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Posts posted by uesnyc

  1. On 3/23/2020 at 9:18 AM, gk10002000 said:

    If you're interested, take a hop over to the good side of the GWB and I'll show you some good Thai takeout.. Chang, Singah, and Mekhong allowed to takeout too.


      But man, all the shops along the streets closed.  Very little traffic on Route 3 that goes East-West into and out of New York City.  The hotel stopped serving the granola bars and packaged oatmeal today that was always just out on a shelf.  They are cheating.  It is not like this was a cafeteria serving food.  The darn hotel is less than 1/4 full by my estimates but they are taking advantage of the situation and not even putting out granola bars!


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