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Posts posted by pwllgrgn

  1. Hi

    I am a British citizen and I am going to live in Chiang Mai in the next few months. I will be travelling on a Multi -entry Non Immigration O visa and hopefully once in Thailand applying for the extension based on retirement. I have been given conflicting advice whether a criminal records check is required. I have enquired with the police in the UK and they only give a form not a letter of any kind. If it is required would this form be acceptable and does it need translating into Thai? :o

  2. Yes I agree with Dave:

    The only difference is they return mine in the post:

    But why do they need your original pension papers every year, surely once they have them on record after your first application that should suffice.

    And why do we need to get a fresh letter every Year for Immigration the only change on mine is the date, plus my original pension papers dont reflect what my pension is now because it is index linked.


    Yes I decided I wanted to do the postal both ways option, and that is EXACTLY what I did.

    I sent my letter and documents to the Embassy, and 43 days later I received ALL my documents back plus the Embassy official letter.

    I do not know what this original signature item is: I of course sent a covering letter requesting the Embassy letter and it was signed by me. I also signed all photocopies as well, to be safe. I seem to recall I also chose to send ONE pension payment slip to support the Pension letter (but that was my belt and braces choice to do so).

    My understanding is that you only need the ONE Embassy letter which can be used every year for Visa renewals whilst the SAME UK passport is valid because the Embassy letter makes reference to you and also your passport number (which will change upon renewing your passport).

    ONE reason I can think of why you MAY want a NEW Pension letter in a future year (even though your passport used is still valid) is IF your pension rises each year AND IF your pension cannot currently quite reach the 65,000 baht a month threshold (like mine ONLY a little short and you need cash in a Thai bank to make up the difference) it MAY in future with one or two annual increases if you are JUST under the threshold at present thus removing the money in a Thai bank requirement (helpful).

    Even if your pension will not reach the 65,000 baht a month for years, then ANY increase in pension and a new Embassy pension letter will reduce the balance you will need tied up in a Thai bank for at least 3 months prior to renewal request. (once again helpful)

    Regards, Dave


    Still not sure last two years I have had to send everything Bkk to get new letter;

    All returned within 7 days, but my original pension forcast well exceeds the 65000bht.

    Last year I emailed my monthly Pension advice and also posted the original forcast when the letter returned the Yealry Gross was walked out on an emailed pension slip.

    This year I am going to try emailing my original pension as an attachment see if they accept this, at one time an Immigration told me that show same letter next year no problem but British Embassey said no new each year, left hand right hand syndrome I think

    Thanks for all the good advice :o

  3. Hi

    I'm in the UK at the moment, I'm just planning ahead. The marriage certificate is for when I apply for an extension based on retirement/dependant. I thought if I had it done whilst in UK less to think about once in Chiang Mai. Would the Immigration except it if it has been certified by Thai Consulate in UK? :o

    hi,im just going through the process myself but for a thai marriage visa,im planning to live in los within a year...i called the thai consul in the u.k,and they gave me this number....mrs edwards in bristol..0117989686,£52.88 inc vat,apparently this is good enough to show immigration when in thailand....

    You are an absolute star. Thanks so much :D

  4. Can anyone please advise if a British marriage certificate has to be translated into Thai for the extension for retirement and dependant visas? I have had conflicting advice. I have read some of the old threads on the forum which says it does but one of the Thailand legal firms that I contacted says it doesn’t. One of the Thai Consulates in the UK have told me that they will arrange the translation and certification for me if I want them to. We are both British :o

  5. As long as you can get stamped in/out of another country you can use any legal border crossing. Once you obtain the extension your husband can also obtain the same extension period (just the reason different than you). So he will not have to make border crossings either but will have to make 90 day address reports the same as you and will have to obtain a re-entry permit prior to travel outside of Thailand.

    Thank you so much. I have been pulling my hair out trying to find out this information. I think that I have been asking the wrong questions as I think that I was confusing evryone including myself. :o

  6. You will receive a 90 day permitted to stay stamp - nothing more.

    You will apply for extension of stay, not and O-A visa, after you have satisfied the 3 month requirement for funds in your Thai account.

    Your husband can then obtain an extension of his stay based on your extension (at same time).


    I have just read the Nomenclature For Types Of Visa And Permissions To Stay For Thailand which makes it alot clearer. So when I read other threads on this forum and see people applying for the O-A (Retirement Visa) they haven't enterered Thailand with a Non Imm O Visa valid for 12moths?

    Would you therefore wait untill the UK visas are due to expire?

    Did the rest look ok?

    Thanks :D

    Not sure you read the pinned thread close enough, but nevertheless, what you need to do is get in the one year validity multi entry type O visa in the UK. Arrive in Thailand and get a 90 day permission to stay entry stamp. Open a Thai bank account, transfer 800k from UK into account. After 89 days, fly to KL or Singapore for weekend holiday. Come back to Thailand and get another 90 day permission to stay stamp. After 60 days, go to immigration and apply for 1 year extension based on retirement and 800k in bank for 3 months for you and dependent extension for husband.

    You do it right, cross the "t's", dot the "i's" and you are set.



    Thanks for the info. I think that I am beginning to understand the process a little bit better.

