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Posts posted by sujoop

  1. 5 hours ago, Watchful said:

    The Muslim community is doing NOTHING to help. They need some encentives.  Perhaps the bombing of a few Mosques to make clear, either begin helping or plan on moving ... OUT.

    The following video was posted in the Arab world just prior to Ramadan and has since gone viral. It's only a video of course but a step in the right direction. However, extremist Muslim terrorists will hate it because of its peaceful message and also the extreme 'anti-ALL-Muslims' contingent will likely find reasons to hate it too:


    While many are pleased to see PM May using tougher 'language' (which she knows will appease the brexit/anti-muslim voter), it would be helpful if she backed that up with firmer support of the Police.

    Red Line = Theresa May Becomes Home Secretary


    Complete respect and kudos to the Met Police for the breathtaking speed and courage they displayed in taking out these Islamist extremist cowards.

  2. 13 hours ago, 55Jay said:


    18 hours ago, sujoop said:




    Was merely pointing out the FACT (something Trumpsters stumble with;) that even Trump's own top General and all the strategic military planners are saying climate change is not only real, it IS already having a real effect, predicting results will eventually bring further instability in already unstable regions, plus increased migration (read: the dreaded 'refugees/immigrants', which ironically forms a key pillar of Trump's support)

    However, Steve Bannon (plus a desire to 'WHITE-OUT'  anything Obama's fingers touched) obviously Trump's mere science and even one's own top General & military strategists... Memories of another Trump boast 'I know MORE than the Generals, believe me'...


    Well, that settles it then, doesn't it!  LOL. 


    The point you were made originally, however, which you've side stepped, was based on regurgitated nonsense. 


    Sorry, I can't take credit as the point was made by Trump's top General and leading Military strategists. But apparently Trump's minority of followers as well as Trump himself 'know more than the Generals'... (plus more than 97% of climate scientists;) thus are qualified to 'take that risk' - on behalf of everyone else....


  3. 3 hours ago, 55Jay said:


    9 hours ago, sujoop said:

    Military experts say climate change poses 'significant risk' to security

    A coalition of 25 military and national security experts, including former advisers to Ronald Reagan and George W Bush, has warned that climate change poses a “significant risk to US national security and international security” that requires more attention from the US federal government.

    The prominent members of the US national security community warned that warming temperatures and rising seas will increasingly inundate military bases and fuel international conflict and mass migration, leading to “significant and direct risks to US military readiness, operations and strategy”.



    Military Leaders Urge Trump to See Climate as a Security Threat

    Stresses from climate change can increase the likelihood of international or civil conflict, state failure, mass migration and instability in strategically significant areas around the world, the defense experts argue.

    Many military leaders say that considering climate change and renewable energy has made their branches more resilient fighting forces and bureaucracies, starting with reducing emissions and creating a nimble fighting culture that is less dependent on fossil fuels.


    Thus one assumes Trump's too clever by half supporters who's main pillar is anti-refugee/immigrant etc would thrust their doors open if (or rather when) people start (or rather ramp-up) displacement,  fights over climate change affected areas, dwindling resources, fresh water, etc....

    After all that, your point fails because it relies on a ubiquitous distortion. 





    Was merely pointing out the FACT (something Trumpsters stumble with;) that even Trump's own top General and all the strategic military planners are saying climate change is not only real, it IS already having a real effect, predicting results will eventually bring further instability in already unstable regions, plus increased migration (read: the dreaded 'refugees/immigrants', which ironically forms a key pillar of Trump's support)

    However, Steve Bannon (plus a desire to 'WHITE-OUT'  anything Obama's fingers touched) obviously Trump's mere science and even one's own top General & military strategists... Memories of another Trump boast 'I know MORE than the Generals, believe me'...


  4. 1 hour ago, Ramen087 said:

    If you feel the need to bash the USA's President, go head. You'll have lots of company on this forum. 


