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Everything posted by bizboi

  1. And you of course know all the facts!!!
  2. You mean the legally elected choice of the people smashed?
  3. What a tragedy for Thailand and it’s people - a legally elected man with a massive majority made to sit on the sidelines after being robbed by a military junta and a failed despotic narcisistic criminal in hiding - so sad!!
  4. If I was Pita I’d tell ‘em to go jump in the lake!! The Thai people have already told Pheu Thai to do it with their vote!
  5. Not ALL!! Personally I couldn’t t care less what he does!! Or where he does it!!!
  6. 2900?? A flight from uk is 1300 a quid add 1000 for two week hotel and your into nearly 4k with food
  7. Expect the declaration soon “Thailand is a space hub and there is no prostitution. In our Space - on another note the rocket is projected to be quieter than a Thai boy o. A 110cc Honda”!!
  8. Someone else didn’t read the OP before a racist rant!!!
  9. If you read the op you will see the 6 bouncers beat up the man’s son - would you stand there and watch a gang of thugs beat up your son?
  10. Nu also translates as “rat” maybe that should be reserved for Pheu Thai leaders.
  11. But aren’t they bankrolled by the same demigod from Dubai?
  12. Does a bj or a Chagwal count as half a point?
  13. It very relevant if it’s always the same nationality.
  14. Naaaa just a keyboard warrior with a big finger!!!
  15. The really sickening thing about this is that Pheu Thai has confirmed what a lot of people already knew anyway - that is that it is every bit as rancid snake like and piggish in it’s lust for power as the government that everyone has complained about since the last coup. The Thai people saw MFP as their choice for a new start and PTP and it’s demigod in Dubai did just as much as the junta to take this away from them. That is about as undemocratic as it’s possible to be!!!
  16. Ermmmmm. He also won an election with a rampaging majority and was robbed of the place the Thai people voted for him to be in!
  17. I know- it’s almost as if it was doing it on purpose!!!
  18. I suggest keeping away- It will be hard to tell who’s a contestant and who’s a Lima bravo just working her normal spot!! ????????
  19. Lived in Kuwait for 12 years - the process for a driving license for a Kuwaiti is phone your uncle from the barbers and it’s passed onto you by a Philipeno servant/slave next day!!!
  20. And come to think of it Hunter Biden and his pappy!!!
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