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Posts posted by pwllgrgn

  1. Yes yes... I had the same problems, they dont believe in top sheets here. Its been very hard to find them. There is one place I know and they have all sizes, but the only color is hospital white. No variation at all. If this is what you are interested, pm me and I will give you directions. Also... because they seem to be the only one selling them, they are charging as if they were made of spun gold. Very very strange. But its so hot here that a sheet is all I need and a blanket is too much with out serious air con.


    Thanks for the reply. I have sent you a message. :o

  2. Hello

    Thanks for all the replies. I am worried sick about him travelling all the way to Thailand in a crate and wish there was an alternative to doing this. Regarding the crate I have already started making enquiries with a number of pet relocators who offer a service of making made to measure wooden crates, he is too big for the plastic ready made ones. I have read somewhere that if you attach 2 water bottles, one with water and the other with ice, so that the dog always has water. Don’t know if anyone has heard of this before? I certainly will start to crate train him as soon as I have acquired one for him. How many months in advance is it advisable to do this? Does anyone know if a fan is a good idea?

    I have spoken to the manager of Thai Airways cargo regarding Marco and his flight arrangements and he did not mention any restrictions on the months I could take him. I will certainly contact him again and ascertain if they have this restriction in place.

    As far as I can tell I cannot get a direct flight to Chiang Mai from the UK so will have to go via Bangkok. If anyone knows differently please let me know? I think that the earliest Thai Airways connecting flight from Bangkok lands at Chiang Mai at 0855 hours. I am being met by a friend of mine and she is bringing a Thai friend of hers who’s uncle and brother are both Customs Officers. We will be renting a house for a couple of weeks which is dog friendly until we can look around Chiang Mai for a long term house rental.

    I have also read on another website that a the plane cannot take off without your dog is onboard. And to check that the dog has been loaded before you board the flight. I have attached a photograph so you can see my baby. :o


  3. Hello

    I am coming to live in Thailand in the next few months. I am bringing my German Shepherd with me. He will be flying with Thai Airways on the same flight as me. I am really worried about him being cooped up for 12+ hours in his crate. I have been given conflicting advise whether to crate train him or not. Has anyone got any really good tips on how to make this process as painless as possible for him. And before anyone suggests it - No I cannot leave him in the UK

    Thanks :o

  4. Hello

    I am going to be moving to Chiang Mai in the near future. I have a friend who moved there with her husband in 2006. I have no reason not to believe what she has told me but I am wondering if anyone else has experienced the same. She flew with Thai Airways from the UK, she apparently just turned up at Heathrow with every suitcase she owned and numerous packing cases. When the staff on the checkout saw that she only had a one way ticket they did not charge her excess baggage. I don’t want to turn up and then be refused, but before I make enquiries with Thai Airway has anyone else had the same experience :o

  5. Hi

    Don't know if any of these are of any good to you

    Tri Phet Rd (the road that runs on to the Memorial Bridge) has a large number of art material suppliers in an area opposite the Po Chang Art School

    DHAS 210 Suriwong Rd (opp Neilson Hays Library). Tel: 237-2895. Has excellent supply of water colour paper, brushes and paints.

    Mah Boon Krong shopping centre Many art supply shops on the ground floor


  6. Hello

    Sorry to read about your situation. I know it must be very upsetting and stressful for you. It is difficult enough moving if everything runs smoothly without this extra hassle. Doesn't sound as if Luthansa are very efficient. I think that BA might have the same policy as if you telephone Worldcargo, you get a recorded message with a list of of pet relocators. You have just made my mind up to go with Thai Airways and Marco as cargo on the same flight as myself. The cargo people at Heathrow and Bangkok are very helpful especially the Manager and they only charge £12 a kilo.

  7. My wife and I arrived in Chiang Mai in October, together with our four cats that travelled in the cargo hold. (Four BIG cats plus cage weighed around 30 kgs.) The cage with the cats appeared on the regular cargo carousel, actually before any of the checked luggage. From our limited experience I would consequently say that there will be no need to go to the Cargo Facility. You will however be required to go through the "Red channel" as you have to pay import duty. For cats, and probably for dogs as well, the duty is 30% of the the animal's estimated (by you) value, so be prepared to come up with a reasonable value (i.e. taking into account that it is second hand equipment, possibly high mileage, any defects etc :o ).

    Best of luck!

    PS If you need any more specific details about our experience, Health Certificate etc, feel free to PM me. /Priceless


    Thanks for the reply. My dog plus his crate will weigh approx 70 kgs so don't know if they will put him on carousel?

