from the same amount of rice.

    'Nimon previously worked at President Agri Trading, a company that was found to have been involved in shady dealings under a rice price-pledging scheme launched in 2003-2004 during Thaksin Shinawatra’s administration.  President Agri is connected to Apichart’s Siam Indica, which was also involved in the scam in 2004'.

    Floods and Rice scheme, connect the dots:

    Besides 'losing' multi-billions in the rice scheme, there was also another significant loss event caused by the very same Thaksin program re-launch under Yingluck in 2011. The Democrat Govt advised against planting a 3rd rice crop in the basin but Yingluck's Govt encouraged it to kick off the new rice scheme program (and ordered dams NOT to release water so those same farmers could harvest rice in the basin and plain areas:

    November 11, 2011

    “Decision to delay the release of water from the country's major dams had been made by the government”
    ('so that farmers could harvest their crops first')

    And finally this chestnut, the 1st of many attempts to free Thaksin came amidst those same floods:

    As floods wreak havoc on Thailand, government sneaks in a plan to bring Thaksin Shinawatra home?
    Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung, who chaired Tuesday's Cabinet meeting, from which Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra was conspicuously absence, waved off reporters, saying he would address the issue when he is at Parliament Wednesday afternoon. Media reports said that during a high-confidential Cabinet forum Tuesday limited to only a handful numbers of ministers and officials, it was decided that people convicted of corruption would be entitled to receive this year amnesty.

    Back to the current matter - there's a civil liability law which is designed to protect state officials against liability , 'unless they were found to have deliberately violated the laws',  or *to be  found in gross negligence of duty*. Unfortunately Yingluck went along with 'Thaksin speaks - Puea Thai does'. The result is she willfully turned a blind eye to multi-billion $$ plunder, therefore is guilty of 'gross negligence of duty' as charged, which is not excused under the civil liability law.

    Yet despite obvious malfeasance, massive losses in a rice program which poorest farmers had no stake in, plus acerbated floods directly related to closing dams to get ill advised rice crops in, and then under the cloak of floods, try to sneak in an amnesty for Thaksin, many here go on saying 'Way to go Yingluck' etc. One would say shamefully but cannot when dealing with those who evidently know none...


  8. 46 minutes ago, halloween said:

    Yes, your mate posted this rubbish before. An almost identical scheme, except the government isn't buying the rice at 50% above market price, they aren't storing to for years at high expense, and they aren't appointing their cronies as agents to make whopping fees while the rice is sold at a loss. What they are doing is helping poorer farmers during a period of low prices while Yingluk's stockpile is sold off, but hey, let's not mention that uncomfortable fact because someone might accurately attribute the blame.

    Now that the stockpile is nearly gone, the price of rice is starting to rise again.

    Note the current rice subsidy also does not involve dummy firms doing shady deals with Thaksin cronies and red-shirt middlemen etc:

    Dummy firm tied to govt figures:

    *Guangzhou-based GSSG Import and Export Corporation, was actually represented by a Thai man called Rathanit Sojirakul, who later authorised Phichit-based Nimon Rakdi to (sign) a contract to purchase 5 million tonnes of rice on the company’s behalf. ...Rathanit was a close aide to Pheu Thai MP Rapeephan Phongruangrong, who is the wife of red-shirt leader Arisman Phongruangrong. ...Rathanit, who claimed to be the authorised representative of the Chinese firm, only has Bt64.63 in his bank account...

    *The G-to-G deal was a fake because no rice was exported to the Chinese firm. Instead, the huge amount of milled rice was sold locally at below market price by the Foreign Trade Department to a ghost buyer who then sold the rice at market price to the two Thai firms which have their own rice mills and later on the same amount of rice were pledged with the government at pledging prices which are about 40 percent above market price. The gang, it was alleged, made double profits from the same amount of rice.


    Actually, Yingluck's rice scheme was just a variation of Thaksin's from 2004 (also riddled with corruption and similar insiders)


    'Nimon previously worked at President Agri Trading, a company that was found to have been involved in shady dealings under a rice price-pledging scheme launched in 2003-2004 during Thaksin Shinawatra’s administration.  President Agri is connected to Apichart’s Siam Indica, which was also involved in the scam in 2004'.


    Last, no one is currently ordering dams to NOT release water to get an ill advised off-season harvest in to  kick-start their rice scheme plunder:

    'Decision to delay the release of water from the country's major dams had been made by the government'
    “so that farmers could harvest their crops first”

    Yet many here go on saying 'Way to go Yingluck' etc. One would say shamefully but cannot when dealing with those who know none...

