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Posts posted by adhd

  1. "As France’s finance minister from 2007 to 2011 Lagarde played a key role in Europe’s response to the global financial crisis."

    all the so called experts of the world in finance but only an elite few saw the doom of 2008

    and apparently, the strange & dangerous investing techniques are once in play

    nobody went to jail for causing millions of people to lose everything

    and still they managed to get big bonuses for destroying the economy

  2. maybe if he would say: we are going to cut the defence budget in half

    bring our boys back

    and with all the saved money, we will either pay back the chinese

    or finally start as the last civilized country on earth, to finally provide an affordable healthcare option for everybody

    and in that case, they could start by fixing the prices of what the pharma maffia dares to ask for their products

    and make them 100% liable for any damages the caused (50-100.000 vioxx deaths) and who knows here that the vaccine industry is never liable thanks to a law 30 years ago

  3. a very good idea of the future president !

    would it not be nice to see on the USA loving countryboys & supporting the army, how much of one's paycheck is actually going to make war in a foreign country that had nothing to do with anything in the first place ...

    US countrymen are so proud of the soldiers & support them for protecting america, FROM WHAT ?

    when was america attacked the last time ? (please don't quote the false flag of pearl harbour)

    soldiers going to other countries to kill other people because it is their job or ordered to ?

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