    I have been told to list him on the paperwork as mixed breed - do you think that this will this make any differance to how much I can say he is worth? If customs duty is expensive would it not be cheaper to send as excess baggage?

  8. I hope you take into consideration pet's water and hot weather in Bangkok. You may never know where pets are kept between flights. Better check this and see that someone will go and check it after landing in Bangkok and before continue to next flight.


    I have just received an email from Thai Airways Cargo at Bangkok, seems that they did not understand my original question. As long as I get the paperwork right at this end then he can go straight to Chiang Mai and go through customs there. The time between connecting flights is not that long and I have been assured that he will be kept supplied with water. I have been told by a friend to attach 2 water bottles, one with water and one with ice which will gradually melt, just in case.

  9. Hello

    Thanks for the reply. I believe that you have to clear your pet through customs at Bangkok even if that is not your final destination. I am having trouble finding an airline which flies to Chiang Mai without stopping a couple of times to switch aircraft, which I don't think would be very good for him. Thai Airways charge £37 per kilo but apparantly have a weight restriction of 32 Kgs for health and safety reasons.

  10. Hello

    Does anyone know before I try and get the info from Customs themselves if you are bringing a pet with you and you are going to live in Chiang Mai, Phuket etc where do you clear customs. Is it Bangkok or your final destination? Does it make a differance whether they go as cargo or excess baggage? If it is Bangkok how long do you need to leave between connecting flights? :o

  11. Hello

    I am bringing my pet dog Marco with me later in 2007 we are going to be living in Chiang Mai. I have been in touch with Thai Airways Cargo at Heathrow who have advised me to take him as cargo on the same aircraft that I will be travelling on. Apparantly there is a weight restriction with Thai Airways if I take him as excess baggage. 32 Kgs is the maximum amount which can be handled if I were to check him in at the passenger terminal.

    I am rather concerned as I have read that if I take Marco as cargo even on the same aircraft as myself that it would take several hours before he is cleared on arrival at Chiang Mai and this will cause him a great amount of stress, as opposed to 15 minutes if he is taken as excess baggage.

    Before I start sending letters to the Cargo Manager (the only person you can get any sense out of) or looking for a alternative airline, I was wondering if anyone has any experience of collecting their pet from the Cargo facility.


  12. Hello

    Thank you for all the replies, I found the info given most helpful. I will be picking up my pet German Shepherd from the cargo and didn't want him stuck there any longer than necessary whilst I ran round the airport like a headless chicken trying to work out where the Cargo Terminal was. :o

  13. Hello

    I am coming to live in Thailand in the next few months. My dog has a sensitive digestion and eats Burgess Superdog for Senisitive Tummies (this is a dry complete dog food) in the UK. Can anyone tell me which makes of dry complete dog food are on sale in Thailand. I can see if I can get some in the UK and gradually wean him onto the new stuff before we arrive.

    Thanks :o

  14. Hi

    I have just received an email from the British Consulate in Chiang Mai and they have said

    Residency cetificate - standard fee of Baht 1,763.

    For the standard letter we require as follows:

    - Your current passport

    - Standard fee for a letter is Baht 1,763.00

    - Completed our registration form (provided at the Consulate)

    -processing time is 1 working day after we receive your documents

    Seems alot simpler than obtaining one from Thai Immigration

  15. i'm in the same situation as your wife's. i will leave to Kuala Lumpur (24-27 Jan) to apply for this visa as an dependent. this is a non-immigrate visa catelog "O", which has to be applied in any thai embassy or consulate, rather than inside thailand.

    here's the information i got:

    Initial place to contact: An alien must apply for non-immigrant visa "code O" at a Thai Embassy or Consulate abroad before he/she enters the country.

    Duration of the first permit: As warranted by this visa, the applicant will receive permission to stay for 90 days. Duration of extension: The Immigration Office will grant that applicant a maximum extension of one year at a time.


