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Posts posted by little_muppet

  1. just get wat u want. Thais are quite stickly to the band they have seens (alot) on the road and always mention of how can they get the spare parts and things.. u r buying car for use not buying to fix, plus its a new car so dont think about those factor yet. poor dear new car.....she might feel upset if u thinking to fix her already...

  2. ohh well ok i just spell it as a Thai would spell.and obviously i am Thai, but again specific name like ppl name can spell many ways

    no right no wrong ...depends on the skill of reader too i would explain u more why i spelled like that (with "ฟ" sound, the" ์" i use and not changing to "บ" sound) but i couldnt do it in words.

  3. ok u r so stubbon. very ติ้สแตก in thai mean very artistic type of guys !

    my suggestion are

    --Try to find a new gf with university degree in something like artistic field than u may find the girl in ur dream.(dont forget to ask them first before continue the relationship or u will have this problem again )

    --each female has different interested not only "Thai Females"

    -- maybe watch it naked together than it wont bored u or her ? lol or go find the new gf as i said above than u will enjoy and the new girl enjoy too :jap:

  4. Things from powerbuy are expensive but i use them anyway. If you brough alot of things from them the good saleperson will help u and offer to sell u things (exp, optical cable or hdmi ) in staff price which is good,(their is no recip for it tho and i know the full price at the shelf). i like powerbuy and always use them.

    and yes you can get all kind of remote in thai shop or vendor at the market for a couple hundred, ur wife should know it. :jap:

  5. ohh if i were u i would do

    -- when she talk to u on the chat just reply as usual but find any excuses not to stay online that long when she talk to u.

    -- if she sms u. reply some of her question ( only the one that general enough) and pretend to miss some line of her sms that concern something like relationship or flirting.

    -- When she calls u, just speak normal asking her everyday life question and make some joke like if she met someone she likes yet or "pretend" to ask her the suggestion of how does she think of a girl u just know. tell her u trust her and she is very good "friend" ( the girl u asking her about she is not existing )....

    so i think this way she can get the message. (i actually used this before when i was at uni!to a man and its works lol )

    good luck

    No offense to Muppet, but as a woman, I think this is possibly the worst thing you can do. Continuing to chat/sms/talk to her in this way will just confuse her. You can't expect her to "get the message" when you're talking as usual, but then dropping subtle hints like this. Even if her English is pretty good, she probably won't pick up on what you're getting at.....she'll see it as you continuing to talk to her, so you must want to continue getting to know her.

    Boo's advice is best.....cut things off right now, but be nice and tactful about it. Prolonging things is only going to hurt the girl's feelings even more. And I agree, don't mention her weight. That's just cruel, when you know she's already self-conscious about it. Just say that you think she's a nice girl, but that it's not going to work out between you two.

    thats ok, maybe u r right. im a woman too :) my intention is trying to be her friend still. thats all.

  6. ohh if i were u i would do

    -- when she talk to u on the chat just reply as usual but find any excuses not to stay online that long when she talk to u.

    -- if she sms u. reply some of her question ( only the one that general enough) and pretend to miss some line of her sms that concern something like relationship or flirting.

    -- When she calls u, just speak normal asking her everyday life question and make some joke like if she met someone she likes yet or "pretend" to ask her the suggestion of how does she think of a girl u just know. tell her u trust her and she is very good "friend" ( the girl u asking her about she is not existing )....

    so i think this way she can get the message. (i actually used this before when i was at uni!to a man and its works lol )

    good luck

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