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Posts posted by sujoop

  1. 2 hours ago, sujoop said:
    5 hours ago, Usernames said:

    It is not illegal for Americans to talk with Russians.

    True but it IS illegal to discuss removing sanctions as Flynn  did.  #1 question in all this is, who instructed Flynn to do so?

    Report: Trump's lawyer hand-delivered Michael Flynn a secret plan to lift sanctions on Russia

    The plan involved lifting sanctions on Russia in return for Moscow withdrawing its support for pro-Russia separatists in eastern Ukraine. It would also allow Russia to maintain control over Crimea, which it annexed in 2014.


    The White House reportedly continued its push to lift Russia sanctions even after Flynn resigned

    A senior White House official asked the State Department in March to assess if sanctions on Russia were harming US interests and whether lifting them would increase Russia's oil production and therefore help the American economy

    This is a gang that would unhesitatingly throw each other under the bus to save self, thus it's just a matter of time before Flynn, or perhaps Sessions (or?) talks. Then queue false claims of disappointment and surprise from Paul Ryan, Reince Priebus et al as the GOP + Koch Bros etc get on with the planned pivot to welcome Pence. Trump? Resigns and starts 'Trump News Network' where Bannon is the DJ and Kellyanne, Spicer and perhaps Amarosa spin endless alternative facts to a vengeful and adoring base.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:
    17 minutes ago, mogandave said:


    Comey did not deny there was collusion, he nearly stated he could not answer in an open hearing.

    He has a responsibility to protect both the investigations and the President.


    I don't think we watched the same testimony.  He said that none was found but then the investigation is ongoing and it will be up to the Special Counsel to determine what, if anything, occurred.  Protect the president, I am sure that calling him a liar and that he would lie about the meetings is truly protecting him, I don't think.  Only an opinion by someone who may have a few reasons for embellishing his testimony.:wai:

    If one is so that blinkered in their defensive support of President Trump that this prevents them from acknowledging that he is indeed a serial & daily liar and also that he has and will in a heartbeat causally throw any and even key staff under the bus to protect himself, then there are several Whitehouse positions waiting (which fewer and fewer would want any part of for these very reasons)

  3. 55 minutes ago, sujoop said:
    3 hours ago, Usernames said:

    It is not illegal for Americans to talk with Russians.

    True but it IS illegal to discuss removing sanctions as Flynn  did.  #1 question in all this is, who instructed Flynn to do so?

    Report: Trump's lawyer hand-delivered Michael Flynn a secret plan to lift sanctions on Russia

    The plan involved lifting sanctions on Russia in return for Moscow withdrawing its support for pro-Russia separatists in eastern Ukraine. It would also allow Russia to maintain control over Crimea, which it annexed in 2014.


    The White House reportedly continued its push to lift Russia sanctions even after Flynn resigned

    A senior White House official asked the State Department in March to assess if sanctions on Russia were harming US interests and whether lifting them would increase Russia's oil production and therefore help the American economy


    35 minutes ago, sujoop said:
    47 minutes ago, Rob13 said:
    55 minutes ago, sujoop said:

    True but it IS illegal to discuss removing sanctions as Flynn  did.  #1 question in all this is, who instructed Flynn to do so?

    All the trumpies who are crying foul because there's no cause for an investigation need to answer this question.

    Might add, it is crystal clear why Trump (who regularly and casually throws his subordinates under the bus) would go to such great lengths asking  Comey to 'let Flynn go...' Trump knows if Flynn turns on HIM, he's done... (maybe why Sessions is still 'barely' hanging in as well). Either way, this current house of cards has an expiry date with destiny assured.

    This just in:


    Jeff Sessions had third undisclosed meeting with Russian officials, Comey reportedly says

    James Comey just hinted Jeff Sessions had more contact with Russia than we know

    Sessions has been the most unexpected member of the Trump administration to get caught up in the Russia scandal — unlike Trump or many of the president’s other advisers, he’s a career politician. He’s already on the outs with the president for things that aren’t related to Russia.