  9. 1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


    2 hours ago, sujoop said:

    Boo-hoo Khun Poo... Poor, poor Yingluck...  Let's review:


    There's a civil liability law which is designed to protect state officials against liability * unless they were found to have deliberately violated the laws * or to be found in gross negligence of duty^. Unfortunately Yingluck went along with 'Thaksin speaks - Puea Thai does'. The result is she willfully turned a blind eye to multi-billion $$ plunder, therefore is guilty of 'gross negligence of duty' as charged, which is NOT excused under the civil liability law.


    Here's a sample from rice scheme corruption cases - a fictional China deal which links a red-shirt leader,  a Yingluck/Pheu Thai party MP and a Thaksin insider:


    Dummy firm tied to govt figures

    *Guangzhou-based GSSG Import and Export Corporation, was actually represented by a Thai man called Rathanit Sojirakul, who later authorised Phichit-based Nimon Rakdi to (sign) a contract to purchase 5 million tonnes of rice on the company’s behalf. ...Rathanit was a close aide to Pheu Thai MP Rapeephan Phongruangrong, who is the wife of red-shirt leader Arisman Phongruangrong. ...Rathanit, who claimed to be the authorised representative of the Chinese firm, only has Bt64.63 in his bank account...


    Love this comment from Yingluck's (Thaksin's) Commerce minister:
    “(After buying the rice) I won’t be investigating what buyers do with it,” he said.


    So, Yingluck + Commerce Minister obviously were not interested in investigating their corruption laden program but some may ask, what happened to the rice in this supposedly 'innocent normal subsidy deal'?


    'The G-to-G deal was a fake because no rice was exported to the Chinese firm. Instead, the huge amount of milled rice was sold locally at below market price by the Foreign Trade Department to a ghost buyer who then sold the rice at market price to the two Thai firms which have their own rice mills and later on the same amount of rice were pledged with the government at pledging prices which are about 40 percent above market price. The gang, it was alleged, made double profits from the same amount of rice.'



    'Nimon previously worked at President Agri Trading, a company that was found to have been involved in shady dealings under a rice price-pledging scheme launched in 2003-2004 during Thaksin Shinawatra’s administration.  President Agri is connected to Apichart’s Siam Indica, which was also involved in the scam in 2004'.


    Besides 'losing' multi-billion $$ in the rice scheme, there was also another significant loss event caused by the very same Thaksin program re-launch under Yingluck in 2011:


    November 11, 2011
    Decision to delay the release of water from the country's major dams had been made by the government

    “I admit ordering a delay in the release of water so that farmers could harvest their crops first”



    And finally this chestnut, the 1st of many attempts to free Thaksin which came under cover of those same floods:


    As floods wreak havoc on Thailand, has the Yingluck government sneaked in a plan to bring Thaksin home?

    'Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung, who chaired Tuesday's Cabinet meeting, from which Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra was conspicuously absence, waved off reporters, saying he would address the issue when he is at Parliament Wednesday afternoon. Media reports said that during a high-confidential Cabinet forum Tuesday limited to only a handful numbers of ministers and officials, it was decided that people convicted of corruption would be entitled to receive this year amnesty.'


    Yes, poor Tingluck.Thaksin says, Yingluck does and the results are coming home for her (but not Thaksin, of course)


    Actually, all she has to do is explain how appointing herself Chair of the Flagship Scheme, and then never bothering to actually attend and Chair any meetings; fail to listen or act on repeated warnings from bona fide international bodies and Thai officials; and reprimanding and moving Thai officials who did raise concerns; isn't gross negligence.


    Simple. So far, neither Yingluck, her defense team nor any of her witnesses have explained this. And this is what she is actually charged with!!


    As usual, she prefers to waffle about "fairness, the process, how upset she is etc etc". Now the actress shows the tearful performance again. Anything to avoid answering the actual charges!


    also one fully expects more 'booms' to come as is has been the case whenever family coffers are threatened with confiscation/penalty (par for the course as we've seen in the past, or simply coincidences ...)

  10. 5 hours ago, webfact said:

    I’m sorry to have cried before you today. I try my best not to make people concerned about me but sometimes I’m not successful,” she added.

    Boo-hoo Khun Poo... Poor, poor Yingluck...  Let's review:


    There's a civil liability law which is designed to protect state officials against liability * unless they were found to have deliberately violated the laws * or to be found in gross negligence of duty^. Unfortunately Yingluck went along with 'Thaksin speaks - Puea Thai does'. The result is she willfully turned a blind eye to multi-billion $$ plunder, therefore is guilty of 'gross negligence of duty' as charged, which is NOT excused under the civil liability law.