    Can you obtain the permission to stay stamp by crossing over the border say into Myanmar and returning the same day? If my husband is granted the extension does he have to keep leaving Thailand every so many months to obtain a permission to stay stamp? :o

  7. You will receive a 90 day permitted to stay stamp - nothing more.

    You will apply for extension of stay, not and O-A visa, after you have satisfied the 3 month requirement for funds in your Thai account.

    Your husband can then obtain an extension of his stay based on your extension (at same time).


    I have just read the Nomenclature For Types Of Visa And Permissions To Stay For Thailand which makes it alot clearer. So when I read other threads on this forum and see people applying for the O-A (Retirement Visa) they haven't enterered Thailand with a Non Imm O Visa valid for 12moths?

    Would you therefore wait untill the UK visas are due to expire?

    Did the rest look ok?

    Thanks :o

  8. Hi

    Just want to check to see if I am correct with the following. I am 50 years old and my husband is 46. I would like to retire in Thailand and would like my husband with me. We are both British. He does not intend to work or open a business.

    1. Both apply for12 month Multiple Non Immigration O visa from Consulate in UK

    2 Travel to Thailand and hopefully nice Immigration Officer at airport will stamp visas for 12 months

    3. Open Thai Bank Account and transfer money form UK

    4. Do visa run before first 90 days have elapsed.

    5. Have British Wedding certificate translated into Thai and verified by British Embassy in Bangkok

    6. Once the funds have cleared I apply for O-A (retirement )visa

    Regarding my husband which would be the best option wait for his 12 month Multiple Non Immigration O visa from Consulate in UK to expire or apply for another for12 month Multiple Non Immigration O visa (dependants visa) at the same time as I apply for mine?

    Any information would be gratefully received. Any replies in plain English please as I am confused enough. Thanks :o

  9. I am over here working having arrived on a multiple non-B and my fiancee and baby on Multiple non-O, My WP application and I am hoping :o this will be here before my first 90 days.

    I was told that once I get my WP my dependants will not need to do visa runs - is this correct?

    however I was also told that, as I am not married my partner and son have to do a visa run every 90 days.

    Can someone clarify?


    It is true that you and your dependents do not have to do visa runs but only if you (or your company) will apply for an "extension of stay". You just have to process a 90 days notification instead of a visa run.

    If you are not married to your partner how can you legally call them dependents?

    Does this include a person who has an O-A visa (Longstay/retirement) whose spouse has a dependants visa? Also what do you mean by 'You just have to process a 90 days notification instead of a visa run'

  10. Hi

    Thanks for all the answers. I posted this thread because I was interested to know what the situation with the dependants visa is, as I will be appyling for the 'retirement/longstay' visa when we arrive sometime in 2007 and my husband who is not yet 50 was thinking about the dependants visa. I was hoping that the dependants visa was valid for 12 months without doing a visa run and renewable every 12 months like the 'retirement/longstay' :o

  11. Went and got 4 (husband (50), me & 2 sons) just before new year from Birmingham. Just took forms and cash, in & out in 15 mins, no questions and I had not filled in all the questions. Probably best to ring before and ask. We will sort retirement extension & dependant bit later so will do visa runs every 3 months so getting up to 15 months from the visa since cost was £90 each plus £10 for going in person.

    Immigration stamp passport for 3 months on arrival. True??


    Did you go to the Honaray Consulate or the official Consulate or Embassy?

  12. Hi

    Thanks for all the replies. I was informed that if you went to one of the Honarary Consulates in the UK not the official Embassies or Consulates then you could obtain a 12 month one year multiple entry non-immigrant O visa without any difficulty.I don't know whether I misunderstood the info I was given or it is incorrect. I cannot get my head around all these requirments, or am I just being thick. If the info ps incorrect I think that we would be better sticking to our original plan.

    Does anyone know if you have a dependents vis do you have to do a visa run every 90 days? :o

  13. Hi

    I am getting very confused. I am coming to live in Thailand in the next few months with my husband. We were going to apply for a 90 day Non Immigration type O visa in the UK. Once in Thailand I was going to apply for the Non Immigration type O-A visa (Longstay) as I am 50 and I was advised by Sunbelt Asia for my husband who is under 50 to apply for the Dependents Visa.

    I have now been told that the easiest and fastest way to get a one year visa is to go to one of the Honorary Consulates in the UK before coming to Thailand and they will give both me and my husband a one year multiple entry non-immigrant O visa simply by asking for it. Is this true? If it is:

    1. Do you need to show the Honorary Consulate proof of funds?

    2. Do you have to go to the Immigration in Thailand to have it stamped?

    3. How do you renew it after the 12 months have elapsed?

    Hope this makes sense :o

  14. Hi

    Thank you for this information. Regarding point 5

    In cases of having dependents (husband / wife, ), the applicant must provide evidence indicating their relationship. Evidence must be translated into Thai and be certified by the embassy or consulate of the aliens.

    I take it you mean our marriage certificate. Would we have this translated into Thai in UK or wait until we got to Thailand? And would the British Embassy in Bangkok certify it for us?

    Do you have an office in Chiang Mai?

    One other point the evidence that we have no criminal record do we need to obtain this before we leave UK and does it need to be translated into Thai?

    Thank you :o

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