    Oh dear, it appears Elmer Fudd is in a similar pickle... Trump better hope Flynn and now Sessions both keep quiet... (meanwhile, the field of who would want to work for this bus driver/President becomes ever narrower...)

  4. 1 minute ago, Rob13 said:
    9 minutes ago, sujoop said:

    True but it IS illegal to discuss removing sanctions as Flynn  did.  #1 question in all this is, who instructed Flynn to do so?

    All the trumpies who are crying foul because there's no cause for an investigation need to answer this question.

    Might add, it is crystal clear why Trump (who regularly and casually throws his subordinates under the bus) would go to such great lengths asking  Comey to 'let Flynn go...' Trump knows if Flynn turns on HIM, he's done... (maybe why Sessions is still 'barely' hanging in as well). Either way, this current house of cards has an expiry date with destiny assured.


    2 hours ago, Usernames said:
    7 hours ago, smotherb said:

    No smoke?  Flynn was fired for his lying about his Russian connection; Sessions recused himself from the investigation because of his Russian Connections, Kushner has been defended by the WH because of his back channel attempts using Russian intelligence communication; the numerous ties with the Russians by Trump's people is well documented, were they overt or covert? Comey claims "there was no fuzz" on the evidence confirming Russian hacking of our 2016  elections; that will certainly be resolved with Muellers' investigation. If Hillary would have won, would anyone want an investigation of her contacts with the Russians?  There is smoke, dagnabbit!

    It is not illegal for Americans to talk with Russians.

    True but it IS illegal to discuss removing sanctions as Flynn  did.  #1 question in all this is, who instructed Flynn to do so?

    Report: Trump's lawyer hand-delivered Michael Flynn a secret plan to lift sanctions on Russia

    The plan involved lifting sanctions on Russia in return for Moscow withdrawing its support for pro-Russia separatists in eastern Ukraine. It would also allow Russia to maintain control over Crimea, which it annexed in 2014.


    The White House reportedly continued its push to lift Russia sanctions even after Flynn resigned

    A senior White House official asked the State Department in March to assess if sanctions on Russia were harming US interests and whether lifting them would increase Russia's oil production and therefore help the American economy

  6. 1 hour ago, fvw53 said:

    after Trump at the helm in the US, Boris Johnson as PM would be his soulmate to illustrate the decline of Western democracies



    Ironic as BoJo clearly sought to abrogate any personal leadership/responsibility until after someone else drank from the poisoned Brexit chalice -and expired as a result... Perhaps he'll step up in say 12 months, or another more opportune time? (after the heavy lifting is done and casualties cleared away, of course)

  7. With a vastly weakened mandate and hand, is it wise to rush along with Brexit?

    Also for consideration:
    'The author of Article 50 has already ridiculed claims that the treaty clause cannot be stopped once it has been invoked.  Lord Kerr told peers during a parliamentary session last month: “If, having looked into abyss, we changed our minds about withdrawal, we certainly could - and no-one in Brussels could stop us.”



    EU leaked document: Britain can reverse Article 50:


  8. Meanwhile, over on FOX news, Hannity & Co are blaming Comey for not standing up to the President, stating Comey should have told the President not to make 'inappropriate' requests... Further, FOX n Friends are calling instead for Comey to be investigated and charged for 'leaking' his own memo (unclassified) account of the incidents... This commentary is interspersed with constant reassurances that Trump broke no laws and is not under any investigations....

    Fox News live:

    Contrast the high standards set for Comey by Trump supporters, Fox n Friends, etc, against Mr Trump having a laugh with the Russian ambassador in question in an oval office meeting  stating quote: “I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,” Mr. Trump said. “I faced great pressure because of Russia (investigations). That’s taken off.”.......




    As a majority in the US, our Allies and most of the entire world shake their heads in sadness for what has become of the USA under Trump, at least Trump supporters are pleased at this embarrassing ongoing train wreck and for certain Putin will be laughing his @ss off...