    Here's a sample from rice scheme corruption cases - a fictional China deal which links a red-shirt leader,  a Yingluck/Pheu Thai party MP and a Thaksin insider:


    Dummy firm tied to govt figures

    *Guangzhou-based GSSG Import and Export Corporation, was actually represented by a Thai man called Rathanit Sojirakul, who later authorised Phichit-based Nimon Rakdi to (sign) a contract to purchase 5 million tonnes of rice on the company’s behalf. ...Rathanit was a close aide to Pheu Thai MP Rapeephan Phongruangrong, who is the wife of red-shirt leader Arisman Phongruangrong. ...Rathanit, who claimed to be the authorised representative of the Chinese firm, only has Bt64.63 in his bank account...


    Love this comment from Yingluck's (Thaksin's) Commerce minister:
    “(After buying the rice) I won’t be investigating what buyers do with it,” he said.


    So, Yingluck + Commerce Minister obviously were not interested in investigating their corruption laden program but some may ask, what happened to the rice in this supposedly 'innocent normal subsidy deal'?


    'The G-to-G deal was a fake because no rice was exported to the Chinese firm. Instead, the huge amount of milled rice was sold locally at below market price by the Foreign Trade Department to a ghost buyer who then sold the rice at market price to the two Thai firms which have their own rice mills and later on the same amount of rice were pledged with the government at pledging prices which are about 40 percent above market price. The gang, it was alleged, made double profits from the same amount of rice.'



    'Nimon previously worked at President Agri Trading, a company that was found to have been involved in shady dealings under a rice price-pledging scheme launched in 2003-2004 during Thaksin Shinawatra’s administration.  President Agri is connected to Apichart’s Siam Indica, which was also involved in the scam in 2004'.


    Besides 'losing' multi-billion $$ in the rice scheme, there was also another significant loss event caused by the very same Thaksin program re-launch under Yingluck in 2011:


    November 11, 2011
    Decision to delay the release of water from the country's major dams had been made by the government

    “I admit ordering a delay in the release of water so that farmers could harvest their crops first”



    And finally this chestnut, the 1st of many attempts to free Thaksin which came under cover of those same floods:


    As floods wreak havoc on Thailand, has the Yingluck government sneaked in a plan to bring Thaksin home?

    'Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung, who chaired Tuesday's Cabinet meeting, from which Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra was conspicuously absence, waved off reporters, saying he would address the issue when he is at Parliament Wednesday afternoon. Media reports said that during a high-confidential Cabinet forum Tuesday limited to only a handful numbers of ministers and officials, it was decided that people convicted of corruption would be entitled to receive this year amnesty.'


    Yes, poor Tingluck.Thaksin says, Yingluck does and the results are coming home for her (but not Thaksin, of course)

  11. Meanwhile, the poorest farmers weren't even part of the rice scheme... The program was a fraud from the outset.


    There's a civil liability law which is designed to protect state officials against liability * unless they were found to have deliberately violated the laws * or to be found in gross negligence of duty^. Unfortunately Yingluck went along with 'Thaksin speaks - Puea Thai does'. The result is she willfully turned a blind eye to multi-billion $$ plunder, therefore is guilty of 'gross negligence of duty' as charged, which is NOT excused under the civil liability law.


    Here's a sample from rice scheme corruption cases - a fictional China deal which links a red-shirt leader,  a Yingluck/Pheu Thai party MP and a Thaksin insider:


    Dummy firm tied to govt figures

    *Guangzhou-based GSSG Import and Export Corporation, was actually represented by a Thai man called Rathanit Sojirakul, who later authorised Phichit-based Nimon Rakdi to (sign) a contract to purchase 5 million tonnes of rice on the company’s behalf. ...Rathanit was a close aide to Pheu Thai MP Rapeephan Phongruangrong, who is the wife of red-shirt leader Arisman Phongruangrong. ...Rathanit, who claimed to be the authorised representative of the Chinese firm, only has Bt64.63 in his bank account...


    Love this comment from Yingluck's (Thaksin's) Commerce minister:
    “(After buying the rice) I won’t be investigating what buyers do with it,” he said.


    So, Yingluck + Commerce Minister obviously were not interested in investigating their corruption laden program but some may ask, what happened to the rice in this supposedly 'innocent normal subsidy deal'?


