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  1. These stories, and the way they are being written (AI ?) are getting weirder and weirder
  2. Fraudster scum, for god sakes don't look her up on Social media and contribute more to her scam...
  3. I left 3 weeks ago and won't be back until June, even tho our place isn't particularly bad for AQ... But combined with the heat its a no go zone for me. Never intend to sell house in home country (Oz). For those in their 30-40s "living the dream" in Thailand but with few assets or ability to grow their financial situation should bear this in mind for later on (being struck with no options to leave)
  4. "His return, according to the opposition, was underpinned by a clandestine agreement with the prevailing authorities" Haha you don't say, and this old grub would have got one of the biggest cuts of all 🤬 I would love to see this parasite spend all his remaining wheezes in prison
  5. Long may it last - and as for them visiting hidden gems, I don't think that's high on the agenda of many Chinese tourists
  6. Accidents like that every minute dogs or not - underage / speeding on small residential lane and not slowing at intersections / no helmet
  7. Start with the Russian and Chinese gangs, then mop up the ragheads....if only
  8. Just a distraction until PM2.5 gets back to top of news story... absolutely nothing will change
  9. Bring it on, good way to milk some money back from the Chinese, and set up some sort of future fund to direct a % of the profits into....if only lol
  10. More aggressive young ####heads arrest and deport irrespective of nationality
  11. Haha these old grubs are just filthy they're not at the helm when the massive associated graft starts flying around 😅
  12. Let's just hope it was strategic for people's party to not go all in for these elections. Let's face it, if some of the predictions I've read for the Thai economy come true, the timing for next election could v be very good for PP... Hope so
  13. Pity the AI didn't glitch to truth mode and have her say that the risk is being abducted to a call centre by their own CHINESE brothers
  14. Imo for once the punishment fits the crime, pretty sadistic to beat a dog to death like that when a good slingshot or some fireworks could inflict some serious fear / pain to the dog and stop the behaviour
  15. Pulled over to shake down money for rego/licence/no helmet, not actually stopping people for dangerous driving...
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