  9. 1 hour ago, sujoop said:
      1 hour ago, Prbkk said:


    2 hours ago, sujoop said:


    The side driveway to the Westin is not a busy street and not a common pathway for foot traffic, rather a driveway used by taxis etc drop-off/pickup at front (not the quiet side driveway where the Gent took his exit) and main driveway is also cordoned off from Sukhumvit McDonlads entrance. Suffice to say it is likely the gent had a look as a chair was found placed against the railing. Last, if one ever finds oneself mired by health issues and clouded by the grips of depression (and quite possibly further clouded by alcohol etc) and decides to end it, that somehow one also has the complete clarity and presence of mind (!?) to not do so in a public area. Enough now?

    No doubt the man was distressed. However, If he had the clarity and foresight to look below for foot traffic, perhaps he might have stopped to consider the impact on staff and guests. EG, the staff at the lower level are youngsters, many of them girls; this is a family hotel with a large number of Japanese and Taiwanese guests, often with children. Just how traumatic for anyone witnessing this tragedy.

    sure...maybe he was beyond rational. 


    1 hour ago, Prbkk said:
    1 hour ago, sujoop said:


    Perhaps his grieving Daughter (who lives and works here, thus is likely looking in) may read your comment, then go scold her father graveside for not possessing such presumed standards of clarity (in the midst of taking his life) and then post a thank you note... Also for the many, many, other 'helpful' posthumous  comments by ever thoughtful and compassionate (sanctimonious vultures) ThaiVisa regulars...

    Borderline hysterical ranting and raving doesn't add much to the discussion.

    Oh for goodness sakes... (literally). A plea for respectful thoughts for the deceased daughter's sake (who lives here and may be reading this thread) is rebutted by shamefully deflective claims of 'hysterical ranting and raving'... (welcome to ThaiVisa). Again, sincere condolences and heartfelt thoughts to the grieving daughter in Bangkok and may she gracefully never read this thread.

  10. 57 minutes ago, sujoop said:


    1 hour ago, sujoop said:
    1 hour ago, sujoop said:

    Have posted TWICE about this already after reading 2 other news stories in Thai press which stated:

    He was VISITING
    His daughter lives and works in Bkk
    He left instructions on leaving his money to loved ones

    He had contemplated an exit for some time due to health


    Again, as his Daughter who lives here may be looking in, could the usual ThaiVisa muppet posters kindly refrain from crass/thoughtless comments? Sincere condolences and heartfelt thoughts to his grieving daughter.


    1 hour ago, bbi1 said:


    1 hour ago, sujoop said:

    It was not a street. It was the side-driveway of the Westin Sukhumvit which is thankfully not used much by foot traffic and in this case obviously vacant. Also as a chair was found next to the railing the deceased likely looked to ensure it was clear below before exiting. Enough already.


    Ah, that hotel, The Westin on the corner of Sukhimvit 19. Yep, definitely has no foot traffic around that "not busy" corner with traffic jams and Terminal 21 shopping centre just opposite :)




    47 minutes ago, Prbkk said:


    57 minutes ago, sujoop said:


    The side driveway to the Westin is not a busy street and not a common pathway for foot traffic, rather a driveway used by taxis etc drop-off/pickup at front (not the quiet side driveway where the Gent took his exit) and main driveway is also cordoned off from Sukhumvit McDonlads entrance. Suffice to say it is likely the gent had a look as a chair was found placed against the railing. Last, if one ever finds oneself mired by health issues and clouded by the grips of depression (and quite possibly further clouded by alcohol etc) and decides to end it, that somehow one also has the complete clarity and presence of mind (!?) to not do so in a public area. Enough now?

    No doubt the man was distressed. However, If he had the clarity and foresight to look below for foot traffic, perhaps he might have stopped to consider the impact on staff and guests. EG, the staff at the lower level are youngsters, many of them girls; this is a family hotel with a large number of Japanese and Taiwanese guests, often with children. Just how traumatic for anyone witnessing this tragedy.

    sure...maybe he was beyond rational. 