    *The G-to-G deal was a fake because no rice was exported to the Chinese firm. Instead, the huge amount of milled rice was sold locally at below market price by the Foreign Trade Department to a ghost buyer who then sold the rice at market price to the two Thai firms which have their own rice mills and later on the same amount of rice were pledged with the government at pledging prices which are about 40 percent above market price. The gang, it was alleged, made double profits from the same amount of rice.



    'Nimon previously worked at President Agri Trading, a company that was found to have been involved in shady dealings under a rice price-pledging scheme launched in 2003-2004 during Thaksin Shinawatra’s administration.  President Agri is connected to Apichart’s Siam Indica, which was also involved in the scam in 2004'.


    Besides 'losing' multi-billion $$ in the rice scheme, there was also another significant loss event caused by the very same Thaksin program re-launch under Yingluck in 2011:


    November 11, 2011
    Decision to delay the release of water from the country's major dams had been made by the government

    “I admit ordering a delay in the release of water so that farmers could harvest their crops first”



    Happy Birthday Yingluck, hope the flowers Thaksin sent you were worth it all...



  12. 29 minutes ago, Caps said:
    32 minutes ago, Mosha said:

    Well Sadiq Khan, I suppose you'll be telling the victims that living in a city like London, they have to expect this kind of thing.

    Sent from my iris 505 using Tapatalk

    :cheesy::cheesy: stranger things have happened 

    Actual context: London mayor says being prepared for terror attacks 'part and parcel' of living in a major city. Further: 'Mr Khan was elected as Mayor in May and quickly appointed former Met Police Authority chair Lord Harris to review London’s terrorist attack response'

    Perhaps between working with the Police and emergency services, the Mayor was again disrupted by another purposeful misquote in a tweet by a world leader, similarly trying to make political capital during a tragedy...

  13. 1 minute ago, vogie said:
    5 minutes ago, sujoop said:

    Certainly wasn't suggesting any such thing, rather, simply pointing out your tact and others is actually fueling our  adversary  and  creating/emboldening more extremists/nutters on both sides. However, act as you see fit to which will help most.

    To be honest I don't give a rats tail about what ISIS thinks, the sooner they are dispatched the better.

    Certainly agree, dispatch ISIS but instead you are actually doing their bidding thus helping them grow hydras. Others choose not to do so. Up to you sir.

  14. 8 minutes ago, vogie said:
    18 minutes ago, sujoop said:

    Or, choose  to instead assist ISIS twisted goals by spreading division and hate. Up to you.

    What do you suggest we do, hold hands and dance around in a circle with daisys in our hair singing 'We Shall Overcome?'

    Certainly wasn't suggesting any such thing, rather, simply pointing out your tact and others is actually fueling our  adversary  and  creating/emboldening more extremists/nutters on both sides. However, act as you see fit to which will help most.

  15. 1 minute ago, Caps said:
    4 minutes ago, sujoop said:

    A relatively tiny group of extremist fundamentalist zealots trying to create a worldwide clash of civilizations which would be impossible on their own, however they're being greatly aided by those who stoke division and hate on both sides... thus fueling ever more extremists/terrorists and nut jobs doing these heinous acts.

    So we should all just sit back and have a beer and let the tiny group of extremist fundamentalists in a large amount of countries on the plant just do what they need to do/  Hope they will get bored and just stop!  

    Pull the other one...its got bells on 

    Or, choose  to instead assist ISIS twisted goals by spreading division and hate. Up to you.

  16. 8 minutes ago, Caps said:

    Ummmmm, I wonder what the common denominator is? 


    A relatively tiny group of extremist fundamentalist zealots trying to create a worldwide clash of civilizations which would be impossible on their own, however they're being greatly aided by those who stoke division and hate on both sides... thus fueling ever more extremists/terrorists and nut jobs doing these heinous acts.

  17. ISIS will again be well pleased to see many comments here and elsewhere directly aiding their twisted goal of creating a clash of civilizations. Well done, keep helping to propel ISIS (a relatively tiny minority which otherwise cannot possibly 'win' without your constant servitude and invaluable assistance) by spreading ever more division thus creating ever more terrorists on both extremist sides, 'assisting' ISIS in achieving their sick aims. They will be especially pleased at how easy it is to manipulate you and sardonically thank you for defacto doing their bidding...


    Meanwhile, those who refuse to aid or fuel terrorists/extremists twisted goals certainly wouldn't pin this heinous act on all white people or all Christians etc, any more than one should blame all Muslims etc for other heinous acts. Grateful for the vast majority on both sides who steadfastly refuse to fuel/aid/assist terrorists/extremists by refusing to stoke division and hate.

