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Everything posted by bizboi

  1. They were all out hiding in bushes with speed camera.
  2. Yes but the point is the building has an address which any journalist who isn’t a complete numpty would be able to find pretty easily. But hey don’t let a little thing like accuracy and facts get in the way of a news story!!
  3. No it’s a ladyboy that steals your wallet and makes a run for it just after half way through!
  4. Spot on quake - was that 12 year old girls or year 12 girls 😂
  5. Tired of reading garbage like this from unknowledgeable Islamic terrorist apologists. Jews were living on that land 3000 years before there was a Muslim religion copied from christianity. jews will never and should never give up that land or they’ll be treated like the Armenians the Koptics and the Kurds
  6. I left Thailand in 2016. I went back to UK it’s the best thing I ever did.
  7. Maybe they can ask to serve their time in a police hospital then have their sentences reduced to a year then be let out after 6 months to run the country. If the truth was known what’s the betting the Thai police didn’t behave as police in other countries do?
  8. From the sounds of it - probably best you stay away from the rest of the human race! as for Americans not being hated ? https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/most-hated-country seems your country is as unpopular as your opinions are! ask “biddy Biden” to get you a ticket to Afghanistan and see how popular you are there after abandoning them!!! oh!! Have a look at the Al Mayadeen website see what the Middle East thinks of you!! https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/usa:-the-most-hated-country-in-the-world matbe have a look I. The mirror before you start talking sh@t to other posters!! y’all have a nice day Naa!
  9. Strange - you don’t (or won’t) mention your own nationality - looks like you have an axe to grind!!
  10. Naaaa! Phuket’s already full of bad russians
  11. the German guy was possibly my so used to seeing illegal im migrants in his own country that he didn’t realize it was a crime!!!
  12. Makes me wonder why people lower themselves by going to Thailand - you’re not wanted - your wallet is!!
  13. Are you saying that all politicians in all countries are untouchable? If so I can just a whole range of exceptions to your rule!!! The treatment Thaksin receives is not normal for politicians to receive!
  14. If you’re talking lies and making crap up and selling goods illegally I would think you should!!! Wouldn’t you?
  15. It has everything to do with any national wanting to enter any country and the conditions of doing so
  16. Is it typos or is it typo’s yep as you say - all good!!!
  17. Outfit available in Walmart- maybe this is the way forward
  18. One things for sure - not many of em are soldiers!!!
  19. My Thai wife has my surname - she’s excepted over here - in uk - but then she’s not part of a race or religion that feels it needs to exert its authority over other people
  20. Naaa they’d give him a house and 20 grand a year social security!!!
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