    Not just this forum, the majority in the U.S. and the world are sadly laughing too. Trump supporters just don't 'get it' why the vast majority  deservedly laugh (or sadly shake heads) at a President who proclaims 'A NEW era in energy'  while prioritizing bringing back a few sunset coal jobs...


    Or laugh when Ivanka says 'I'm very proud of my father's advocacy for women'...

    Or when Sean Spicer claims it was 'the largest inauguration in history'...

    Or, wonder why the whole audience laughs when Kellyanne Conway complains about 'liars' while offering 'alternative facts' ... (to which she reacted perplexed, not 'getting' why everyone was laughing;)


    Could also add endless buffoonery and self-boasting Trump tweets as well. Bottom line: Trump has reduced America to a laughing stock and if one is not embarrassed, aware, or disturbed by this, one must be suffering from Kellyane syndrome above...

  5. 1 hour ago, Ramen087 said:

    DT doing what he said he would during the campaign.

    He's putting the USA's own interests first, prioritizing jobs in the here and now.


    Jobs? Ok, let's talk jobs. Trump (and his minority of supporters) go on about  bringing back dwindling, sunset industry, coal mine jobs etc. I'm all for trying to shore up any jobs that are out there  but a FORWARD  thinking leader would prioritize getting solidly behind supporting highly skilled NEW & future job creation sectors to REPLACE those jobs which we KNOW are fast becoming redundant. Promoting the fastest growing alternative energy sector is a no brainer and would be irresponsible not to (even if the main motivation appears to be 'WHITE-out' anything Obama ever touched...)


    Meanwhile, DESPITE the real-life Simpson's cartoon cariacture  as the President and a minority of supporters who appear determined to win Darwin awards while happily waltzing along into the tar pits (and attempt to drag us with them) the facts are:

    Solar Employs More People In U.S. Electricity Generation Than Oil, Coal And Gas Combined



    U.S. Solar Jobs Jumped Almost 25% In the Past Year
    The rise in installations was caused by a rapid decrease in the cost of solar panels and unprecedented consumer demand

    WHITE HOUSE: The Paris climate accord "would effectively decapitate our coal industry, which now supplies about one-third of our electric power."

    THE FACTS: The U.S. coal industry was in decline long before the Paris accord was signed in 2015. The primary cause has been competition from cleaner-burning natural gas, which has been made cheaper and more abundant by hydraulic fracturing. Electric utilities have been replacing coal plants with gas-fired facilities because they are more efficient and less expensive to operate.


  6. 40 minutes ago, Usernames said:

    Another reason our troops should NOT be there.

    Military experts say climate change poses 'significant risk' to security

    A coalition of 25 military and national security experts, including former advisers to Ronald Reagan and George W Bush, has warned that climate change poses a “significant risk to US national security and international security” that requires more attention from the US federal government.

    The prominent members of the US national security community warned that warming temperatures and rising seas will increasingly inundate military bases and fuel international conflict and mass migration, leading to “significant and direct risks to US military readiness, operations and strategy”.



    Military Leaders Urge Trump to See Climate as a Security Threat

    Stresses from climate change can increase the likelihood of international or civil conflict, state failure, mass migration and instability in strategically significant areas around the world, the defense experts argue.

    Many military leaders say that considering climate change and renewable energy has made their branches more resilient fighting forces and bureaucracies, starting with reducing emissions and creating a nimble fighting culture that is less dependent on fossil fuels.


    Thus one assumes Trump's too clever by half supporters who's main pillar is anti-refugee/immigrant etc would thrust their doors open if (or rather when) people start (or rather ramp-up) displacement,  fights over climate change affected areas, dwindling resources, fresh water, etc....

  7. 1 hour ago, Dexlowe said:

    He is loathed by Thaksin, but handed a DPM post under the hoary old belief of keeping your enemies closer.

