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  1. You could always move up to the mountain areas in Chiang Rai, much cooler temperatures. Some people would enjoy that.
  2. Enjoy it while it last. I am pretty sure we will discuss something else in 4 years from now.
  3. He would get a life sentence in Texas, they should deport him back to the US. What will happen now? If he is wealthy enough he can walk out to freedom soon.
  4. I'm impressed by the 4k walking videos on youtube. There is one from Tokyo walking in the rain, with more than 4 million views. How do they do it? Just bring a camera and walking the streets with your 4k camera. Forget about privacy, people are being filmed all the time. There must be more than 100k videos like this but only a few gets million of views. The algorithm is a strange thing.
  5. Why can't they just transfer the money to another account like any other civilised country in 2024 , but TIT
  6. Any fire is ten times more dangerous in a city like Bangkok, glad everyone survived.
  7. I would not smoke weed higher then 2nd floor. You will survive a fall from there.
  8. Should be a sign when tourists arrive at the airport that says, Pedestrian rules, crossing a road: Use your eyes and move it from left, right, left, right, left, right, left right. When clear run for your life. Rinse and repeat.
  9. He is pointing the finger at Abdul, case closed, lock him up.
  10. What are you on about ? NATO together are stronger than Russia, that is a fact. Now that Putin clearly attack the civilian population in the capital city Kyiv, it means only that NATO countries will be even stronger and come up with a plan. I promise you this will not end well for Putin. The Ukrainian response came last night bombing another oil refinery. We do not kill civilians on purpose unlike the Russian regime. We do not torture the prisoners like they do in Russia already documented. It's only one way to stop Russia and that is to fight back. And that means it could get worse before it gets better, we are talking about a desperate dictator here. Putin and Kim are best mates. We have to threat Russia the same way as North Korea. Until the bitter end.
  11. The F-16 planes delivered from my country Norway and other European countries are now ready to get involved in the war. The Ukrainian pilots have been trained in Denmark and Poland , there are some talks about hiding the planes at the military air bases in Poland, and use them on day/nightly missions in Ukraine. But officially they will be parked inside Ukraine. The distance from the Polish border to Kharkiv is around 1000 km (621 miles) , within range of the F-16. Missiles used can reach up to 1000 km.
  12. Not the same, they need to be a part of our daily lives, only toys for multi millionaires.
  13. Unfortunately it's not that simple. When I was a kid I was expecting flying cars and robots everywhere, but instead we have digital technology which is nice but not the same. Also since we landed on the surface of the moon not a lot has happened. Yes we managed to land some sort of space craft on Mars but not much to cheer about.
  14. Russians don't care much about following the rules anywhere they go, not even the taxi mafia rules. To get rid of the taxi mafia I think is almost impossible, they are protected by the corrupted police.
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