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About runamok27

  • Birthday 01/09/1967

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  1. You must be a lot of fun at parties.
  2. Trump didn't have anywhere near a billion dollars for his campaign. If you're going to make stuff up at least make it plausible.
  3. I believe Obamacare took care of that issue but that is also one of the reasons why healthcare insurance is so expensive. They need to drastically lower the prices of medical care in the U.S..
  4. Life expectancy is not a good indicator of healthcare. I saw a study a while back that determined that the U.S. had the second highest life expectancy when removing murders, suicides and accidents, which would be actual life expectancy. We have way too many murders and suicides, far more than any other country and they are usually very young people so that brings life expectancy way down.
  5. This is actually more of the issue than insurance companies. I read an article a while back that compared cost of procedures between the EU and the U.S.A.. One example was some kind of breast cancer treatment. It cost $1500 USD in the EU but it was $5500 USD in the U.S.A..
  6. Was this before or after Obamacare passed?
  7. Yeah in a subsequent post I read the actual denial rate was 37%. But, even at 37% I or someone I know should have seen a denial. I'm not saying it doesn't happen but it would seem it happens in specific instances for specific types of care and not overall.
  8. Maybe I am just lucky but I have never had a claim denied and I don't know anybody who has. At a 90% denial rate I should have been denied multiple times and same with people I know.
  9. I really don't have a problem with Biden pardoning his son but the idea that he was selectively and unfairly prosecuted is nonsense. Anybody caught lying on a Federal firearms form or not paying millions of dollars in taxes would be prosecuted and in prison. Biden pardoning his son just proves that there are plenty of people who are above the law no matter what people say.
  10. You missed a really important space between "a" and "typical", bro.
  11. It depends on what you mean by better off. For some, America is the greatest place to live and for some it isn't. One thing that is absolutely true is that more people want to come to America than any other place in the world and also absolutely true, we allow more people into our country than anybody else. For the most part, these folks are doing well and living good lives. The problem with making these comparisons is that it all depends on what you value the most. You ask for examples for freedoms and then denigrate the most obvious answers but that its what you think. Other people don't necessarily think or value those freedoms the same as you do. Just because you don't like a particular place doesn't mean everybody else sees it like you do. People should just evaluate wherever they would like to live for themselves and make a decision. You are not more right for whatever decision you make and they are not either.
  12. I would recommend you just don't read them and see how that goes.
  13. If the Democrats wanted to win the Presidency again all they had to do was nominate a semi decent candidate. They started with Joe Biden who was senile 4 years ago and that didn't work. Now they are going with Kamala Harris. Just sad and the only reason Trump has a chance to be President again. Pennsylvania Governor Shapiro would have crushed Trump. Senator Joe Manchin would have crushed Trump too but the Democrats essentially kicked him out of the party. Tulsi Gabbard would have destroyed Trump but they forced her out of the party too. Gavin Newsom would have beaten Trump too. This ridiculous post talks about low IQ Republicans but low IQ Democrats are the reason Trump even has a chance to be President again. The average American voter has no clue how our government even works, has no clue what is actually going on politically, has no clue what is going on around the world and is just, in general, completely clueless about anything but their favorite sports team. Democrats and Republicans, equally dumb and this includes the phony Independents who only vote for one party and call themselves Independents.
  14. There were a handful of polls that were pretty accurate and a bunch that were just garbage.
  15. Yes because every other system is terrible, not because Democracy is so great.

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