    Perhaps his grieving Daughter (who lives and works here, thus is likely looking in) may read your comment, then go scold her father graveside for not possessing such presumed standards of clarity (in the midst of taking his life) and then post a thank you note... Also for the many, many, other 'helpful' posthumous  comments by ever thoughtful and compassionate (sanctimonious vultures) ThaiVisa regulars...

  11. 25 minutes ago, sujoop said:
    1 hour ago, sujoop said:

    Have posted TWICE about this already after reading 2 other news stories in Thai press which stated:

    He was VISITING
    His daughter lives and works in Bkk
    He left instructions on leaving his money to loved ones

    He had contemplated an exit for some time due to health


    Again, as his Daughter who lives here may be looking in, could the usual ThaiVisa muppet posters kindly refrain from crass/thoughtless comments? Sincere condolences and heartfelt thoughts to his grieving daughter.


    16 minutes ago, bbi1 said:


    25 minutes ago, sujoop said:

    It was not a street. It was the side-driveway of the Westin Sukhumvit which is thankfully not used much by foot traffic and in this case obviously vacant. Also as a chair was found next to the railing the deceased likely looked to ensure it was clear below before exiting. Enough already.


    Ah, that hotel, The Westin on the corner of Sukhimvit 19. Yep, definitely has no foot traffic around that "not busy" corner with traffic jams and Terminal 21 shopping centre just opposite :)


    The side driveway to the Westin is not a busy street and not a common pathway for foot traffic, rather a driveway used by taxis etc drop-off/pickup at front (not the quiet side driveway where the Gent took his exit) and main driveway is also cordoned off from Sukhumvit McDonlads entrance. Suffice to say it is likely the gent had a look as a chair was found placed against the railing. Last, if one ever finds oneself mired by health issues and clouded by the grips of depression (and quite possibly further clouded by alcohol etc) and decides to end it, that somehow one also has the complete clarity and presence of mind (!?) to not do so in a public area. Enough now?

  12. 18 minutes ago, Dipterocarp said:


    48 minutes ago, sujoop said:

    Have posted TWICE about this already after reading 2 other news stories in Thai press which stated:

    He was VISITING
    His daughter lives and works in Bkk
    He left instructions on leaving his money to loved ones

    He had contemplated an exit for some time due to health


    Again, as his Daughter who lives here may be looking in, could the usual ThaiVisa muppet posters kindly refrain from crass/thoughtless comments? Sincere condolences and heartfelt thoughts to his grieving daughter.

    Did he recon with somebody via mobile  on the ground to spot his landing? 

    Could have killed a passerby. 


    It was not a street. It was the side-driveway of the Westin Sukhumvit which is thankfully not used much by foot traffic and in this case obviously vacant. Also as a chair was found next to the railing the deceased likely looked to ensure it was clear below before exiting. Enough already.


  13. 1 hour ago, Canceraid said:

    Trump is just one big disgrace in the History Of America and really is a big joke. When are Americans going to get up and redeem this mistake.

    Trump's minority composed of a majority under-educated & keyboard warrior collection of  'guy at the end of the bar'   type supporters, plus filthy rich right wing hawks (who happily use the stooges & Trump to get further tax cuts, health care cuts, education cuts, environment protection reversals, etc, etc, etc, plus alienate our allies while embracing more lucrative profit-sharing 'friends' like Russia and Saudi's) will NEVER want to impeach. Also, Congress needs a 3/4 majority and the INCENTIVE to do so - which short of a video of Trump in a 3 way with Putin (and even then many supporters would cheer...) or a wipe-out in mid-term elections,  impeachment is not going to happen. There is ZERO shame in Trump's support base because in trade of making America the great laughing stock of the world,  all 'get something' from him, from 'permission' to be a red-neck bigot 'patriot', to tax cuts and then simply discard, deflect, or defend the rest of what this complete national and intnl embarrassment of a President says, does, or tweets.

