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Posts posted by adhd

  1. Thailand prides itself on never bring colonized. Why the hell would you think they would change? You will never own BUSINESS nor LAND! Remember that and stop pipe dreaming...

    the only REAL reason for this is that Thailand was a buffer zone (like swiss during the war) between the powers of the British (malay, myanmar, singapore, india) & the French (indochina)

    much to be proud off

    for the rest: invaded by chinese businessmen that are the elite now after a few generations

    and do not allow farang to own anything or take profits from them !

    imagine you have farang do-gooders that buy farm land and give it away or let people work it for almost free, instead of what the rich bangkokians are asking now from the farmers

  2. people, you know the thai national anthem right ?

    thailand is for THAI only

    unless something changes ... but people are already generations too deep into this kind of brainwashing

    how long have many farang been comming to thailand? a few decades ?

    how long was it ago that most thai were slave owned ? and a lot are still, trapped in poverty, no-education, outdated farmer practises ...

    rich people like to keep poor people poor & stupid

    the way is was 200 years ago in europe

    it's ok, some religion still live now as it was the year 800

    it would have been nice to be owner of your own business / land / house

    and not being ripped off completly after a divorce

    life is also very cheap, so if you get a nasty divorce, you could easely end up dead for 5 - 20k

    what about all the pattaya high rise jumping club ? always suicide, when farang involved, even with a knife in his back or hands tied to the back and body full of bruises

  3. the sad part is that MD's don't get kickbacks for prescribing something natural to aid serotonin production and rather prefere to prescribe a SSRI which means, big bucks for the hospital, the doctor & returning customers as you have to come back every (few) month(s) for a refill.... if you read the package insert for ZOLOFT : you will find something like : we do not know how it works, but we believe to think it works by increasing serotonin levels ... well, 80 percent of serotonin is not in the brain but in the gut ... unhealthy gut (too much sugar, pesticides residue, bacterial overgrowth) = not enough serotonin available, also with wrong diets as you need protein as a precursor to your neurotransmitter production. There are no precursor foods in for example : cereals, donuts, (cheap) white industrial bread, ...

  4. 1) lack of sleep ... many adhd children really lack good quality sleep (many awakenings during the night)

    just think how you feel after one lazy night, but than 24/7 for many weeks

    2) as someone said, lack of quality magnesium (glycenate / chelated form) , sadly what you get in cheap shops overhere or even brands is only magnesium OXIDE, it give you a soft stool

    3) sugar sugar sugar, we were never designed to eat so much sugar and it is realy in everything as it is cheap and good profits for the manufacturer

    4) we, older people, did not grow up with all the colorful snacks with preservatives, E-numbers, colorants. A threat was once and a while, not a daily occurence

    5) lack of excercise ...specially with all that sugar in the body ... homework & more homework, tablets, iphones ...

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