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Posts posted by little_muppet

  1. my opinion, if the Naughty things u said isnt too bad like killing somebody than, tell the truth to ppl that involved, ur family etc.. admit that u r wrong blah blah blah,and explain them the situation, ur family might forgive you. so the blackmailing ppl couldnt harm u .

    good luck :jap:

  2. i saw OAKLAY shops in Central chengwattana,my husband didnt buy it lasttime but just replaced the lens, and i think it is a very good deal like this, better than to buy the whole new frame which is expensive.

    Going a bit off-topic, but I'm REALLY annoyed to read this.

    I went to the Oakley shop in Phuket Mall to try to get the lenses replaced as they were scratched, only to be told this was not possible - I had to buy new sunglasses.

    They're not cheap, but I thought I had no option. :realangry:

    awwww im sorry about that. but u can definitely replace the lens.

  3. glad u r ok. but cant blame just the driver, road in thailand is not like the countryside road in the UK where u came from and u know that! so u should be more careful next time. and when about to cross the road just trust urself not listen to anyone else.

    i hope it wont happen to u again.

    good luck :)

  4. the reason that i wouldnt want to try because, i can not eat cream cheese butter or even drink milk ,and from it name tells me i should avoid ...or the paragon maid has to clean up my vomit and it wouldnt be nice if it happen infront of the shop ,dont u think? :whistling:

    lol sorry for too much detail...

  5. maybe the tiny ants, it is very very tiny and u hardly see it, i got bit for awhite till i found out it was that tiny ants, . check on ur towel if u hang it in the toilet rack ,look carefully , coz i found lots of that tiny ants hide on my towel. dont want to thinking about it again..... :blink:

  6. I've been on the lowest rate 6mbps 599THB ex vat package since they introduced it. I used to have to call them once a week when it dropped to below 1mbps and they'd fix it, only to last for another few days when I'd call them again, and again. Since then they've fixed it and it hangs around 4-4.4mbps, not really 6mpbs as advertised but I guess they figure that in and you cannot be bothered to waste your life calling them up every few days. Can only laugh at at all the 6mbps posters around town sucking in the customers. Where else are they going to go?

    same problem , the guy said the speed will less 15 percent of the max coz its swing around (that what he said he really say the "swing" word) lol

    i always contact them vie True care chat, u can get into at at trueonline web, , i still having fun calling them to come around to get the speed as i told them i will pay half next month if u not come lol(i knwo it wont do anything to them).

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