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Posts posted by PEE TEE

  1. 50 minutes ago, IvorBiggun2 said:

    The police get 95% of all fines issued. The government get the remaining 5%. The 95% is divided between all police staff within the confines of the station of the issuing officer. It's pooled so that officers that remain at their office get an equal share.

    Thanks for the info I am surprised 

  2. How can it be decimalizes when you put limits on the THC percentage. Either is all legal or its not who would know ?  what form is escapable compressed weed resin oil ? according  to what i see anything goes at this present time. As for medical use that's been going for ages maybe not Thailand but other country's for MS etc. Not THC but another chemical from the plant reduces epileptic fits  

  3. A beautiful photo of a resort in koh samui. they want it to be a premium resort . so would you like to see the photos  of all the rubbish on the back roads and the potholes what never seem to be repaired .... only before someone important arrives . the beach at chawing needs to cleaned of the plastics bottles that people leave .and the boxing promotion vans with very loud speakers ,even louder the annoying boat going along the beach with even louder speakers playing middle eastern music with has nought to do with Thai boxing.so if you do not want it to Cheap then sort out the Cheap appearance not  put super photos to mislead the tourist   

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