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Posts posted by Hutch68

  1. 1 hour ago, Wilsonandson said:

    I remember getting my head stuck in a saucepan when I was toddler. Had to go to hospital and get it removed. I think the nurse used margarine. Also my brother who was 5 years at the time drunk a whole tin of braso metal polish. He also went to hospital, stomach pumped and was right as rain the next day.

    Small kids are difficult to look after and sometimes accidents happen. You can't blame the parents for everything because you can't watch your kids 24/7. Accidents will happen, to most young children. This one is more serious as the child could be blinded for life in one eye. But its not the parents fault. It was just a tragic accident.

    He did well to drink a full tin of braso it's bloody orible!

  2. 7 hours ago, Prbkk said:

    Some I buy in Thailand and have delivered; some I bring from Europe and Australia ( just 200 or 300mls at a time. No one in customs has shown any interest and neither does security screening. I suspect they are more interested in large scale importation for sale rather than individuals.

    So is there anyone on this super duper forum able to tell expats and people coming to visit Thailand if its ok to vape and bring your own juice or order online while you are here without some <deleted> saying its illegal or a mod who I think should be helping on this one posting ILLEGAL CLOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Come on chaps it was all fair and square. Upside you was interested carlyai was just quicker off the mark and carlyai it's not nice to gloat.
    So let's sort things out, upside I challenge thee to a duel, a shootout, me and carlyai take you and one of your chums on at an afternoon of mindless drinking and a few frames of pool. You guys up for it?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

  4. Hi a while ago I was told of a weekly get together at a hotel in Kalasin, I think at the Tupac hotel. Does this weekly shindig still go on? What time and day and do I have the correct hotel? Are there any other regular drinking sessions in the area?

    Cheers Hutch.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

  5. I've got one for sale in Kalasin. Good condition with 5 que's, que rest, bag of bits and bobs for cleaning and cover. The thing weighs a ton it took 7 people to lift the top in. I could probably sort delivery for you but I'd imagine you want to see it first. If you or anyone else is interested pm me.

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  6. gee HUTCH that ride doesnt last long,rotherham has only a dog track.
    i hate it when my mrs.likes to wrap her legs around my boy on bed,why i cant do it anymore.

    Well she is very small, but your correct about one thing meatboy it doesn't last long with me being sat watching her wiggle for 20 min with a stiffy and the speed she bolts out of the gate.
    I could have sworn I went to watch the nag's at Rotherham but then again it was a very long time ago.

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  7. Hello, I have a group of people coming over to visit next month and quite a few of them now vape. Some have asked if high quality vaping liquids are for sale at vape shops in Bangkok, Pattaya or in Patong. I'm not talking about ecig liquid they want the high end stuff at 3mg to 6mg of nicotine preferably banana , vanilla and tobacco flavors. I may also buy one of these vape kits myself as I smoke way too many fag's so any info on a good starter mod and tank available in Thailand would be much appreciated. Any info on both questions?

    Thanks, Hutch.

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  8. Hoolahooping, my wife hoolahoops and exercises every evening when the kids are in bed, wiggling her firm butt in my face. This leads to me getting an erection and to finish her session off she rides me like Willy Carson romping home in the 4.40 at Rotherham, super annoying when I want to watch the news!
    Seriously though if any of you are looking for a stocking filler this Christmas for the lady in your life buy her a hoolahoop.

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  9. I had a conversation on this subject in a bar the other night. The north American pundits were saying that the £ sterling had dropped as far as it was going to go whereas I was predicting that it would drop much further; eventually to parity against the Euro and maybe even parity against the US$. Maybe I should explain that the bulk of my pension is paid in Euros so they are more relevant to me than £s sterling however if the £ sterling drops against the Euro, it usually drops against the Thai Baht as well although the Baht tends to follow the US$ exchange rate more than the £ sterling or Euro, as you would expect.
    The north Americans were wrong. When Theresa May announced her intention to invoke article 50, the £ sterling plummeted to new lows against the US$ and against the Euro, with the £ -v- Baht rate tagging along with the trend.
    Trying to figure out what will happen next is fraught with difficulty right now. I have read, in a number of places, that the Thai Central Bank have been buying Baht to support the currency as they thought the King's death could cause a run on the Baht due to fears of instability in the country and the Baht therefore rose in value following the announcement of the death of the King. Assuming the rumours of Central bank support are true, presumably they will stop supporting it at some stage as continuing to do so for a protracted period can drain currency reserves pretty drastically and now that the succession has been formally announced, there is less of a risk of instability in the Thai economy.
    The wild card in the immediate future is the US election. If Trump takes the White House, is the US$ going to soar or crash? My assumption is that it will crash if Trump is elected. If that is correct, then the £ Sterling (and the Euro) will probably rise significantly against the Thai Baht after the US election. 
    Here is the £ -v- US$ chart
    and here the £ -v- Baht
    As you can see they follow each other very closely. 
    Me, myself, I would wait until after the US elections and make your decision after that but I could be wrong...

    So we may need a trump victory. I'd vote for him he's got spunk and his wife's a bit of a looker.
    Up Donnie Darko!

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