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Anthony mellows

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  1. Nelson Mandela will be turning in his grave.
  2. Easy,Put hardened glass screens up.
  3. Makes me laugh when they go on about far left, socialists,communists etc.In any other country these people would be moderates.
  4. Remember the Falklands .British troops man for man far superior than US.
  5. Sounds like Trump has had a quiet word with him.
  6. Never get any problems with air travel, as they are forced to meet international standards.
  7. Did not get it yesterday.
  8. Why not make 1000 baht notes a totally different colour from 100 baht notes.Can easily mistake one from the other if it is dark, or your eyes are not great.
  9. If they are all deported to their country of origin, they will need a hell alot of planes.
  10. Isn't this is what ASEAN is for, to solve the problems of the region. Just a talking shop it seems to me.
  11. That's what I thought. On a similar theme, when someone dies and they say ' He/she, lived life to the full' you can bet they were a drug addict,alcoholic,sex addict.
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