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About Bendi

  • Birthday March 28

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    Sri Songkhram

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  1. They are not snorkeling but use some kind of oxygen from the boat. Anyway, there should be a dive master taking care. Just stupid anywhere in the world to let tourist like that go diving uncontrolled. Cant blame the tourist if the diving company dont have controll.
  2. Its like it dos not only rain on this guy but its pouring. And think about it. If he just be a bit nicer, nothing of this would ever happen. I dont know what karma really is but maybe something like this😊
  3. They say it can happen and they say how to respond. In Norway there was a shooting about a month ago and the public brought the shooter down. The police was there after about 6 minutes and the shooter was handed over. 2 dead and numerous wounded. Thanks to the great man and women who interacted no more where killed. Why is it wrong to tell the public how to react? Makes sense to me.
  4. This is just an utterly and nonsence anounsment. Everybody knows that the police in Thailand will never ever drink or use pot while on the job. The police are here to protect and serve, and we the sivil population have our trust in thee.
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