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  1. What’s wrong with the concept foreigner loosing money in Thailand?
  2. Gosh a bunch of cops with bullet proof vests. They really don’t want to take any risks. 🤢
  3. We can expect the airport arrival waiting lines to tripple 🤢🤢
  4. Does it matters what the job is of the person who claimed being attacked? anyway doctor or not she is a drama Queen.
  5. So it was a premeditated murder? He bought the knives in advance?
  6. “The American “ Mr sunny , can expect some rain..
  7. Tomorrow some jointly Wais at the police station about this misunderstanding and all will be good. 🙏🙏🥊
  8. Tomorrow some jointly Wais at the police station about this misunderstanding and all will be good. 🙏🙏🥊
  9. Not a big fan of them especially when they are blocking me on the Pattaya cracky pavements with their parked motorcycles , parasols, chairs, tables, some of their favorite soi dogs, etc.
  10. Maybe some revanche for all their hard negotiations style openly displayed daily at the Pattaya Beachroad..
  11. So thais don’t need to show pictures of their bedroom and their partner sit on the bed and 300 other photocopies, and statements and bla bla. What did us farangs get out of this deal??
  12. In most of Pattaya city the majority is usually walking on the right side of the (broken) pavements. Even the thais are following this unwritten rule however here are these Indians ignoring this rule completely. The result is that we have to zig zag over the pavements depending what nationality is walking towards us Any solution? How about the Indians in Pattaya City walk from now onwards on the right side of the pavement or on the mainroad ?
  13. Imho that Italian restaurant sucks. Oh no am i next? 🤢
  14. Arrest the local who made and uploaded the picture of the (thai) child.
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