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  1. Is vaping now illegal in Thailand again? I still see shops and stalls selling vapes and people vaping. Is it against the law now once again, or what? Are there actually people getting caught?
  2. Nope. Not anymore for almost over a year now. Completely legal to vape and possess a vape and to sell them. But illegal to import them. Furthermore, I regularly fly domestic and at the screening gates I put my vapes in the tray that get's x-rayed - they allow it and it's not illegal to carry a vape device on you on a plane. Illegal to vape it on the plane. But you can always vape it inside the toilet as it doesn't trigger the smoke alarm LOL! Vaping release a water vapour into the air which fades quickly and cannot possibly do anything to anyone surrounded by you. It is not a burning smoke.
  3. A much easier option is to get married to a nice Thai girl and get a marriage visa. Then you only need 400, 000 Baht in your bank account or a monthly income of 40K baht. There are literally hundreds of thousands, if not millions of wonderful Thai women who would jump at the opportunity to marry a foreigner right away. It's honestly the easist and most fun/sexiest option available ????
  4. ubonjoe, thank you very much for your reply. I will check with my embassy then. Thanks again.
  5. Hi everyone, So I recently got divorced and will be coming to Thailand in January. I will be marrying my Thai girlfriend and wish to know if I can use my Final Decree of Divorce paper as proof that I'm single and eligible to marry. Or would I also require to produce the Letter of No Impediment? All advice appreciated.
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