    1. Application Form T.M. 7.

    2. A copy of passport or substitute document.

    3. One 4*6 cm. Photo.

    4. Marriage certificate. - i've got it translated in thai

    5. 500 baht fee. - another info shows 1,900 baht

    6. Birth certificate (if any). - doesn't matter

    & current medical original certificate ( any Thai clinic will do for 30-50 baht). - the immigration officer in phuket didn't mention it, but i will have it done in any case

    7. Evidence to identify that the supporter or the one being supported has a Thai nationality or has residence in Thailand. - i'll bring a house agreement. or maybe the resident provement issued by immigration office is better (just bring your passport, work permit, house agreement, then will receive it easily)

    8. If an alien is the supporter, he must submit financial evidence (>40,000 per family), proof of employment, work permit and tax receipts.

    although eventually not all the above are requested by the consulate, better to provide more than less.

    as i've understood, the embassy / consulate will issue a visa allows to stay upto 90 days, afterward, can have it renewed upto 1 year at the immigration office in thailand.

    however, if your work permit is valid less than 90 days the time when your wife applies for her depentent visa, she will receive permission to stay till your work permit's expired. once you have your work permit renewed, she can apply for extension at the immigration office afterwards.

    Sorry but this info is wrong. Someone has given JiaJia the required docs if he is supporting a Thai to apply for the visa at the Consulate.

    Simontree has a foreign wife and I surmise JaiJai has as well. If you have a tourist visa, it can be changed to a "O" visa without leaving Thailand.

    Application for Visa Status Alteration. (TM.86)

    Copy to passport entries.

    4 X 6 cm. Photograph.

    Application fee of 2,000 baht.

    Passport and work permit of the foreigner who is granted permission to stay in Thailand

    Registration papers of the company, with details of the company's objectives.

    VAT registration.

    List of the Board of Directors.

    Documents proving that the applicant is the wife or husband ; a marriage certificate

    Letter from a embassy or consulate in Thailand ( wherever the marriage took place....example if it was Amsterdam then you go to the Dutch Embassy in BKk) , certifying that the applicant is of the referred family, This certificate copy then must be translated into Thai and certified by the Department of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    If however the wife is going to a Consulate/ Embassy, she takes a copy of the foreigners work permit who is granted permission to stay in Thailand, Registration papers of the company( foreigner who is employed by them and granted permission to stay in Thailand), with details of the company's objectives, VAT registration. List of the Board of Directors. Letter from the company that you are employed and that the wife needs a "O" visa to join you as the husband and you have a work permit.Copy of the marriage certificate. two 4 X 6 cm. Photograph

    Once she has the "O" visa either from going to the Embassy or changing it in Thailand, she would apply as a dependent of you for a extension of stay permit.

    1. Application form

    2. Copy of passport of the applicant

    3. Copy of passport of the foreigner who is granted permission to stay in Thailand.

    4. Copy of documents showing the relationship such as the evidence of marriage, copy of birth certificate of the children. Letter from a Embassy or consulate in Thailand ( wherever the marriage took place....example if it was Amsterdam then you go to the Dutch Embassy in BKk) , certifying that the applicant is of the referred family, This certificate copy then must be translated into Thai and certified by the Department of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    5. Copy of work permit of the foreigner who is granted permission to stay in Thailand

    6. One "4 X 6 cm." Photograph

    Our professional fee is 3,900 Baht and the government fee is 1,900 Baht.



    Can I just query No 4 'This certificate copy then must be translated into Thai and certified by the Department of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I have been informed several times that I do not need my marriage certificate translating into Thai or certified by MFA. Is this only required if your spouse is Thai? We are both British.

  16. just back from KL, didn't get non-imm O visa still, which is not unexpected... gor a TR visa instead, have antoher 30 days to prepare the docs.

    here're the requirements (a print out given by the visa officer):

    DEPENDANT VISA (dependant of spouse or parent working in Thailand)

    - Completed visa application form

    - Orignial passport valid not less than 6 months and copy of passport

    - Recent passport-sized colored photograph(s)

    - Original and copy of Offical Marriage Certificate (for spouse)

    - Copy of birth certificate (for children)

    - Documents required from the inviting company in Thailand:

    * Original invitation letter stating applicant's name, passport number and relationship with company's employee, requesting for Non-Immigration Type "O" visa

    * Copy of the company's registration certified by authorized director

    * Copy of the company's shareholders

    * Copy of the company's latest balance sheet

    * Copy of the inviting company's registration of valued-added tax (VAT).

    * Copy of the work permit (if any)


    - single entry: RM200

    - multiple entries: RM500


    - visa application: 09:30 - 11:30am

    - visa collection: 11:30 - 12:30am (on the next working day)

    Open on Mon - Fri. further contact: 603-214 8822 ext 015/016


    application must apply in person and must have all required documents ready for submission. only properly completed application forms will be accepted.

    All fees paid are not refundable.


    Is the same documentation required for the 'dependants visa' if the spouse is retired? :o

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