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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. Both riddled with corruption and interference from certain people. Another investigation that's going nowhere.
  2. He's already had his shirt tailored for the up-coming UNESCO meeting [or whatever it is] can't let that go to waste.
  3. True, I look for info on the internet before seeking help elsewhere and know when I'm being scammed, even by medical professionals.
  4. Lucky you didn't have to cough up for accident insurance too...
  5. Which is what they should have done the first time around, instead of following all other countries, shutting down the country and bankrupting many people by making them unemployed. Prayut didn't have a brain of his own so just followed others like a Lemming
  6. The fact that today is the 24th and no decision has been made speaks volumes.. Prayut intends to stay and challenges the constitution to evict him. If they don't the people should !
  7. Not an original artist writing his own stuff, just a guitar player doing covers of other peoples songs.
  8. Astute business practices...
  9. People trying to make themselves look important by rocking the boat... sometimes backfires.
  10. China has too many home grown issues to deal with at the moment... most are worried that their life savings are tied up in a now almost bankrupt property development scheme and those with savings in state banks might find it hard to get a withdrawl soon.
  11. Good argument.. A good education for students means learning that a loan is a loan not a gift.
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