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Everything posted by SamSanuk

  1. If I ever had a one on one with the new governor, which will never happen, I would put pedestrian rights on the top of my list. Chiang Mai is NOT walking friendly , IMO.
  2. At first I thought it was for laying some pipe, but it’s now my understanding that a new sidewalk is coming. A new business (B-quik Auto) actually had a nice sidewalk prior but no longer. Now, one has to walk in the road, with your back to traffic, which makes it unnerving as motorists speed by. Cones are few and far between. Few of my favorite restaurants, Salsa Kitchen and LemonTree, have to be besides themselves. See photo below. I grin and bear it but there are a few people in my hotel who need assistance while walking. Can’t be fun for them.
  3. I put the unit right next to my bed. So far, over the years, no morning sore throat, no itchy eyes, no coughing. Is it the most accurate measurement? Probably not, but it seems to do the job.
  4. Interesting. Generally I’m wary of Chinese products. The fan, by the way, can be set on full blast, and if you’re a fan of white noise, does the job.
  5. Excellent! And honestly I think they’re rather attractively designed. Not only that, but when my old filter was ready to be replaced (unit has a red light warning) , and I was awaiting my new one from Lazada, the hotel maintenance man vacuumed the filter and it was good to go.
  6. When it comes to my health, its never wrong to splurge a little. Also, I imagine you could sell it rather fast to someone else upon leaving area. The nice thing is the LED number. I wake up at night, look at the low number and it gives me peace of mind. How much is that worth?
  7. Sold all over town. But yes, I got mine from Lazada….maybe 400 baht.
  8. 5000 baht here….
  9. Have to disagree. No app needed. (Maybe older unit in this case, 2s) Runs fine for my studio/room. Step outside my hotel door and the air is heavy, rancid and chewy. Inside my room, light and clean. Two coffee shops near me use the professional units from Xiaomi and the air is fine and dandy in both stores. Sure, you could probably find dozens of better units, but for the price….no complaints here. Paid 4000 baht on Lazada 3 years ago.
  10. Xiaomi PowerBuy Worth its weight in gold….peace of mind.
  11. Sent my Form letter 7162 back to USA in August. Didn’t receive any more letters on the subject here in Thailand. Did get a letter with tax information about a week ago. And…just now, received my February deposit in my US bank account. Does this mean I’m in the clear?
  12. Don’t think so. My understanding is that they aren’t here yet in LOS, but monovalent mRNA still has value for lessening the severity of C19. https://www.nationthailand.com/lifestyle/health-wellness/40023403
  13. Given its been a full year since my last booster, and I have a little trepidation concerning influx of Chinese tourism and a potential Covid-19 surge, I decided to get the free booster vaccine at Nakornping Hospital, which offers the vaccine on Friday and Saturday. 8am to 2pm. Arrived at 9am, and no waiting. Out the door in 30 minutes. Only Pfizer offered. Later, when I looked at my updated Mor Prom online information, some errors were made. Emailed the hospital and within one hour, everything corrected. So….great customer service. ????
  14. I’m not a cellphone connoisseur by any means, but I bought a rather inexpensive SamSung that has held up well. My suggestion is to visit one of the malls where they have a shop. $60 American is pretty low….I think I spent $100….but you never know.
  15. If all possible, maybe a follow up story in a few months? 1,000,000 baht is such a wonderful gesture and I’m hopeful her Life will vastly improve. Thank u for making my day.
  16. Food for thought but the 600 baht CM RAM quote is a half dose. 1200 for full dose.
  17. The 20 baht buses, which were absolutely wonderful, are not running now. Shame really. Would love to know if there are any plans to bring them back.
  18. Look forward to replies. While in San Francisco I caught the yearly Monarch migration. Amazing! Thousands of butterflies nesting in trees. (you wouldn’t happen to be the YouTuber under stupid farang?)
  19. Small update: the orange monstrosity is about done and right on schedule. One nice thing is the new sidewalk which is heaven to walk on. Outside of that….TIT. ????
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