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Golden Triangle

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Posts posted by Golden Triangle

  1. 1 hour ago, stander said:

    There are two sides to this case one where Natural Fruits evidence includes the fact that government inspectors regularly visited the process plant and found no serious issues. Then there is Halls side, which included research notes, photos and witness accounts and in the end  the judges gave more credence to the Natural Fruits evidence.


    I wonder if the government inspectors came away slightly better off than when they arrived............................Just saying :jap:

  2. 5 hours ago, pookiki said:

    The only viable strategy in curing these serious issues is to get the western companies to vigorously enforce the proper treatment of workers in their supply chain. Thai companies aren't going to change their ways without the threat of economic action or consumer boycotts.


    I agree with you wholeheartedly on this, unfortunately look at all the well known high street stores, not just in the UK but all over Europe that procure their stock from places like India, Pakistan, Thailand etc where slave labour, poor wages, no workers rights and appalling working conditions exist. People like Mr Hall and the organisation he works for, and other organisations that try to raise our awareness of these issues are fighting a losing battle I'm afraid to say.


    Until these companies stop buying products that are made using slave labour and exploitation of their workforce nothing will change.


    A very sad state of affairs indeed. 

  3. With respect to spetersen and RIP to the dead boy & condolences to his family I still wonder why parents allow their schoolchildren with no licence, no insurance & no helmet to ride their bikes at night (or any time for that matter) It seriously bothers me.


    As a teenager and later as a 20 year old patrolling the streets of Belfast I knew no fear, I was bullet proof, and unfortunately so are the rest of the youth growing up in todays world, no matter what country they come from. As a 13 year old I wanted an old moped to ride around the local park, my parents put their foot down and said "no way", That probably saved my life.


    I'm going out in a while for a bite to eat and a couple of beers, her in doors will drive back as she doesn't drink alcohol, any one want to put a number of bikes we will see during the very short drive, maybe 5 kms, with no lights or helmets ? 


    The responsibility lies with the parents, don't let your children who have no licence, insurance, helmet or lights on the roads.


    Maybe we could start some sort of crowd funding event to fund buying the under privileged families helmets for their offspring along with light bulbs and proving awareness of the wrongs of driving with no insurance or licence........ Sorry that should be a government initiative shouldn't it.


    Please parents, don't let your kids ride or drive until they are legal. A wasted plea I know, but you never know..........................   

  4. 8 minutes ago, denkiblue555 said:



    1. 1
      a thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline.
      "she was in a mood to tell jokes"
      synonyms: funny story, jestwitticismquippleasantryMore
    1. 1
      make jokes; talk humorously or flippantly.
      "she could laugh and joke with her colleagues"
      synonyms: tell jokes, crack jokes; More


    Nope not getting it, I'm afraid you've totally lost me on that :)


  5. 35 minutes ago, denkiblue555 said:




    1. a wrong or inaccurate name or designation.
      "“king crab” is a misnomer—these creatures are not crustaceans at all"
      synonyms: inaccurate name/label/designation, wrong name/label/designation, inappropriate name/label/designation
      "scientists say “killer whale” is a misnomer for what is one of the gentlest marine creatures known to man"
      • a wrong or inaccurate use of a name or term.
        "to call this “neighborhood policing” would be a misnomer"
  6. 21 hours ago, Ridler said:

    If you believe the dark side is any less dangerous then you need to go out, look around and leave those rose tinted specs at home. 


    The Darkside is a hell of a lot safer than than Walking St, LK metro, soi Bakhow (spl) etc etc, I don't do go go's, girlie bars and stuff like that any more, my first visit to Pattaya was about 11 years ago, the place has changed enormously since then, some of it not for the best.


    I started staying, drinking & eating on the Darkside a couple of years after my first visit to LOS. I don't disagree that you can find trouble over here, there are areas I stay well clear of, but it is still 90% safer than downtown Pattaya. 


    I have travelled extensively around this kingdom by Train, Bus & driving (in one month alone me and "Her indoors" covered almost 5000 kms, I have always felt relatively safe on my travels, applying the necessary common sense and caution when in a new town or city,

    Fortunately I only know nice people.  


    And I have prescription lenses in my glasses so my vision is as good as it can be under the circumstances.



  7. 2 hours ago, carlyai said:

    Maybe ruptured liver was incorrect, misreported?

    I've done a couple of CPR's and broken ribs on one I know of. Bit embarassing when you sink right in through the person, specially when his wife is watching.

    The longer you go, the harder you push, even though the eyes would indicate you should give up.

    I could certainly believe ruptured lungs from CPR. Would expect a broken rib or ribs as part of the package.

    Sent from my SM-J700F using Tapatalk


    Yep, seen & heard it with my own eyes/ears, a mate of mine, ex Royal Marine Commando - now a fully qualified St John's Ambulance trainer delivered CPR to the landlord of my local pub back in the UK, the first thing to go were his ribs, when the ambulance arrived they took over and with a shot of Adrenalin and the old electric shock thingy they got him back.


    He lasted about 18 months after that then had a massive heart attack which he never made it back from. 

  8. And so the carousel continues to spin, I see whats gonna happen, after further investigation and questioning of the Paramedics it will be decided that unfortunately the aforementioned Paramedics were over enthusiastic in their administration of CPR to the patient, this resulted in the poor mans death. No blame attached to the Paramedics, it was an ACCIDENT, unfortunate but true, so the DSI remain squeaky clean, and everyone can go home satisfied of a good job done by all.


    Sad really. 

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