    Actually Thaksin & Chalerm are BFF's from way back. Despite purporting to be 'for the little people' both clans (including the Wongsawat's of Beverly Hills;) embody boorish 'don't you know who I am' crass elites and worst examples of 'hi-so' Sino-Thai entitlement:

    Push to bring Thaksin back is my idea, Chalerm says

    Chalerm: I’m Thaksin’s servant

    Act of Parliament to help Thaksin: Chalerm

  8. 2 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

    The Paris accord will not guarantee any of the things from your cartoon. And who's to say those things won't be easier with a warmer climate. I have nothing against the battle against pollution. I do not see the logic in the approach that CO2 needs to be a controlled substance. Nor the massive societal cost that controlling it requires.

    Again, how comforting that your vast minority plus  Donald Trump, Nicaragua and Syria agree and 'will take that risk' on everyone's behalf...

  9. 10 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

    And with no evidence that the change would even occur or that it would even be beneficial to effect that change.

    History proves warming is better than cooling.

     How comforting to know Donald Trump and a minority of supporters will 'take that risk' on behalf of our children and  our planet......


    Meanwhile, again, why on EARTH not try?



  10. WHITE HOUSE: The Paris climate accord "would effectively decapitate our coal industry, which now supplies about one-third of our electric power."


    THE FACTS: The U.S. coal industry was in decline long before the Paris accord was signed in 2015. The primary cause has been competition from cleaner-burning natural gas, which has been made cheaper and more abundant by hydraulic fracturing. Electric utilities have been replacing coal plants with gas-fired facilities because they are more efficient and less expensive to operate.






  11. This is a bit over the top but anything's possible at this point and Trump is defacto buying into Putin's 'grand' plan by all but thumbing his nose at the global climate  agreement:

    Trump Buys Into Putin Plan To Melt The Arctic

    The grand aim is to allow global climate change to melt the Arctic and turn the water at the top of the world into a lucrative oil and gas field, as well as a network of efficient new sea lines Russia will control.


     “Climate change brings in more favorable conditions and improves the economic potential of this region,” Putin told CNBC..





  12. 54 minutes ago, sujoop said:

    So, the US now joins Nicaragua and Syria as the big 3 countries which are NOT part of the global climate agreement.


    Thus, as the rest of the world moves forward, Trump counts on coal, nationalism and isolationism as the best paths 'forward' for the future for the US.









    Covfefe...any further comment would be superfluous

  13. So, the US now joins Nicaragua and Syria as the big 3 countries which are NOT part of the global climate agreement.


    Thus, as the rest of the world moves forward, Trump counts on coal, nationalism and isolationism as the best paths 'forward' for the future for the US. This really came down to just 2 things: 1) Obama was for it -and 2) Trump felt slighted by our allies who he alienated and was boorish to on his 'forget about  Russia investigations and my worst approval ratings in history' overseas trip. Thus we and our children and their children all must suffer the consequences from the decisions of this petty, vain and Simpsons cartoon like simpleton caricature who is masquerading as leader of the free world.




  14. Do you know who my Father is?

    'In 2001 Duang was acquitted of murdering Suvichai Rodwimud, a police sergeant awarded Crimebuster of the Year honours, at point blank range after every eyewitness for the prosecution came down with a case of amnesia during trial. Before the murder, Duang was said to admonish the victim with his now trademark line: “Do you know who my father is?”


    Chalerm and “the brawling brats of the Thai Elite”

    'Chalerm, a former police captain has done miraculously well on a public servant’s salary. He and his three sons live in a 2.5-hectare, 14-building estate complete with its own football field. Back in 1991, the  military government charged Chalerm and several politicians with being “unusually rich.” He was forced into exile, but returned a year later after the military was ousted and courts ruled the charges unconstitutional.


    'Who's your Daddy' Chalerm, promoted to DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER  in the Yingluck Shinawatra Govt (Thaksin's preferred #2 proxy). Along with bills passed in the middle of the night,  starting amnesty for Thaksin in the middle of a flood (a flood caused by Yingluck Govt's ordering dams shut so rice crops could start the rice scheme/scam) children being murdered by pro-Thaksin groups while Thaksin backed red-shirt leaders cheered, etc etc etc (ad nauseum), THIS is the hallowed 'democracy' some yearn to rush back to...