  14. 7 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

    I hope he was not an expat who went for a better life and ended up not being able to afford moving back home

    Have posted TWICE about this already after reading 2 other news stories in Thai press which stated:

    He was VISITING
    His daughter lives and works in Bkk
    He left instructions on leaving his money to loved ones

    He had contemplated an exit for some time due to health


    Again, as his Daughter who lives here may be looking in, could the usual ThaiVisa muppet posters kindly refrain from crass/thoughtless comments? Sincere condolences and heartfelt thoughts to his grieving daughter.

  15. 1 hour ago, SpeakeasyThai said:

    Wonder if he paid for the drink? 

    For the sake of the deceased gent's daughter and family, could the typical TV posters please refrain from thoughtless/crass comments?


    1 hour ago, sujoop said:

    Have just read another news report stating Mr Browning was visiting his daughter who lives and works in Bkk. Thus, please be aware the departed gent's  grieving daughter may be reading.... Also read another news article (in a Thai news site) which unfeelingly included a scan of the note. As the note was very personal in nature will not go into it, suffice to say the deceased had apparently been contemplating an exit for some time and had also left instructions for money to be allocated to his loved ones. To his daughter (who must be absolutely devastated -and herself far from home) goes my heartfelt thoughts.



  16. 1 hour ago, Trouble said:

     Might be a good idea to be informed before making remarks about something you apparently know little about.


    Donald Trump tweets support for blockade imposed on Qatar

    The president’s remarks on Tuesday will come as a shock to Qatar, which regarded itself as an ally to the US and is home to 10,000 US troops, and will delight Saudi Arabia, which until recently had been fighting off claims in Washington that Riyadh was the chief sponsor of terrorism.



  17. Have just read another news report stating Mr Browning was visiting his daughter who lives and works in Bkk. Thus, please be aware the departed gent's  grieving daughter may be reading.... Also read another news article (in a Thai news site) which unfeelingly included a scan of the note. As the note was very personal in nature will not go into it, suffice to say the deceased had apparently been contemplating an exit for some time and had also left instructions for money to be allocated to his loved ones. To his daughter (who must be absolutely devastated -and herself far from home) goes my heartfelt thoughts.



  18. 3 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

    May he Rest In Peace.

      I can relate to why a man would do this for medical reasons.  have been having an emotional fight with this same thing for the past while. 

    My bladder quit and I catheter every day and have constant pain that the doctors do not know why. Sometimes it makes it impossible to get around. My life is spent cherishing moments of no pain. Then today I think I had a mini stroke. I got out of bed could not use my leg arm or hand,had no control of the hand or arm. I felt dizzy and disorientated. took about an hour to feel normal. Ending it is present in my mind constantly.Today gave me great concern and made me realize I have to decide soon or I may have a stroke and be unable to do anything and be at the mercy of the medical field.

      So I wish to ask robblok if non citizens of Belgium can go there and be euthanised?


    Hi there LLS, despite we're on opposite sides of many issues, sad to hear of your health problems. Must be really hard to cope and kudos for the strength you've displayed (shows you still got it!)  Luckily my health is ok except a back injury battle which has really opened my eyes. INFLAMMATION is becoming known as 'the' biggest health factor in everything from cancer to heart disease. CUMIN it turns out is a 'super' natural anti-inflammatory and has also really helped with my back injury recovery. You might give it a try and see if it can reduce inflammation which compounds so many other health issues - find it in most larger local Pharmacies/Chemists.

    'KAMIN' is the name in Thai, the one with pepperine is best as it increases bioavailibility:

    Some more info:

    Also, for ANYONE having issues with depression, or lack of sleep (also over-eating, or if trying to quit drinking or smoking) HIGHLY recommend natural 5 HTP. It's an absolute god-send (no pun intended Rob;) The immediate positive effects and difference are quite simply amazing. Have got it  locally here through 'buydeeorder' before, just email them in English, can pay by cc or bank, they also have EMS tracking. Recommend the Natrol 200 MG 5 HTP 'time release' variety as most effective.


