One day “the woke westerner ” will grow up, come to their senses and look after their own, like the rest of the world does - I fear it may be too late though.
Until then maybe they would like to become the ones that pay the financial cost of their left wing demands on the rest of us?
imagine asking your fellow citizens suffering with unemployment, inflation. skyrocketing fuel costs, rising crime, food prices and debt to now pay for anyone who wants to cross the border and be paid for. Imagine importing crime, imagine allowing the already catastrophic illegal immigrant figures to skyrocket. The number of refugees crossing is dwarfed by those just looking to enter the country for easy money. If they had something rewarding to contribute they’d contribute it to their own economy.
Woke people should set up an “adopt a migrant scheme” and get their wallets out to move illegal immigrants into the house next door if they want them so much!!!!
interesting point on “war” in South America, where’s that happening?