    15 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:
    40 minutes ago, sujoop said:

    Yes, 'normal' subsidies (not designed so insiders can re-sell same subsidised x2 times normal price  4X over again back to Govt etc) and 'normal' floods still happen (no dams 'ordered' shut so Govt can launch subsidy scam) and no Amnesty for Thaksin, might add, also no children being murdered and cheered by Thaksin backed red-shirt leaders (which all unfortunately resulted in coup). So,  present day much calmer but far from perfect, much to learn from.



    Almost 40B in subsidies are not normal. Floods that kill 45 people affecting 1.6 m and an economic list of almost 35B in the south is not normal. Amnesty that protect the junta from extra judiciary deaths and corruptions are

    not normal. Just junta kool aid you are consuming. 


    No my friend, not a fan of Military Govts, just an astute observer trying to learn from the past, unlike some. Nevermind, the 'good times' which some yearn for, of daily bombings, self-enrichment subsidies and family amnesty attempts during floods etc, may come around yet again, take heart!



  16. An unfortunate reality which we are all the cause of via our demand for lowest possible prices (ie: iPhones, branded jeans, motorcycles, cars, etc, etc) and highest stock market returns. Hopefully a non-populous Govt will eventually take hold here and offer re-training into skilled jobs, solar, alternative energy to name but a few. Of course the other option is to promise xxx amount of baht per village (which the kanman will mostly pocket and  be indebted to get out your vote;) or offer 'un-real' rice schemes to line one's own pockets. Or, like in the States and the UK, just promise  that manufacturing jobs and coal will return and continue to isolate.



  17. 38 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    Don't see much learning rather more blaming. This junta still use subsidies and even extended to rubber and other crops. Flood still happen in the cities, agriculture land inundated and businesses affected. And there is only one amnesty legitimized by the junta. 


    Yes, 'normal' subsidies (not designed so insiders can re-sell same subsidised x2 times normal price  4X over again back to Govt etc) and 'normal' floods still happen (no dams 'ordered' shut so Govt can launch subsidy scam) and no Amnesty for Thaksin, might add, also no children being murdered and cheered by Thaksin backed red-shirt leaders (which all unfortunately resulted in coup). So,  present day much calmer but far from perfect, much to learn from.



  18. 3 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

    You may be forgiven for being confused as both these priorities were repeated throughout Yingluck's Govt causing massive damage from floods, to National coffers, to the very fabric of Thai civil society and ultimately, to the Yingluck Govt itself... Thaksin thinks, Yingluck does and we are still living the unfortunate results.



    So you're saying the Junta has been in power for three years and "we are still living the unfortunate results"?


    "... causing massive damage to the very fabric of Thai civil society"? Loosen your grip on that purse.


    Geez, give it a rest. She's gone, they're done, The Junta will make sure they never rise again. Now it's time to stop looking back, and figure out how to govern, or rule.


    (I do understand the need to have someone to blame.)

    Sorry, in your oft-haste to defend Thaksin/Yingluck you're missing the point entirely here methinks, which is not about blame, rather stating fact and learning from it. The finer point being we likely would not have suffered such massive floods, losses, nor a coup if both Rice Scheme/scam and Amnesty for big bro weren't such blinkered priorities (which we are still living the unfortunate results, ie massive losses, fractured society and a coup).

  19. 4 minutes ago, sujoop said:
    58 minutes ago, sujoop said:
    1 hour ago, leftorright said:
    3 hours ago, sujoop said:

    Unlike in 2011 at least the Govt isn't ordering the dams to NOT release water:

    2011: I ordered a delay in the release of water from dam : Theera

    Agriculture Minister Theera Wongsamut yesterday acknowledged that the controversial decision to delay the release of water from the country's major dams had been made by the government.. “I admit ordering a delay in the release of water into the plains areas so that farmers could harvest their crops first,” he said.


