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Everything posted by cgros

  1. When I built my home theater six years ago I was unable to find suitable black velvet in Thailand. Fortunately the the "Plush Triple Velvet" made by SY Fabrics was available on Amazon. Not offered by Amazon now unfortunately. And SY Fabrics does not ship to Thailand. Maybe you can have someone in the US or Canada order from SY, then ship to you. So why am I replying to your post if I can't help you find velvet? Because I found a great solution for the parts of the theater that are not covered with velvet. I use SY velvet on the screen wall. And out from screen two meters on walls and ceiling. The rest of the room is completely covered with "Black Velvet Vinyl Wrap". Much better than flat black paint. Makes the theater an actual "bat cave". Available from AliExpress: "https://th.aliexpress.com/item/32603827813.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.0.0.21ef52ceWx60pK&gatewayAdapt=glo2tha" You should still use the best velvet you can find around the screen wall. I just wanted to let you know about the "Black Velvet Vinyl Wrap".
  2. I first read the post title and thought you were asking: "what would you have to give up if you only had $10k to live on for your last six months"
  3. I asked about faxing. They were not confident the the form would ever be read if received via fax.
  4. Thank you all. Looks like post office registered mail is the way to go. Special thanks to mucat. I didn't know I could use Thai post tracking with USPS tracking.
  5. I received a form from USA Social Security concerning my current status. I would like to use DHL to ship completed form back to them but they use a PO box address. I called them and they said they don't have a non PO box address. Must I use the THI/US postal service?
  6. I like Green Labs. I applaud their efforts. Their description for ST1 correctly states equal THC/CBD. Yet they incorrectly state THC 18-21% with CBD.8-1%. I tried their ST1, WA1 and EHFGP#8. I would have bought their WA1 and EHFGP#8 and made a weed salad. But I like the Shopee offering at 20bht more.
  7. The picture enclosed is from the vendor's listing on Shopee. The animal looks like a squirrel to me. I received via EMS in 3 or 4 days.
  8. https://shopee.co.th/Cannabits-Flower-ดอกเขียวแห้ง-บรรจุ-10-กรัม-(10-G.)-i.222995135.16579392355?sp_atk=8e9314f1-e5a9-4d24-a141-b282e4176af7&xptdk=8e9314f1-e5a9-4d24-a141-b282e4176af7
  9. ST1 (Squirrel Tail) for me is perfect. Because of the high CBD. I've always preferred sativa but need CBD to mellow the sativa THC. I've compared 69bht Green Labs ST1 to 20bht Squirrel Tail bought on Shopee. Vapped at 180 deg. to compare flavor. Both the same. Vapped at 210 deg. to extract everything (high feeling). Both the same. So for me "A cheap weed that works" is the one bought on Shoppe. Search "tassaneeyawan" in Shopee ap. They also offer 100g for 1500bht.
  10. My figures are from papers published by Thai government research facilities (universities).
  11. Your assessment of these two strains is quite accurate. ST1 is 7% THC and 7% CBD. The WA1 is 9% THC and .01% CBD.
  12. If purchased from "cassette_ranong22", the product description indicates feminized seeds. "Selected only female seeds". Looks to be one of the four government approved strains. Hang Kra Rog Phu Phan ST1. If so, It has equal parts CBD and THC. With a THC level of 12-14%. An excellent strain (high CBD with good level of THC). Greenlab.com sells the flower for 100bht/gr. Be aware they correctly say it has THC:CBD=1:1. But they incorrectly say it has "THC 18-22% CBD 0.8-1%" Looks like they are confusing with another government approved strain Hang Suea Sakon Nakhon TT1. Greenlab also sells Tanaosri Kan Khaw WA1 (THC: 15–18% CBD: 0.5–1 %) for 100bht/gr.
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