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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. The guy on the right should have nudged the other two off the podium and took control of the country.
  2. Power, control, domination call it what you want.
  3. While I agree it's sad for many of the sellers who are disabled and this is a form of income for them, however they still have access to tickets. But it has been hijacked by corrupt middlemen who from the start have been making millions. As for the seller near my home who gets up late morning and goes to the market on his PCX sells tickets for a couple of hours, returns home by 4pm and gets pi$$ed every day and has never done a days work in his life.
  4. You mean the ones at 100 baht or more had to be discounted to the correct price to sell? som nam na.
  5. 50% mark-up.. nice if you can get away with it... and he did try.
  6. I know what Anutin can do with it.
  7. A beer or glass of wine with an afternoon meal... good god has Thailand gone crazy.
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