    Related: Thailand: Crisis in Thai Rice Pledging Scheme

    The Thai government, led by Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, implemented the rice pledging scheme immediately after the 2011 election



    Thankfully, there's no rice scheme/scam 'priority' this year either, thus no reason to purposely order dams NOT to do preventative controlled draining. Also thankfully, last week the current Govt announced they would be doing controlled release of dams in advance of this week's downpours. Thus, due to El Nino departing, a very heavy rainy season 'could' still cause floods but at least we know the current Govt is being pro-active, versus the criminally negligent / purposely non-active Govt in the past.



    An interesting question is exactly when he issued that order. Theera (Chartthaipattana Party) was minister of Agriculture in both the Abhisit and the Yingluck cabinets. Yingluck’s cabinet was sworn in on August 10, 2011. The floods started to develop at the end of August, early September. The dams obviously were opened quite soon into Yingluck’s watch, but when was that – in hindsight – fatal order made for the dams to hold water: before August 10 still under Abhisit’s watch, or after August 10 under Yingluck’s?

    Yingluck's 'thrown under the bus' Agri Minister clearly states he ordered dams NOT to release water in 2011. This was in effect from handover as they wanted the Rice scheme/scam to kick off more than they were interested about or thinking about floods (ie: as the Minister states, they did not want to release water which would wipe out the additional rice crop - which the Abhisit Govt had advised against planting). And yes the dams were rising rapidly due to previously unusually heavy rain storms so it was imperative that the dams release, NOT ordered shut. Unfortunately the dams kept rising of course and even more storms came and finally in Oct the Yingluck Govt had no choice but to order the dams to drain into already overflowing rivers or the dams themselves may have suffered structural collapse.


    48 minutes ago, smutcakes said:

    I thought the allegation was that the main beneficiary/person who ordered the delay in release of water was those seeking additional rice crops in an area controlled by Banharn the leader of the Charthaipattana party, the very same party who controlled the Agri Ministry who you claimed Minister was thrown under the bus by Yingluck?

    As you wish however, only 1 of those Govt's had a TOP priority  of kicking off the rice scam/scheme and the reason given by Yingluck Govt  for ordering dams shut was to get that off-season crop (which Abihist advised against) in Sept/Oct to kick off the rice scheme.

    The other TOP priority for the Yingluck Govt even in the midst of massive floods (or some might say 'under the radar' of massive floods) was getting amnesty for big bro:

    16 NOVEMBER 2011
    Thai cabinet 'endorses Thaksin amnesty plan'
    "Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra was not present at the meeting and all officials were asked to leave the room when the issue was deliberated"

    Note Yingluck was always absent despite heading both the rice scheme and flood control committees and being PM when cabinet passed amnesty for big bro when much of Thailand was under water. So whether Yingluck & her Govt dropped the ball or were willfully distracted you decide.


    1 minute ago, smutcakes said:

    I thought the flood was in 2011 and the Coup in 2014? which amnesty was passed in 2011. Sorry i am very confused.

    That was the FIRST of several attempts to get amnesty for Thaksin, that one under the cloak of floods in 2011.

    16 NOVEMBER 2011 Thai cabinet 'endorses Thaksin amnesty plan'
    "Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra was not present at the meeting and all officials were asked to leave the room when the issue was deliberated"

    So, to re-cap Yingluck's first Govt TOP priorities in 2011 :

    1) Launch Rice Scheme (thus ordering dams shut to protect off-season crop harvest in Sept/Oct)
    2) Amnesty for Thaksin


    You may be forgiven for being confused as both these priorities were repeated throughout Yingluck's Govt causing massive damage from floods, to National coffers, to the very fabric of Thai civil society and ultimately, to the Yingluck Govt itself... Thaksin thinks, Yingluck does and we are still living the unfortunate results.

    As for the OP, despite many short-comings, at least the current Govt isn't ordering the dams shut, rather the opposite. We may still see more floods this year as El Nino departs thus a heavy rainy season is likely, however, it will not be because of dams being ordered shut.

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