    5 HTP:

    (might also find it at a specialty pharmacy/chemist but haven't come across it thus far so ordered online - can also order it via iherb.com but takes longer)

    More info on 5-HTP:


    Hope better days ahead for yourself lovelomsak and anyone reading thinking similar thoughts as in the OP!

    Su-Su! Take care all


  19. TRUMP: Mayor of London says there is 'no reason to be alarmed'

    KHAN: You will see an increased police presence today, including armed officers and uniformed officers. There is no reason to be alarmed by this.

    So as the Mayor of London was busy working with Police and emergency services, Trump seeks to make political capital by typically distorting to appeal to his red-meat base and to the 'guy at the end of the bar'  types (child's play evidently). Sick, sick, sick.

  20. That's it, feed right into what the terrorists want which is for us to effectively tar the entire community & religion with the same brush, thus create even more extremists & terrorists. Meanwhile we need more cooperation from the Muslim community, not further alienation, ie: 'Look, you lot are all scum wot should be sent off to shag goats in the desert see... oh, by the way mate, any inside intel on more potential nutters going off?'

  21. 33 minutes ago, Khun Han said:
    54 minutes ago, PremiumLane said:

    Huge demonstration last week by thousand so British Muslims condemning violence, plus press statements by British Muslim associations condemning the attacks in Manchester.  Oh, and the Muslim communities in Manchester warned the authorities about that guy and said he was an extremist. That OK for a start?


    Yes, it's very ok. And I'm optimistic that our muslim coomunities will be even more vigilant and expose even more extremists. Let's hope that the authorities act on this info from now on. These scumbags need taking out of circulation through internment before they get the chance to act. I know that that they bully and intimidate their communities, which will breathe sighs of relief once those scumbags are gone.

    Some good points.. A few more ideas:


    More resources are needed at home to investigate plus follow-up & monitor  potential extremists who are reported to the authorities via tip lines and others. Also, sure, make tougher laws stating immigrants can be deported without actually blowing anything up, or attacking anyone, if proven to have either planned, or supported/approved of terrorists acts either online or verbally.

    WE also need to ensure that 'we' are not potentially alienating the community we need cooperation from or  incentivising more recruits by blaming 'ALL Muslims' or 'ALL Islam' or saying it's time to attack mosques etc  etc etc (this is exactly how the terrorists want you to react, thus create even more terrorists, do not help them please)

    Plus the leaders of the Muslim world must do a LOT more to alienate and expunge  extremist Islamist terrorists from within. Particularly the SAUDIS / Sunnis as the #1 source of terrorist origins must take similar and constant action (and also stop funding extremist religious schools/madrases and regional militant proxy groups). UK & US etc should make every trade deal hinge on this and bring it up at every state visit.


    The following video was launched just before Ramadam in Kuwait and has since gone viral. Extremist Islamist terrorists will hate it because of its peaceful message and also the extreme 'anti-ALL-Muslims' contingent will likely find reasons to hate it too.  It's only a video of course but a step in the right direction.


    Last and once again, complete respect and admiration goes to the Met Police for their incredibly rapid, courageous and effective response. We need to ensure the frontline Police have more resources and boots on the beat in London and all cities. Enough of the 'enough is enough' tough-talk bluster when juxtaposed against a reality having a lengthy history of creating Police redundancies...


  22. While some will be pleased to see PM May using tougher 'language' (which she hopes will appease/appeal to the pro-brexit/anti-Muslim voter), it would be helpful if she backed that up with firmer support of the Police.


    Red Line = Theresa May Becomes Home Secretary


    Complete respect and kudos to the stretched to the limit Met Police for the breathtaking speed and courage which they displayed in dispatching these deranged Islamist extremist cowards.

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