  18. Meanwhile, as Putin & Co laugh their @sses off at the ease of playing the simple man-child that is Trump (and as the vast majority in the US and the world sadly shake their heads at what has become of America),  Trump goes about appointing law makers which one supposes he sees as NOT being nut-jobs like Comey....


    Trump picks right-wing blogger for a judgeship, his confirmation hearing was a complete train wreck

    'Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to pick the guy who compared abortion to slavery? Here’s a pro tip. If you are a judicial nominee, and you have to spend much of your confirmation hearing denying that you endorsed birtherism, maybe “judge” isn’t the ideal job for you'.


  19. Some more details in this AFP report:

    - Attack on Navalny - 'Asked by the BBC whether he sees Navalny as a political competitor following nationwide protests organised by the Kremlin critic, Putin lost his cool'



    Putin further stated that sanctions were placed on Russia by those 'who fear a serious competitor'... He also revealed he has grand children for the first time which prompted the following comment below the article: 'Aww, the murdering autocrat who stole billions has grandkids. How cute...'

    Trump supporters can be forgiven for admiring Putin, both have used dubious methods to acquire wealth and both make 'unfriendly' reporters sit at the far back (if permitted to attend at all). Also, both enjoy joking over firing Comey and obstructing justice (but may not be laughing for too long)


    'President Trump meets with Russian officials at the White House.
    American journalists were barred. Photo credit Russian Foreign Ministry'


    “I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job” Trump tells Russian officials
    “I faced great pressure because of Russia (investigations). That’s taken off.”






  20. Nevermind, Brexperts will be along soon stating this is either fake news or somehow a good thing...

    or perhaps more Brexiteer 'common sense' ala:


    1 hour ago, retarius said:

    Good riddance to the bankers. They have ruined Britain with their outrageous greed. 

    Brexiteer's exceptionalist / myopic point of view:








  21. 6 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    She is in trouble for sure. Boris is undoubtedly rubbing his hands together, sensing that maybe his time is coming after all.

    Only AFTER May expires from a dreadful campaign and upcoming handling of the poisoned Brexit chalice (which Boris all but 'won'  -  then promptly ran away from.... ) and now here we are:




  22. 19 hours ago, sujoop said:
    22 hours ago, sujoop said:
    On 6/10/2017 at 11:39 AM, Usernames said:

    It is not illegal for Americans to talk with Russians.

    True but it IS illegal to discuss removing sanctions as Flynn  did.  #1 question in all this is, who instructed Flynn to do so?

    Report: Trump's lawyer hand-delivered Michael Flynn a secret plan to lift sanctions on Russia

    The plan involved lifting sanctions on Russia in return for Moscow withdrawing its support for pro-Russia separatists in eastern Ukraine. It would also allow Russia to maintain control over Crimea, which it annexed in 2014.


    The White House reportedly continued its push to lift Russia sanctions even after Flynn resigned

    A senior White House official asked the State Department in March to assess if sanctions on Russia were harming US interests and whether lifting them would increase Russia's oil production and therefore help the American economy

    This is a gang that would unhesitatingly throw each other under the bus to save self, thus it's just a matter of time before Flynn, or perhaps Sessions (or?) talks. Then queue false claims of disappointment and surprise from Paul Ryan, Reince Priebus et al as the GOP + Koch Bros etc get on with the planned pivot to welcome Pence. Trump? Resigns and starts 'Trump News Network' where Bannon is the DJ and Kellyanne, Spicer and perhaps Amarosa spin endless alternative facts to a vengeful and adoring base.


    18 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:
    19 hours ago, sujoop said:

    If one is so that blinkered in their defensive support of President Trump that this prevents them from acknowledging that he is indeed a serial & daily liar and also that he has and will in a heartbeat causally throw any and even key staff under the bus to protect himself, then there are several Whitehouse positions waiting (which fewer and fewer would want any part of for these very reasons)

    Thank you oh wise one.  All you are doing is regurgitating what is being put out by the MSN and certain tabloids.  Put your own thoughts out there, not those of others or is it you don't have any?:wai: 

    My original thoughts remain the same:

    'it IS illegal to discuss removing sanctions as Flynn  did.  #1 question in all this is, who instructed Flynn to do so?'


  23. Hopefully this isn't yet another dog n' pony show and redundant coal miners etc will have access to retraining for new jobs in the fastest growing energy sector (like solar, wind and clean energy .. Doh... forgot, nevermind then). Also one wonders if any of this will ever come to fruition anyways, like many previous  'empty pronouncements'.


    China Detains Activists Probing Ivanka Trump's Shoe Factory: Reports



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